
Thank you for this excellent article. I am increasingly concerned for the safety of former president Trump. The legacy media coverage is directing blame at him!

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Words to live by:

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”

― Ian Fleming, Goldfinger

"I have rules I live by. The first is that I believe nothing my Government tells me."

---George Carlin.

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well said, Howz about this one?

Snake bites you the first time... maybe its the snakes fault.

Same snake bites you again... whose fault??

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Good point! The main stream media are acting as if they don't want to find out the identities of the people who set up Donald Trump for assassination..

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has announced a state investigation. Meanwhile there is a report that after Routh offed Trump the Deep State was ready to blame it on Iran.

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Will be most interesting to note the different "investigations"

Routh did not kill himself...

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Nor did John McAfee, nor did Geoffrey Epstein, nor did Marilyn Monroe, nor did Dr. Sebi, nor did Dr. Rashid Buttar, nor will Ross Ulbricht!

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[Reply Part 2] It was/is Creepy Sleepy "Scranton-Joe" Pedo-Pete (by his son, Cocaine-Hunter) Bidet who launders money in Ukraine and pushed an omnibus spending bill full of b.s. like "exploring Iranian sexuality"!!!

IMHO, many homosexuals/trannies are actually consumptive aliens-in-disguise who are trying to centrally-plan the world either from Izzyhel or Canberra, Ausjailyuh and pervert humanity, again, like with the Chimeras of the ancient world, out of some sort of ancestral revenge plot for being "spanked" with a Great Flood, so long ago, by the homeworld aliens they tried, and failed, a coup against! This is why Agenda 21/2030 is being rushed....because they're afraid, they know they're Evil and wrong and losing and in the minority and are running out of time before said aliens return to Earth to check on their test-tube accident they have a hands-off approach on! What's needed now, more than ever before, is SOUND MONEY, such as in the form of artificially-scarce, anonymous-by-default (as Rafael LaVerde said, "privacy is shelter") cryptocurrencies powered by the likes of make-shift solar-sails and backed up by competing private security firms in a truly free market (KarMax coined the term "capitalism" as a SLUR against free markets, perhaps at the behest of said Rothschilds, who took over the Bank of England during Napoleon's reign, and of which Thomas Jefferson had concerns over Alexander Hamilton, who now has a play directed by a Marxist, selling out the U.S. to upon returning to his home and dining with John Adams and George Washington), a.k.a. "Dispute Resolution Organizations", under "Polycentric Law"!

The inherent "Antifragility" (read Nassim Nicholas Taleb's book "Antifragile" sometime; it's not explicitly AnCap, but lukewarm libertarian, as is Adam Baratta's "The Great Devaluation") of decentralization, coupled with the scarcity principle, will ensure less probability of those afflicted by "Dark Triad Psychology" attain, and abuse for long, positions of power in hierarchies. Yes, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, "hierarchies are Naturally-occurring and should be supported", however, it should be noted that those hierarchies should be VOLUNTARILY-CONTRACTED ONES!!!

Iran is an increasingly inbred country on the exact opposite side of the planet, completely cut-off from the mainstream/rest-of-the-world and has next-to-nothing to do with anything other than be a scapegoat for globalist terrorism and/or target for theft of gold to try and pay for the socialist policies of the Left/State and/or for ancestral revenge for being among descendants of those who rebelled against "Atlantis", thousands of years ago! (And/or oil reserves for the failing petrodollar)

"Everything the State has, it stole!"

"With socialism, sooner or later, yuh run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher

Dr. Ron Paul "Ghouliani Moment": This is to be expected!

Read about muh thoughts on why-and-how Russia can be construed as the "babyfaces" here and Voldemort Zelenskyy's Ukraine as the "heels" in the comment section beneath this substack of a fellow Rectenwald-reader; just be sure to keep scrolling, because it's in two-parts and the first part is below the second-part: https://brucecain.substack.com/p/biden-afghanistan-and-the-globalist/comments#comment-68519465

When Iraq was taken out, because former-ally Saddam Hussein was lied about having "nukes" (er...."Weapons of Mass Destruction"), allegedly because he wanted to build a "new Babylon", and Moammar Ghaddafi was taken out by Killary the kannibal with KuRu Klin-ton, because he wanted to have a "Pan-African Union/currency-backed-by-gold and not the USD", it was the smoking-gun that Izzyhel was beginning to work on The Oded Yinion Plan to make itself into an Empire, and the Gaza/Palestinian atrocities is just cleaning-up their own backyard for "breathing room", like Hitler would've said. Did yuh know Hitler would've wanted a European Union? Who acts like NatSocs? The EU. Now that the buffer-state of Iraq is gone, it's down to just Izzyhel and Iran, and Saudi is not the enemy of Izzyhel as many are led to believe, they're actually allies, of sorts, and this Prince Salman guy wants to recognize Israel and have good relations with them! They probably brokered a deal with Saudi Arabia to take out Iran's president in-exchange for something Israel has that Saudi wants. They're all Shia Muslims now allying with fake-Jews and cuckolded Catholics against Sunni Muslims. This is Rothschild expansion during The Great Consolidation (a better, more accurate and less-flagged phrase than "Rest", IMHO), pure and simple! This explains the union between the Hilton heiress Nicole Hilton and a Rothschild son! Monopolies are in-bed with one another and consolidating their grip on wealth generation and opportunity over mom-and-pop start-ups/competition-in-general! This is only possible with the State's existence, and since the free market fixes itself, it's all the more reason for anarchy as the solution! "Minarchy does not exist", as Larken Rose says!

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[Reply Part 1; substack wanted a shorter comment]The Rothschilds share the same family colors as the Ukraine flag colors, as well as ethnicity of their leader. The president of France was a Rothschild banker. He/they, obviously, do not get along with Mr. Putin/Russia (let alone Iran and blamed Iran for the Olympic attacks). The new world order Central Banksters started WW1 to take out the monotheistic monarchies that did not agree with their infinite-funny-money-printing scam known as "fractional reserve banking".

It was the Khazar-fake-Jews who massacred some 90,000 Byzantine Christians, centuries ago.

They, initially, backed Adolf Hitler, but swapped sides when he "bit the hand that fed" and decided to print his own token-of-faith, which, to the hubris of these Evil parasites (look at the, now-thankfully, LATE-Jacob Rothschild's skull-shape) consider a mortal-sin against them, as they fancy themselves gods-among-men, and actual "royalty"!

WW2 was a response to WW1 not getting the job done and discovery of the Vrila-ya that Mr. Hitler read about whilst in-prison, which is why he had SS teams go spelunking in caves (the Euler/Haley/Symms-postulated hollow-Earth exists, IMHO), and because the black-toothed Woodrow Wilson-signed Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany. FDR, the two-faced socialist who campaigned as a capitalist against Hoover's socialism, KNEW about Pearl Harbor, and let it happen! What'd they expect to happen after the oil embargoes? There's a Dr. Ron Paul "Ghouliani Moment" for yuh!

It's been alleged that Charlemagne was a descendant of Yeshua of Nazareth ("Jesus" was/is a mistranslation from the Greek "Iesus"), who, allegedly, fathered a child, possibly named "Barabbas" with a prostitute he cared about.

The Louis family of France were staunch allies of Charlemagne and, thus, may have been targeted by the proto-communists who stormed the Bastille, perhaps at the behest of said Rothschilds, who seemed to come out of nowhere and became the wealthiest family in the world, like how J. Astor waltzed into the forest, looking for raccoons, and emerged the wealthiest man in the world. Please....

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was among the last remaining vestiges of the old "Holy Roman Empire", headed by said Charlemagne, who, allegedly, wielded the "spear-of-destiny", a piece of the "true-cross" that Yeshua's blood had stained and granted power to whoever wielded it (possibly now on the likes of a Saudi prince's yacht, who knows), but, in all likelihood, as someone who doesn't believe Yeshua, the carpenter, was the "Son-of-God" (although, this user is no athiest and considers their self a "cultural-Christian"), that's likely superstition.

Who was targeted at the start of WW1? The Archduke Ferdindand of Austria-Hungary, by a nutjob! The Byzantine Empire was another last-vestige of said "Holy Roman Empire", and the Greeks were targeted with the Cypriot Bail-In and allegations of child-abuse running rampant in Greece (it's also where friend-of-Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Kissinger O'Dronebummuh, husband to Big Mike Rob'em'son and the Nobel Peace Prize "winner" without a single-day-of-peace in his reign, that included the signing into law of the ability to arrest and imprison anyone at any given time for no reason, as Dave Smith mentioned, Tom Hanks goes on vacations). Where else is the Eastern Orthodox Church located besides the Balkans? Eastern Europe.

Mr. Putin wants strong ties with The Patriarchy and Voldemort Zelenskyy is BANNING Eastern Orthodox Churches in Ukraine! This new "Event" is all the more a smoking-gun, no pun intended, of why the Eastern Orthodoxy, and Russia/Belarus, should be supported, NOT Ukraine and the globalists/NATO/Biden/Nuland/Brzezinskis/etc.!

Who is matriarchal? The (fake?) Jews and...the Roman Catholic Church, their allies. Who banks the Roman Catholic Church? The Rothschilds!

Who paid out $666 Million dollars in molestation lawsuit settlements? Cardinal Baloney of....The Roman Catholic Church (curious number, eh?)!

The FBI are trying to carve out a "Kosovo" launching point in Russia-aligned Serbia and the son of Brzezinski is the ambassador to Poland, which is largely Roman Catholic, and is, allegedly, dangling Lithuanian reunification and promises of manufacturing concerns from Germany moving to Poland as a "carrot-on-a-stick" to get them cuckolded enough to help the CIA (Catholics-In-Action) sabotage the NordStream Pipelines, all to frame Russia and secure further NATO entries! Scandinavia/the Baltics are making a MISTAKE by joining NATO, as is Javir Milei-kowski funding the military and wanting to join NATO and go after Mr. Putin. Javier Milei really disappointed a lot of fellow libertarian/AnCap-minded individuals, and is now showing his true colors. Or is just grossly ill-informed and has made some bad decisions.

It's been alleged that Saudi Arabian Intelligence agents took out President Ibrahim Raisi of Iran and it was Donald Diddler who took out Qassem Soleimani!

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Biden administration needs to be held accountable for their criminal handling of Trump’s security detail! And the fact that the state sponsored media isn’t reporting on this is another crime against humanity!

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Held accountable…by whom, exactly?

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ask your self and dig...

Also ponder when this will happen

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The criminals will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law in '24. Those that committed treason, everyone knows the punishment... Once the corrupt Garland is deposed, there will be many arrests starting with the 50 congress persons who testified that the Russian hoax was real.

Stupid Snowflakes parroted this Non Science for over 4 years...

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Liberals being held accountable?

Look up in the sky for Haley‘s comet.

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And the last time a “conservative” was held accountable was? Both sides (the duopoly) are responsible, stop the division for God’s sake. That’s from their playbook!

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heck, if it wasn't for Substack writers, I wouldn't have even known it happened!

the thought of a major network anchor suggesting 'blame the victim' and nary a word about the incendiary opposition is... is... I don't know a word for it besides maybe 'un-American'.

I am also rather disturbed by some alt podcasters suggesting that DJT is planning it all himself. no fan of Trump here but I think that's absurd! if he (or those around him) were doing a play for sympathy or something, they are curiously NOT playing it up, at all.

what a fracked-up world we live in!

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Libtards like to project anything even if its pure conjecture. Pay them no mind and divorce.

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The “conservatives” did their part in creating this mess. It’s the duopoly and oligarchy that created “divide and conquer” - NOT the citizens, whom support either party.

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RINO's fly the flag, but are simply Uniparty operatives.

If anything they are worse. Citizens are just as often clueless.

There are those that are informed, there are the many who move in unison

whichever way the fake news leads. Not sure its possible to assess further.

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CONFIRMED: Lee Harvey Oswald was CIA operative (and - was sent to Russia for spying)

RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death


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It was, allegedly, and if the first assassination-attempt was not a hoax/self-false-flag attempt by the WWE Hall-of-Famer, the new world order, by way of the Secret Service, that set that first one up, so, it's not a stretch to say they tried it again here with this second one!

It was curious how the DEI-hire head of the "SS" told Con-gress "subpoena or shut up", basically, and then quieted down and all-but-disappeared. She was all gung-ho to be on-trial and defend herself, and then wasn't? Weird. Read "The Answer To Cancer" substack's blog on the first shooting and how the "slanted-roof" narrative doesn't hold up, because in a previous instance, they WERE used to be on such a roof, and the slant wasn't even that foreboding!!! There's also conjecture on what the trajectory of the bullet that grazed Donnie Diddler's ear was, as compared to where the young Jewish man was positioned.

IMHO, JFK Sr. was taken out from a bullet that came from the railway overpass, NOT Lee Harvey Oswald, who had a TREE (now curiously cut-down) in front of him as the motorcade drove progressively FURTHER AWAY from him, and the only people on the railway overpass adjacent to Dealey Plaza were railway workers and cops. SO, it is to be assumed that the killer was (is?) either a real-or-fake railway worker, or real-or-fake Dallas police officer. Jesse "The Body" Ventura once gave an interview with someone like Piers Morgan or Anderson Cooper, years ago, that this user found on YouTube (but cannot seem to find anymore) whereby he listed off some three individuals' names of who shot JFK Sr., in his opinion. Cross-reference those three names, whoever they were, with the DPD roster and railway worker roster at that time and place and see if there's a commonality. IF not, then that doesn't rule out a phony-worker and/or phony-cop.

The trajectory gets BETTER when the mark (JFK Sr.) would be getting CLOSER to the shooter's position (the overpass), thus, the odds of success, as opposed to away from the shooter. Where would the motorcade go if the first shot or two failed and were noticed? The motorcade would floor the gas and drive forward away from the plaza towards the overpass.

What did Ted Cruz's father do back then? Was he a DPD cop? "Poppy" George Crowley-BushKraft, of his Klan, was the head of the CIA back then.

This user, however, would like to have asked RFK Jr. what his thoughts are on who might've killed Marilyn Monroe, because that "Godfather" actor who played the abusive "Carlo" alleged RFK Senior as having killed her, and she was two-timing BOTH Kennedy brothers, as well as had connections with the mob and Deep State government at the time. Allegedly, she tried to extort JFK Sr. over the phone with knowledge of "little-green[Gray]-men", as the aliens were already known of by that point, as it was Eisenhower who brokered a deal between them, exchanging people/cows/blood for technology, and JFK Sr. was, allegedly, keeping tabs on "Project Blue Book" investigators, while still a Senator.

It's been said the family photographer for the Kennedys was the go-between for "Dr. Feelgood" with or without one of the brothers' knowledge and may have had a hand in taking her out that night at that party, where she was raped and poisoned and killed. Barbituates to blame? B.S..

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The left will not be satisfied until Trump is dead.

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We still know practically nothing about the first assassin, other than that FBI tried unsuccessfully to paint him as conservative….

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Follow the Blackrock video. Didn't crooks' parents need to approve that little film appearance? Why did they? Did a parent have ties to BR? Follow the lawyered-up parental units. What about the "kid's" bank accounts? His mattress? His Bitcoin? His Paypal?????

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All uncomfortable information go to FBI - to die (Mike Benz)

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In reading the comments I’ve noticed several derogatory statements against ‘liberals’, and it leaves me shaking my head. This hatred is precisely the vehicle which delivered our nation to this crisis, and has no place in our collective struggle to reclaim our country. It is futile and infantile to continue the false narrative of ‘left vs right’ - when it’s the DEEP STATE against the American people. The duopoly ‘manufactured and controlled by the uncivilized rich’ have employed divide and conquer tactics for decades now, to make us vitriolic toward the other side. I have family members and lifelong friends, who vote apart from my political party (I’m now Independent) I’ll love forever and without hesitation, as I’m sure we all do. The citizenry has been ‘had’ - by the very worst greed driven, vindictive malevolence from fascist elements within our country. Thanks to Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and RFK Jr, among other patriots, they know we’re onto them and will double down on the recipe of fear/anger driven propaganda; to keep us under control and expand their treachery. Please, for the love of country and mankind; let us keep our heads and give grace to those Americans whom remain indoctrinated by the duopoly machine for they ‘know not what they do’, and give focus to ending the evil of our true adversaries. God bless.

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We could pretend that ABC, NBC, The New Y Times, WatPo, Politico, the Atalantic etc, are something other than the fake news echo chamber and express veiled outrage that they do not cover this topic or innumeral others (think RFK) but then... Why would we??

DJT is the commander in chief, 2020 was stolen, and over 70% or registered voters have made their decision,DJT 2024. The DemonRats cannot cheat enough this round, though they certainly will try.

Hence the panic... Hence the second attempt that like the first reeks of an inside job.

Those still suffering from Derangement Syndrome, it is not looking good...

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See this post by the Vigilant Fox today:


"Shocking New Details Emerge Surrounding the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt

The whole situation just got even more suspicious.

Whistleblowers tell Senator Josh Hawley that “it’s not even clear Secret Service swept the perimeter before Trump took to the [golf] course.” That’s a massive and inexcusable failure.

But that’s just the beginning of the problems that unfolded. Whistleblowers also revealed that agents were not stationed in known vulnerable spots along the course, which is standard protocol."

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It was, allegedly, and if the first assassination-attempt was not a hoax/self-false-flag attempt by the WWE Hall-of-Famer, the new world order, by way of the Secret Service, that set that first one up, so, it's not a stretch to say they tried it again here with this second one!

It was curious how the DEI-hire head of the "SS" told Con-gress "subpoena or shut up", basically, and then quieted down and all-but-disappeared. She was all gung-ho to be on-trial and defend herself, and then wasn't? Weird. Read "The Answer To Cancer" substack's blog on the first shooting and how the "slanted-roof" narrative doesn't hold up, because in a previous instance, they WERE used to be on such a roof, and the slant wasn't even that foreboding!!! There's also conjecture on what the trajectory of the bullet that grazed Donnie Diddler's ear was, as compared to where the young Jewish man was positioned.

IMHO, JFK Sr. was taken out from a bullet that came from the railway overpass, NOT Lee Harvey Oswald, who had a TREE (now curiously cut-down) in front of him as the motorcade drove progressively FURTHER AWAY from him, and the only people on the railway overpass adjacent to Dealey Plaza were railway workers and cops. SO, it is to be assumed that the killer was (is?) either a real-or-fake railway worker, or real-or-fake Dallas police officer. Jesse "The Body" Ventura once gave an interview with someone like Piers Morgan or Anderson Cooper, years ago, that this user found on YouTube (but cannot seem to find anymore) whereby he listed off some three individuals' names of who shot JFK Sr., in his opinion. Cross-reference those three names, whoever they were, with the DPD roster and railway worker roster at that time and place and see if there's a commonality. IF not, then that doesn't rule out a phony-worker and/or phony-cop.

The trajectory gets BETTER when the mark (JFK Sr.) would be getting CLOSER to the shooter's position (the overpass), thus, the odds of success, as opposed to away from the shooter. Where would the motorcade go if the first shot or two failed and were noticed? The motorcade would floor the gas and drive forward away from the plaza towards the overpass.

What did Ted Cruz's father do back then? Was he a DPD cop? "Poppy" George Crowley-BushKraft, of his Klan, was the head of the CIA back then.

This user, however, would like to have asked RFK Jr. what his thoughts are on who might've killed Marilyn Monroe, because that "Godfather" actor who played the abusive "Carlo" alleged RFK Senior as having killed her, and she was two-timing BOTH Kennedy brothers, as well as had connections with the mob and Deep State government at the time. Allegedly, she tried to extort JFK Sr. over the phone with knowledge of "little-green[Gray]-men", as the aliens were already known of by that point, as it was Eisenhower who brokered a deal between them, exchanging people/cows/blood for technology, and JFK Sr. was, allegedly, keeping tabs on "Project Blue Book" investigators, while still a Senator.

It's been said the family photographer for the Kennedys was the go-between for "Dr. Feelgood" with or without one of the brothers' knowledge and may have had a hand in taking her out that night at that party, where she was raped and poisoned and killed. Barbituates to blame? B.S..

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This time, Florida enters the issue and has jurisdiction to order, and the governor has, a full thorough and rapid investigation. The other side hadn't consider this most likely. So there is hope that exposure will be made and it won't result from too much sun!

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The real big question is how many people see through this transparent sham of an objective and independent press, or an impartial system of justice. The establishment has jumped the shark so many times recently in its hypocrisy, especially with covid and the vaccines impacting so many people's lives directly, that it is hard to imagine that there are still people who subscribe to the official narrative... Except, I actually know some of them quite well.

2024 has been crazy. 2025 is going to be lit.

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Lets put the most important factoid on the table.

DJT made a last minute decision to golf! How did the shooter know this, get there into position with AK rifle??? How is that even possible???

Inside job for sure. Rules out the SS... Couple other agencies culpable...

Details may be forthcoming...

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So, apparently (at the very least, from mainstream/lamestream "news" sources compiled by a third-party) this new would-be assassin is/was a millionaire who supports Ukraine and tried to pay for Afghan soldiers to go to Ukraine to fight Russians...and Ukraine told this nutjob "thanks, but no thanks" and to buzz off.

This user likes to go for walks in the evening, sometime after dinner, and periodically picks up the trash the drunk drivers (and just plain ignorant/self-absorbed slobs) litter out the window whilst at 80mph in 25mph residential zones, and one day, saw the words "Save-Us-Trump" on a public utility box, under a "F*ck-Biden" sticker, and this user took it upon their self to write in marker underneath that plea that the gentleman should learn to save himself, that anarcho-capitalism is the way, buy artificially-scarce, anonymous-by-default cryptocurrencies, and attend "Anarchapulco".

After some time had passed, he, or someone else, put up a plethora of Rebloodlican-elephant "Trump-stickers" over this user's writings, as well as elsewhere across the neighborhood(s), with some of them being in Ukraine-flag-colors! This made no sense to this pedestrian, as Donnie-Diddler-supporters shouldn't support VoldemortZelenskyy's Ukraine (and this user has written, extensively, on the subject of why-and-how Russia/Mr. Putin could be construed as the "babyface(s)" and Voldemort Zelenskyy/Ukraine/NATO/Biden/Nuland/McCain/Brzezinskis/England/France/the-globalists can be considered the "heels", over the centuries....but, perhaps, more on that another time and/or place, as it'll take up two max-length substack comments to try and cover, at the very least, but if one wishes to read this user's thoughts on the subject, check out the comment section of the substack of a fellow-Rectenwald-reader Bruce Cain, just note that this user's two comments are misplaced with the SECOND part above the FIRST part, so, keep scrolling down before reading and then scroll back up: https://brucecain.substack.com/p/biden-afghanistan-and-the-globalist/comments

This user is the lone libertarian/AnCap in this user's largely Rebloodlican-aligned family, and, unfortunately, with two die-hard Democrips who attended Wh0rehouse-Harris' Wilkes-Barre town hall rally the other week (as of this writing), whereby, whilst on an unrelated visit, this user and their father were both screwed over, among many others, by her convoy-escort and the shutting down of the roads for their departure, and this user commented about how tactically unsound, and downright rude, this was, and this user's half-neocon, half-paleocon father -- who has a history of forty-something years in various agencies at the Federal level alone, and state/local level before that, and military before that -- commiserated and agreed how wholly unnecessary it was, and that she could have helicoptered in-and-out and only drew the ire of many people, unnecessarily!

Unfortunately, this user's old man disagreed when this user suggested that this particular assassination attempt, real-or-fake (there is conjecture and some circumstantial evidence tantamount to the first assassination-attempt/"Event" (as the good professor Rec, here, as called it), of which this user was contemplating writing about and linking several articles by The Dollar Vigilante, Dr. Tom Woods, and could be construed as yet another reason to NOT support this Voldemort Zelenskyy's Ukraine and even to support Russia. Muh old man said that was the stupidest thing this user said that morning, over lunch with both parents. Well, it's not! This user cringes and laments every stupid Ukrainian flag planted across Northeast Pennsylvania, especially ones draped around Mary-statues in front of Eastern Orthodox Churches (when V.Zelenskyy is BANNING Eastern Orthodox Churches in Ukraine and Mr. Putin wants to have strong ties with The Patriarchy), which is wholly inappropriate in-and-of-itself, as well as those with the "trident" symbol on them, which was the symbol of "Poseidon", son of "Kronus" (look up "The Black-Eye Club, sometime, and ask about why Don Juan is pictured with a scimitar with the image of the planet Saturn on its tip, and why some pr0nstars have Saturn tattooed on their skin) an Evil ancient alien that screwed over many people, like "Odysseus", and tried to centrally-plan the world from "Atlantis", before getting spanked by the other aliens he and his followers failed a coup d'état against on their homeworld, before escaping to Earth for its fish and women, using nuclear weapons to get past the asteroid belt.

This one may be a mere "copy-cat" of the first one....or, perhaps, a subtle "reminder" by the new-world-order of who to support, once Teflon-Don regains the presidency (as Dr. Carrie Madej predicted at "Anarchapulco" past), because, after all....it was Wilbur Ross, a Rothschild agent, who said, on-record, that they "own" Donald Trump after bailing him out, decades ago, and the Ukraine flag colors are also that of....the Rothschild family colors. Who started Israel? Who supports Israel, despite their various war-crimes over the decades, from allegations of using Uranium-238 on the soil that, in-turn, causes Palestinian birth-defects, as reported by GreenMedInfo's Sayer Ji and Dr. Chris Busby, or allegations of firing upon the U.S.S. Liberty? What ethnicity are Donald's son-in-laws? Food-for-thought.

EDIT: Oh, didn't even realize this was RFK Jr.'s substack! ROFL, thought it was Prof. Michael Rectenwald's substack! Hey, what's up?! Liked RFK Jr.'s interviews with Dr. Patrick Gentempo during his various Covfefe-19 documentaries! Can't say this user agrees with everything RFK Jr. has to say, such as about this Green New Deal nonsense, because climate-change is a scam, and this new Icelandic carbon-suction-pump-combo may very well be a "James Bond villain"-like "weather machine" for depopulation and/or alien invasion, because humanity is a CARBON-BASED LIFEFORM and plants need it to produce oxygen, which humans need to survive, and because this user believes in the Euler/Haley/Symms-postulated hollow-Earth, which may very well be populated with reptilians, either Vrila-ya, Targzizzian, or Draconian, and the pumping of carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere to the hollow-Earth may be part of some deal struck between the likes of diplomat-and-Skull-and-Bones-member John Kerry (who flies to Antarctica above the New Zealand route) and said Evil, consumptive aliens! There were/are, allegedly, many entrances/exits to the hollow-Earth, such as one that's boarded-up in The Grand Canyon, and, allegedly, since there's one in Antarctica and one in the Arctic, since Iceland is near the Arctic, the pump "beneath the ocean", may very well lead to a hollow-Earth passage. At the very least....wouldn't that be considered "fracking" and, thus, potentially lead to a massive earthquake/tsunami-wave if at the right tectonic-juncture? There's also, allegedly, "space-defense cauldrons" in Siberia, Russia that might be used to prevent alien invasion from above, and the conquering of Russia, as desired by Napoleon-wannabe Voldemort Zelenskyy (and acted out in one of his movies), in his high-heels on-loan from Justine Castreau, may very well be what this Ukraine-Russia fiasco is all about! Kanadastan is the only other nearby power to the north-pole, and they're, clearly, bought-and-paid-for by the globalists, as is much of the southern-hemisphere nearby Antarctica, such as Ausjailyuh, so, Russia is the lone power not playing ball with them in the region leftover!

Ecofascists being ecofascists..../smh

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