Could he choose someone outside those on a short list? If so, Flyby News would recommend RFK Jr.'s communications director, Del Bigree. We have been lobbying for the duo since before 2022. Time for 3rd Party – Independents Rising Up? https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2021/12/27/time-for-3rd-party-independents-rising-up/

This is a fine interview with Bigtree interviewed by Kim Iversen. https://youtu.be/P1ii9F_N3_c

This choice was also mentioned in FN's recent post - RFK, Jr. Middle East Peace + VP


Thanks to the Beacon for shining light on such a campaign for independence.

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I think its a done deal, but if its another headfake, it shows promise that these guys know strategy. They bought the domains the day he announced. Now, if she’s not then I have some super respect that his team brought out not just one distraction, of a wrestling or football guy, and now her. She would we willing to go along with it too am sure as a decoy.

But say she is the nominee. How does she speak? That’s going to matter. But apparently she’s bringing the $$$ to get him on the ballot in all 50.

I said before that he’d choose someone unknown, someone out of politics, and someone that was a woman and a CEO. She fits what I believe he needs as gender balance for votes.

I thought it would be someone older though, as that is the group he needs help with now.

IDK if this is a solid choice or not, but it could be, if she can speak and present well.

Here’s a good bio on her, she’s got a great story:

“She grew up in poverty in the San Francisco Bay Area where she lived off food stamps and tried to help her two unemployed parents financially.

In an interview with digital.modernluxury.com/publication?am…, Shanahan told of the struggles she faced as a child and how they led her to become an entrepreneur in her own right.

'As a kid, I really had to figure out how the world works on my own,' she said, explaining how her father was diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia when she was young, and her mother was a Chinese immigrant trying to make it in America….”

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She is a brilliant lawyer, with extraordinary tech skills. RFK is above all trying to reach and motivate young people. She will help him to navigate the weighty issues of AI and the need to formulate regulations, before AI ends us all;)) In addition, she has a strong interest in the environment and children’s health. I think she is a great pick. The money doesn’t hurt either. Whomever he chooses, it’s okay with me. I trust that he knows who will help his ticket most and who he trusts the most. It will be refreshing to see a young face in the sea of old men! Time to start passing the baton.

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I agree, she looks like a fresh choice. This just dropped, paid.

What’s her background?

Shanahan was raised in Oakland, the child of Chinese immigrant parents. According to her LinkedIn page, she graduated from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, where she majored in Asian Studies and minored in Economics and Mandarin. She later received a law degree from Santa Clara University School of Law.

She founded and served as CEO of the Palo Alto–based firm ClearAccessIP, a patent analytics company. In 2020, the firm was acquired by IPwe. Currently, she is the president and founder of the Bia-Echo Foundation, a private foundation that invests in “reproductive longevity and equality, criminal justice reform and a healthy and livable planet,” per its website.

In 2018, Shanahan married Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google, and had a daughter. In 2022, the Wall Street Journal reported that Brin had filed for divorce after Shanahan allegedly had a brief affair with tech billionaire Elon Musk. Both Musk and Shanahan deny the allegation. Brin and Shanahan’s divorce was finalized last year.

In February, the New York Times reported that Shanahan was behind Kennedy’s much-discussed Super Bowl ad, which was a play on a famous spot from his uncle’s 1960 campaign. In an interview, Shanahan confirmed that she gave $4 million to American Values 2024, the super-PAC that ran the ad, and was involved in its production. The 30-second clip reportedly cost $7 million in total.

There’s speculation that Shanahan, as a wealthy entrepreneur, could help Kennedy with the expensive task of accessing the ballot in all 50 states. The campaign previously estimated that it could cost $15 million to do so.

What are her politics?

Shanahan has donated to many Democratic candidates in the past, calling herself a “lifelong Democrat” in an interview with ABC News. In 2019, Vox reported that she was listed as a co-host for a Pete Buttigieg fundraiser in Palo Alto alongside other prominent Silicon Valley figures including Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and Michelle Sandberg, the sister of then–Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg. Shanahan also previously donated the $2,800 individual maximum to both Buttigieg and Marianne Williamson’s campaigns during the 2020 election, as well as $25,000 to the Biden Victory Fund PAC, per Forbes.

Are there any other signs that Shanahan might be the one?

The location of the campaign’s announcement could possibly be a hint. The March 26 event is scheduled to be held in Oakland, a city that Shanahan has deep ties to.

And in its article over the weekend, Mediaite found that the website domain www.kennedyshanahan.com had been registered on March 13 and that a donation page appeared live. The domain was apparently registered to Link Lipsitz, a Kennedy campaign adviser.

Rolling Stone reported that a similar domain, kennedyrodgers.com, had been registered on March 4, indicating the Kennedy campaign’s interest — at least initially — in Aaron Rodgers as a potential running mate. After Rolling Stone contacted Doug Stafford, a Republican strategist who recently joined the Kennedy team and was connected to the registration, kennedyrodgers.com was taken offline.

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And that answers my question, they don't know to hide the domain ahead of time. They do have ALOT of rookies on their team, from my estimation, about 90% of the leadership, so they are gonna make dumb mistakes like this. Anyway, the above sounds fine, it will entirely depend on how she comes across speaking.

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Shanahan is as tech savvy as they come, so some mistakes like that probably won’t happen. It was really a boost to his campaign that everything leaked. For once he had the news cycle for a couple of days.

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The hateful vile commentator in this thread ! Ugh!!!!

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You seem to have very little bandwidth.

Try asking better questions. Characterizeing what you and apparently others do not comprehend is telling. Those who do not understand... not too bright.

hey hey all the way!

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Hey, this is so the antithesis of what RFK is trying to accomplish. Let’s be kind💕

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is kindness different from telling the truth?

you pretty sure you know what RFK is trying to accomplish?

I realize you mean well and have standards. So do others

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??? Don’t know what you mean. I was replying to Susan! You have very little bandwidth! Jeez!!!

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This individual always posts hateful comments!

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I’ve noticed….I don’t understand.🤔

Hang out somewhere else.

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Agree! Why does he persist in commenting. He does not like Bobby!

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I sure do!! RFK…all the way!

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A American Indian native’ would be perfect !

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Bernie Sanders?

Cris Coumo?

It would be nice if it’s just as our constitution says

For the people by the people!

Not a buy in not a political person just a everyday citizen

That can be his partner and our. Representative !

Remember the president is not in charge the house an senate make the country prosper or fail! It’s who

You pick in your state that really matters !

President has little to do with our laws and our country ! The biggest job he has is putting together the package the house chooses!

A commander in chief we all need to trust an have faith in the country to be great nation

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I’m hoping someone with higher intelligence kind open minded an REALLY CARES ABOUT THE AMERICAN CITIZENS AND THE WORLD!

Peace is one thing but the world will never find peace until

The greed an hate become a past in all humans.

The worlds in a big mess can one man one country fix this? It’s gonna take all humans to do thier part too!

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Would love to see a civil rights leader from the MLK era.

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You can take your cues from RFK. He tells the truth, but never sinks to name calling, or personal

attacks. Besides our words are teaching AI about humanity. If we keep up the cruel language and this bitter divide, AI will decide humanity isn’t worth keeping around;)). So let’s be kindly truthful.

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Assuming that Tulsi is really off the table, I'm starting to think that Andrew Yang is most likely. He's permanently burned bridges with the Democratic Party over the past few years and there's no chance he's going to start flirting with the Republican party. He's young, charismatic, ambitious, and power-hungry. He's one of the few people that are well-known in political circles who would probably accept the offer. The problem I see with him is that he's been fully on board with the Covid narrative and most if not all of the rest of the Biden agenda. The only reason he supported Dean Phillips in the primaries was because of Biden's age not because of his policies.

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Power hungry is the operative word. Look where a power hungry VP got JFK. Dead. Above all he needs someone that he can trust and who will bring in votes. The demographic he is working on is the young. Having money is a big plus too.

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Could go back and find it.

You certainly are easily triggered to foul language.

Did you learn that as a homeopathic remedy?

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No candidate for President has ever released actual names of "short-lister" for the VP selection prior to actually announcing the choice. Any actual names that have been floated, you can rest assured they will not be the choice.

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It was a brilliant play. He had the news cycle for a couple of days, which he can’t get otherwise. I think this is more a short list of people that he’d like to be folded into his administration in various programs.

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Its a public forum, comments are public.

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It actually matters little. Although Yang would further alienate any thinking person.

Ranked Choice, yeah, lets legalize election theft like Alaska did although its currently on the chopping block.

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Of those, I will guess Tricia Lindsay. I don't know anything about her, but she sounds like someone he could trust. My biggest concern is that he could choose from the usual pool and wind up with an LBJ in sheep's clothes. So, I would be fine with anyone untainted by politics.

I still wish it was Aaron Rodgers though.

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Hopefully, Kennedy will pick someone who is impeccably honest and demonstrable skilled in public policy making.

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