There are simply no words sufficient for the despicable activities of the Dark DNC. After having been a life-long Democrat, (this year registered as an Independent) it is hard to believe, how far and how fast the party has degenerated. It is both outrageous and heart-breaking what we are now up against.

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Sue Clear Choice and the DNC under RICO for injunctive relief and dissolution of these racketeering enterprises.

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Will they ever stop being dishonest??

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Yes - when it becomes politically expedient to be honest!

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Never! They are running scared! They know their time is running out.

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It’s clear the dirty tricks club is working overtime to derail RFKJr at every turn no matter what 🤔

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Update: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is on the ballot in North Carolina! https://open.substack.com/pub/thekennedybeacon/p/ballot-access-breaking-news-kennedy-01a

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The Rotten Banana Republic is at it again.

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You’ve got to think that these operatives never actually watch Biden “in action.” His Normandy appearance was beyond embarrassing and disturbing. Voters do not even want this dangerously impaired person on the ballot—no wonder they have to work so hard to derail Bobby.

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Also, I send along a little advice to Bobby about his interview with Eric Metaxas on June 25. It is best to come across as relaxed, charming and informative. Absolutely do not act adversarial Or be overly pedantic. If asked about abortion say it’s been turned over to the states now. Also The audience is probably going to be more pro Israeli than most. That’s my insiders advice as a fellow evangelical Christian.

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This is tame compared to what they are doing to Trump. Look for more outrageous attacks.

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And then there is Hoffman. A visitor of Epsteins Island. I wonder who has his photos and who is pulling his strings.

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I'm sending a warning to the deep state and the Democratic machine. If Kennedy is not on the ballot, every single one of us is going to vote for Trump out of spite. Whatever we may think of Trump, he's not the threat to democracy.

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Trump Being A "Convicted Felon" Does Not Magically Make Him A Mortal Enemy Of "The Establishment" -- Michel Tracey – June 13, 2024 An OUTSTANDING analysis -- well researched and supported by facts.

In summary -- Biden or Trump == are SAME in all essentials. With Biden cabal, as astute Putin stated, being more predictable.

• So -- for whom to vote -- Jill Stein or RFK, Jr. ? I know, I know -- RFK, Jr. and Gaza.... ;-((

• The current system is completely rotten at all levels - BUT firmly in grip of war Uniparty.

RFK Jr. , a Democrat outsider, looks like willing to attempt to blow-away the bipartisan war Uniparty.

Instead, it will highly likely blow him away...



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