Excellent article. I know we all focus on the conspiracy, but we should also pause to reflect on RFK Jr.'s commitment to truth that is so vividly presented here.

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Thanks for reading my column -- those of you who did. As I wrote, CIA contractor Robert Maheu and his accomplices should go down in infamy for the assassination of RFK, not Sirhan Sirhan. For many years, I too thought wrongly that Sirhan -- "a Palestinian zealot" -- killed Senator Kennedy. RFK Jr.-- and anyone who examines the case -- knows who was truly behind the assassination of his father.

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Your work is admirable and enviable. Maheu is someone I omitted from a recent piece on RFK and Sirhan, and you have brought him to light with your customary eloquence. Disturbing commentary on America that a man could die in prison with no memory of having actually committed the crime.


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You can also connect Jack Hooper and Maheu to General David William Hutchison via American West Nursing Centers which started life off as Cal-Oak Oil & Gas.


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Conspiracy theorists were born with the Kennedy murders. Rightly so. The son of the slain father has stepped up to set things right. The conspirators, who've used ridicule to make themselves immune from prosecution, won't be laughing much longer.

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Literally in a way, because that's when the term was coined as a tactic to deflect against those who questioned the official JFK story.

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They were just called investigators, before the Psychological Warfare Dept. started programming people with the term "Conspiracy Theorist" after the Kennedy Assassination, because it was obviously not one man acting alone.

It was Organized Crime, Mossad (on Ben-Gurion's last orders before his resignation over the Battle of Letters) and Elements in the CIA and FBN.

They killed a lot of people to keep them quiet.

Then names connect to SO MUCH MORE.

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pretty sure that is an accurate assessment??? I think not.

People simply knew that the narrative was false. Therefor theories.

What immunity are you alluding to after humor?

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The "conspiracy" part is crucial. Kennedy was shot from two different directions, according to the autopsy. Yet the Official Story insisted, for whatever reasons, that there was only a lone gunman. Since the word conspire refers to two or more people, the officials decided the only way to cover their a$$es was to thoroughly ridicule those who theorized a conspiracy. It's a tactic that works incredibly well -- if you want people to not investigate, you virulently shame anyone who does; thus most others won't touch the topic... unless they're willing to be ridiculed, which luckily, a few brave souls have enough self-confidence to do.

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I respected RFK, Jr. for his visit to Sirhan and his appeal. This account details the "who" but what was the motive? Odd that a young Palestinian was chosen as the patsy. As with Oswald, making Americans think a different foreign enemy was involved, the second Kennedy assassination turned all eyes on an antagonist not of the US but of Israel.

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You assume that he was assassinated. Always have to go back to the basics with Psyops.


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Can you explain?

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"I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo." - Harry S. Truman

The CIA was never intended for national security, they were created as the enforcement arm for the CFR Globalists & NS status placed them above the law.

The Kennedy assassinations were the beginning of a war on national sovereignty that we are still in today & the fact that most people in the US still don't know that shows Operation Mockingbird never ended. That RFK Jr. should be elected president of the US some 50 years later would be the ultimate in poetic justice.

"... but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault. The hopeful aspect of the present situation is that even as nations resist appeals for "world government" and 'the surrender of sovereignty,' technological, economic and political interests are forcing them ..."

"The Hard Road To World Order" Richard Gardner, Foreign Affairs, April 1974


Biden is a CIA/CFR stooge, it really doesn't surprise me he is denying Secret Service protection at all:

"The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House " Madsen, 2012


Who was his VP for 8 years?

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... said Truman on December 22, 1963.

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EXACTLY one month after JFK was assassinated.

"I, therefore, would like to see the CIA be restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the President, and that whatever else it can properly perform in that special field— and that its operational duties be terminated or properly used elsewhere."


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You can thank Allen Dulles. He took the agency and turned it into his personal agency to gain more power than the president.

The Dulles brother had the power, Secretary of State and CIA Director. They answered to no one and did what they wanted.

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How did he get on the Warren Commission? Is it a coincidence that Dallas & Dulles are so close in pronunciation? Now, that's a theory, this isn't:

"B. Scientific Acoustical Evidence Establishes a High Probability That Two Gunmen Fired at President John F. Kennedy; Other Scientific Evidence does not Preclude the Possibility of Two Gunmen Firing at the President; Scientific Evidence Negates Some Specific Conspiracy Allegations"


And they didn't open another official investigation? We're only talking about the assassination of a sitting US president - who has something to hide? Ask Joe Biden:

"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. calls for Biden to release last of JFK assassination records"

NOV. 21, 2023


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LBJ choose everyone on the Warren Commission.

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"The new president, Lyndon B. Johnson, himself from Texas, the state where the two assassinations had taken place, found himself faced with the risk of a weakening of his presidency. Confronted with the results obtained by the Texas authorities, themselves seriously discredited and criticized, he decided after various consultations, including in particular that with FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, to create a presidential commission of inquiry by Executive Order 11130 of November 29, 1963. This act made it possible both to avoid an independent investigation led by Congress and to avoid entrusting the case to the Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy, deeply affected by the assassination, whose federal jurisdiction would have been applied in the event of withdrawal of the share of the State of Texas for the benefit of the federal authorities in Washington."


Another interesting pick aside from Dulles: John J. McCloy

"After the war, he served as the president of the WORLD BANK, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, a member of the Warren Commission, and a prominent United States adviser to all presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan."


"McCloy continued to specialize in German cases and in 1936 Mccloy traveled to Berlin where he had a meeting with Rudolf Hess. This was followed by McCloy sharing a box with with Adolf Hitler and Herman Goering at the Berlin Olympics. McCloy's law firm also represented I.G. Farben and its affiliates during this period."


Ruby's testimony to the Warren Commission while in prison:

"Mr. RUBY. Consequently, a whole new form of government is

going to take over our country, and I know I won’t live to see you another time."


How did Ruby know in 1964 the very thing the CFR would openly talk about in 1974?

"... but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault. The hopeful aspect of the present situation is that even as nations resist appeals for "world government" and "the surrender of sovereignty," technological, economic and political interests are forcing them ... "As in the case of the U.S. Constitution, we are more likely to make progress by pressing the existing instrument to the outer limits of its potentialities through creative use, seeking amendments only on carefully selected matters where they seem both necessary and capable of adoption by the constitutionally required majority." ~ Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Affairs, April 1974 - page 559

"This should enhance the authority of the WORLD BANK, the regional development banks and the U.N. Development Pro- gram over the economic policies of rich and poor nations." ~ Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Affairs, April 1974 - page 560


Evidently, the plan hasn't changed, it's still om their website:


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LOL I subscribe to the theory that obummer is still in charge. I'm laughing not at you but at useless bye-dem.

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I don't think any of them control Jack:

"The Story of Obama: All in the Company" Madsen, 2010


"Hidden story behind Obama CIA ties" Webre, 2012


"Think You Have A Choice?" Dr. Dennis Cuddy, 2008


That's what makes an Independent so threatening to all of them.

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True. Bummer's not in charge, he's just apparently still an active cog behind the scenes.

3 GREAT articles, thanks for the links

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Evidence that Jo Bama is running the show is well taken. Question is who or what is pulling JoBama's strings???

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Next higher rung is or was someone named Valerie Jarrett. I forget if she was cia, or ses or what. Ultimately though it's pretty certain that R0ck-a-fella is pulling the strings, right?

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If his uncle were assassinated...

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Eye 👁️ don’t even know what to say except I was 4 When senator Kennedy was taken … tears are welling as the truth I’ve felt and known - that changed my life and the lives of everyone on the planet is finally emerging and in the light!!

You are such a maverick Mr Talbot !!

I’ve waited my entire 60 years for this moment to arrive !!!

My friend has COURAGEOUSLY picked the torch🔥 from the last man standing his father , of the 4 slain , in their quest for true change a change , of spirit towards one another.

“We” are now the stewards of that spirit - the disobedience of love- of compassion and kindness towards all , of generosity of justice towards , all equal rights for all

of Prosperity for all!!

“We” are taking back that which was so violently usurped for the benefit of our grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren !!

We are creating A tsunami of authentic genuine divine majestic grace !!!

Love you all!!



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Another great article by David Talbot. To see Robert Kennedy's coroner Thomas Noguchi describe how the fatal bullets came from within an inch of the back of RFK's right ear, right where other witnesses placed Thane Caesar, see the film Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA War on Musicians and Activists. You can also see eyewitnesses describe how Sirhan got no closer than 2-4 feet from Kennedy.

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So a NYT's fake news columnist has another great contribution. The fatal bullets Yup

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CIA finds individuals susceptible to hypnosis to do their bidding. Don’t forget Hughes was the first to send satellites into space that have spy capabilities! Good discussion!

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Is it all proven that Sirhan is that susceptible for hypnosis? Source please…

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Like a double-blind peer-reviewed experiment?

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So who gave the order?

The Evica-Drago Conspiracy Model predicts a three-level structure rendered in diagram form within a diamond-shaped enclosure. The thin top and bottom sections are reserved for Sponsors and Mechanics respectively. The wide center section is the domain of Facilitators arranged in descending order of significance.

A shadow diamond placed next to the main illustration is reserved for False Sponsors, Facilitators and Mechanics.

In Mr. Talbot's scenario, Maheu would be placed among the Facilitators immediately below the Sponsor level border. Cesar would appear at the lowest point of that center section.

Would top Facilitators have placed their faith in a rent-a-cop -- albeit one with incriminating connections -- to perform the plot's single make-or-break action?

So who gave the order? My agonizingly vague and frustrating hypothesis: the same supra-national group of "investors" who initiated the Dallas action.

How's that for being red-white-and-blue balled?

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Assumptions everywhere. Occam's Razon time. The simplest explanation is almost always correct...

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When it comes to dissection of intelligence operations, Occam's Razor is the dullest of blades.

Sophisticated intel ops are designed to include fabricated "evidence", buttressed by logically falacious arguments from authority, that superficially satisfy procedural standards of the Principle of Parsimony.

Neutron Activation Analysis, anyone?

Single bullet theory, anyone?

Official JFK post mortem photos and X-rays, anyone?

Official number of Ambassador pantry shots and recovered bullets and trajectory analysis, anyone?

For starters.

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"Truth Is Simple. Lies Are Complicated"

"Did you know…

NAFTA was rooted in open borders for ease of drug and human trafficking, both of which are primary funding mechanisms for the Deep State globalist agenda?

CIA cocaine ops were referred to as ‘Clinton Coke Lines’ back when President George Bush Sr., his buddy Bill Clinton, and Mexico’s Vice President Salinas de Gortari colluded on NAFTA.

Clinton Coke Lines spanned Haiti, the Caribbean, South America, Mexico, and the US. Numerous journalists were murdered in their determination to publicly expose it, including Danny Casolaro and Gary Webb."


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deletedMay 30
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Big surprise, search engines won't even touch said model (even after I remove the forbidden Con- word.) Is there more written about it? If not, there NEEDS to be! TY much.

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The late George Michael Evica and I initially were pleased that our model gained some traction within the JFK "community" from the late '90s through the first decade of this century.

And then most of the self-annointed elite researchers embarked on a still-dominant campaign of regurgitation over cogitation.

I have asked what I submit is the critical question in research volumes and journals and from lecterns at major conferences:

How can we define and effect justice for JFK and the untold millions collaterally damaged by his


Shameful silence ensues.

And so the vast majority of researchers are content to plan a route without a destination.

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Like most groups, I suppose even a loose one like JFK researchers has been infiltrated deeply and corrupted.

I hope your work will resurface when the time comes. Here's a situation where "Thank you for your service" has true meaning.

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It is not the top of the diamond, its the foundation of assumptions.

It the fundamental assumption is false, everything on top falls.

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Biden has no clue what is happening. He is not making that decision is my guess. He is crooked and surrounded by crooked.

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Biden absolutely knows that Bobby’s not getting Secret Service protection. The last time Bobby’s family was with Biden they specifically asked Biden to provide Secret Service protection. As you can see, he still doesn’t have it.

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I do not believe Biden is competent to be asked or to remember anything and therefore, I do not believe he does not have a clue what is happening in the world.

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Great article, good information.

I predict Biden steps down and Gavin Newsome is nominated for the Democratic candidate for 2024.

He reminds me of Bill Clinton, with less of a moral compass. God help us all.

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And — what will RFK Jr. say about current US genocide in Gaza?

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And — Sirhan is a Palestinian — a nation whose oppression and genocide US actively supports for 70 years….

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Would the controllers create false flags to manipulate public opinion? Seeing as how they can't accomplish much without it, I'm guessing they would.

Colin Powell: Israel will be gone in 20 years"


"Henry Kissinger Predicts ‘In 10 Years, There Will Be No More Israel"


What did Powell & Kissinger have in common? They were both on this list:

"Know Your Enemy - "Committee of 300" Membership List"


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You are not quoting Powell but his underling?!

Not sure about your overall message - they both knowingly lied or they spoke their genuine beliefs….

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If Israel has served it's purpose for the global elite, which apparently it has from the quotes, (I emphasize apparently because I don't trust any of them on the surface), that would require them to solicit public approval.

The EU's 25 year plan to amalgamate Europe with the Middle East includes Israel:

"Union for the Mediterranean"


Prior to this recent series of events which has gained so much media attention as of late, the UN had already identified Israel as an "apartheid nation":


And who controls the corporate media?


"Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch to drill for oil in Syria, violating international law"


"Genie Energy"


"The Rothschilds Own Israel – and Direct its Genocidal Policy"


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You didn’t answer a question — instead sent me more links.

That is not how people communicate — goodbye

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I did answer the question. I don't make claims without documentation; that's how private investigators communicate - goodbye.

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RFK had to be murdered. His first action was to open the case into his brother's JFK, murder. He was going to investigate and try to find the truth. To many politicians, CIA, LBJ, and a long list of others had to stop RFK to protect themselves.

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Reading and enjoying The Devil's Chessboard, David.

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Biden probably doesn't even remember who RFK Jr. is. It's likely the very agency responsible for his father's assassination making the decision to withhold protection.

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