The US is a collapsing empire, with the Democratic Party leading the charge over the cliff to oblivion. Why? Because their entire purpose is to protect the profits of the international financial elite based on usury, exploitation, and military coercion. This is becoming increasingly harder to cover up.

The Roman Empire died from similar causes. Remember the time when the Roman army made a horse the emperor?

We don't use horses in war anymore. I predict that when Biden steps down he will be replaced with his Corvette. After all, from Biden's garage in Delaware his Corvette had access to key classified documents. The purpose, no doubt, was to groom this high-performance vehicle for bigger and better things as chief executive and commander-in-chief!


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@Richard C

Of course, nobody really learning history is one reason we might be busy repeating it.


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The Corvette would be preferable

The party is finished, RFK is largely responsible, which I believe is his current role.

Most of the cards are now face up.

That is why the palpable panic.

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Son please.

Obviously you didn't live through Watergate, 2 assassinations, and a war that ripped families apart.

History didn't begin when you went to college.

Calm down.

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Replacing Biden with RFK Jr. would be a good way to beat Trump legitimately.

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So are implying or admitting that lawfare is being used?? You should be.

RFK is honest enough to step nearly up to that line. DJT is winning hugely in any case.

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If I were the king of elections, electronics wouldn't be allowed in the process and anyone who could read the ballot could vote if they didn't have any election ink on any of their digits.

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we are all foot soldiers, and must outlaw anything but same day, in person, paper ballots regardless of candidate preference!! This is deliberate way to steal the election and install puppet of choice

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Brilliant as always Mr Talbot!

Your last lines are what I’m experiencing first hand while helping Bobby out here on the front lines.

I just finished my 6th crossing of the country by car since Bobby announced last April.

The people I am encountering have a hunger and thirst for change in their eyes and are OVER the two parties .

They are tired of all the false promises.

Horrified with the bag of groceries that now costs $ 100 dollars, terrified for their children’s and the planets future.

They understand that we are where we are due to both parties abject failure at governance.

They are tired of the juvenile infantile bickering name calling and antics,

the absolute disregard for their rights and lives as Americans, that are getting trampled on while nothing gets done by either party!!

I’ve not met one person who likes being told what to do with their bodies or being locked in their homes.

I’ve not met One person who is thinking of voting for either party because they think that party has the solutions , they are doing it because they have no alternative.

People, once they hear him and are aware of him LOVE Bobby - they LOVE what he’s doing what he is saying saying.

They LOVE his class and grace by focusing on the issues and not calling people names and speaking vitriolic

That all he cares about is truly helping the people , and that he has the resume to prove it.

They LOVE his boldness in calling out all the corruption and malfeasance within the agencies.

The country has been on a down hill slide since the 60s , there have not been ANY leaders here since who have the gravitas that Bobby’s uncle, Bobbys father , MLK -and even Malcom X after he went to Mecca had.

I can’t think of one leader since those men who has had the guts and courage to lead , to lead the American people like a true leader does , which is by putting the people first and everyone and everything else next!

The two parties are finished, they have collectively destroyed the country in the last 6 decades.

It’s time for a real change if we want to survive… and people know this and understand this…the most important thing we can do is keep getting Bobby into the public’s awareness!!

Thanks again Mr Talbot!!

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All very interesting until you watch this Tucker Carlson interview of Mike Benz - not a party hack, but founder of Foundation for Freedom online - https://foundationforfreedomonline.com/about/

You will see why the issue of the Democrats replacing Joe is mitigated with the online censorship power that will be brought to bear.

Of all the Tucker Carlson interviews this is a must watch for the Kennedy campaign for two reasons:

1. Kennedy has as a core strategy, an online approach.

2. Mike Benz outlines how such political approaches are diminished.

Frankly I was disturbed and shocked to learn the forces involved and how they make this happen.


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Though Democratic Party politicians are unskilled at governing they are skilled at cheating on elections!

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Newsoms "intelligence" is disabled by his indoctrination. He just has good hair. Not that liberals don't know anything. Just that what they know is wrong.

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Ultimately, voters do not think marriage is the best qualification for President- just ask Hilary.

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Many people believe that America is simply too big and too powerful to collapse but many people also believed that about the Soviet Union. No one in 1985 would have believed that the USSR, the mighty "Evil Empire,” would be a disintegrating mess in just a few years. I told that to someone last year who said "But the Soviet Union was a collection of separate countries.” What we have here though is a collection of separate realities which is a much deadlier situation. Could it be that the reason why America is so rapidly unraveling externally is because it no longer exists as a country internally?

“BRICS News: Egypt Ditches US Dollar, 85% Surge in Millionaires, Expansion of Russia-China Trade.” (9 min)

Lena Petrova. Feb. 17, 2024


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"America is so rapidly unraveling externally is because it no longer exists as a country internally"

Indeed we are. The whole house of cards is about to come tumbling down over the next 12 months or so. Neither side will accept the other side winning in November and no one trusts the integrity of the election process at this point.

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I live in Chicago which is being destroyed by city-wide black wilding, crime and carjacking plus now the migrant crime is on top of that. NYC is far worse. I saw a video today that said they have more than 170,000 migrants. I think it’s only about 35,000 here but that’s still a lot. They have no identity. They use fake names, ages and countries of origin. That’s why it will be impossible to deport them. No country will accept them without a verifiable identity and they know that. Lawrence Ave is on the north side. I live south of it and probably not far from where this woman was attacked. She seems to be Asian or Hispanic. People are robbed like this even in broad daylight now.

“essentially ghost criminals” since they have no identity.

“Migrants arrested in NYC robbery spree.” (3 min)

Fox 5 News York. Feb 5, 2024


“Woman describes being attacked twice, minutes apart, in Chicago.” (2 min)

ABC 7 Chicago. Feb 6, 2024


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That's heart wrenching.

The migrant invasion issue exists really at two levels. At the Federal level there is zero control over the border, who crosses is, and what happens to those once they do cross. Expect this to continue unabated until January 20, 2025 at the least. with an additional 2 - 3 million. Then at the State and Municipality level, you have the suicidal virtue-signaling of the "sanctuary" nonsense where law enforcement essentially does not apply to illegals. Citizens (and taxpayers) are left on their own -- and many of these hyper-violent sanctuary areas also have the most strict gun laws in place which prevent honest people from defending themselves and their loved ones. Truly, only the outlaws have guns.

Unfortunately, especially for these dystopian woke enclaves, nothing will change until enough of the citizenry have been sufficiently raped, pillaged, and mauled to finally inspire them to vote for law and order once again. But don't hold your breath waiting. I suspect things will need to get far worse before the woke mind virus loses its grip on the sheep.

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I'm not sure if my fellow independents feel the same, but I am extremely cynical about the future of our country given the last 4 years...as much as I want to have hope, it is obvious that the Dems do and get pretty much anything they want. Somehow, the rules don't apply to them and Americans watch and do nothing. They will finish the destruction of our judicial system once they succeed in "discrediting" SCOTUS the only institution stopping them from having a complete stranglehold on this country.

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if you look at the polls you understand why there is no plan B !

Trump/biden has biden between 43 and 47%

Trump/newsom shows newsom at 35%

Trump harris has harris at 37 to 40

the only candidate that comes even close to biden is whittmer who has about 40% .

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There’s no Plan B for Trump either when the election is stolen again. What can we do? Another protest rally at the Capitol? I’m sure the democrats would love that.

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Throw bullets. Guerrilla style.

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What we’re witnessing is the result of the corporate capture of the political parties. The RNC and DNC politicians are so focused on the quid pro quo’s that viable future candidates are not even part of the plan anymore. So candidates are picked using only guidelines that reward those who have total allegiance to the party’s ideology, not the people they are supposed to represent. The DNC has taken identity politics to such an extreme that they won’t even look past their narrow ideological desires and they rig their primaries for the most unpopular and unqualified candidates. The RNC is a house divided between MAGA and Uniparty politicians that in the end kneel to the same corporate masters that are funding them. All of this results in lip service to the people and billions of dollars of paybacks to corporations. Right now both parties are pooping their pants because RFKJR is out there exposing government agencies who are also infiltrated by corporate interests that the status quo is finally being exposed.

This is Kennedy’s election to take.

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RFK likes Affirmative Action which has morphed into Equity which is replacing meritocracy wherever it can be found. A good way to turn a 1st World country into a 3rd World country and also a good way to plunge a multiracial society into a tribal race war.

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What you fail to understand, because you don’t listen to him directly, is that he is totally in support of meritocracy. Yes he believes in Affirmative Action as a step towards allowing minorities to thrive in the merit based society. Inner City and rural communities need access to the the free market and all he wants to do is give them the resources to grow instead of spending trillions on forever wars and 800 military bases that do nothing except pick fights all over the world. Maybe you should listen to him on YouTube instead of the corporate media that’s terrified of him.

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I have listened to him on YouTube and what you fail to understand is that affirmative action has already morphed into Equity which is Equal Outcomes. Fat chance of rolling that back. I’m sure RFK means well but he doesn’t seem to realize how much AA has changed since Biden on his 1st day in office issued an Executive Order to replace meritocracy wherever it could be found with Equity aka Equal Outcomes plus the Floyd riots also gave Equity a big push forward.

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Michele has no qualifications for the presidency, She is an arrogant and smug black woman who has neither the temperment, experience or competence to function as president. She is an appendage of her husband who did much damage to this country. Michele should try out for a position at The Apollo theater

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Why do people insist on suggesting Michelle Obama is a presidential contender? She's not. She's said time and again that there is no way she will run. She's not qualified. She has no experience. She does not want it. She doesn't need it -- she's rich and famous already.

Just shut up about it! It's not going to happen.

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“She doesn't need it”

Her husband does though. It’d be his 4th term and give him the time he needs to finish destroying the country.

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"She said" means nothing. She is saying what she has been told to say. And she will do what she is told to do.

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Michelle Obama would be the Claudine Gay of U.S. Presidents.

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Whence comes this idea that the mass of California's Black community like Kamala Harris? You're talking the woman who sent hardworking Black mothers to prison because their kids were playing hooky, and that's the least of her problems. As for Michelle Obama, despite the desperate hopes of the Clinton Cult running the DNC, their identity politics have been losing ground for a long time, and she's not the superstar the media are determined to make her.

The simple fact is that, like all arrogant bullies, the DNC has painted itself into a corner and, being so convinced of their superior intellect, don't have a clue how to handle a peasant rebellion.

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"The Democratic National Committee is much more adept at driving rival leaders from the party and silencing outspoken ones than at developing a new generation of popular officials."

This is the crux of the matter. Hence, as the author notes, a Michelle Obama candidacy, as preposterous as it seems, cannot be ruled out. The Democrats are desperate. And Michelle would be foolish to let them lure her into their mess! I wouldn't. Furthermore, as Karl Rove notes, "She's not a political animal." And you really do have to be, if you're going to throw your hat in the ring. This is a major, unsaid part of what held back Hillary Clinton. She's power-hungry, sure, but not really a politician. And it was a different era--for both! Michelle would help, somewhat, with the black vote, but I think that's about it. Biden is sliding so fast, in so many places, that jumping in, under such shady circumstances, would be potentially devastating to anyone's political career. It's yet another reason for the party to prevail upon Michelle Obama, and yet another reason for her to avoid the debacle.

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