I was at the April 19, 2032 announcement at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston. It was a beautiful day and packed. Could you check the attendance number of 500 you state in this article. My son and I were in the way back. There were people in a side ballroom. The number must be well north of 500. BTW, there weren't many there who did not notice the security interruption and immediately expect "foul play".

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I was there as well (only saw the first 5 minutes of RFK's speech in person since I had to catch the Amtrak to go cross-country to Seattle for a backpacking trip). There were at least 500 seated, but many more standing in the back ballroom, and more in overflow rooms. My wild *** guess would be a couple thousand or so.

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Seated or standing, it all counts! They should correct this. I saw the 500 somewhere else. Don't recall right now. BTW, it was my son's 25th birthday (yes, born on Patriots Day) and we enjoyed together waiting in line, going thru security, mingling with the crowd, and and all the excitement. After about 1.5 hours of RFKJr's non teleprompted remarks I leaned over to my son to ask if he was bored and wanted to leave and he said absolutely not! That made my day. I gave him a real birthday present!

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big dem town, KeeneNH

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so Sam lets say 5K? DJT has a small crowd in the rain, in the midst of the incessant lawfare attacks, and brings out 50-70K, and the Beacon is crowing about "polls"

Yeah, it really is that bad.

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I believe these media attacks are part of a government disinformation program. It is reminiscent of every evening on the network news during the term of Donald Trump when the press reader started every show with, "Today, President Trump said, without any evidence, that...." Since it seemed that this was how every telecast network started their evening news program, I could only surmise that it was part of a program by the administrative agencies within the government that was programming the television news.

Currently, it appears to be repeating when it comes to Kennedy's campaign. Those people fear him more than they do the truth about whet is happening inside Washington. It all comes across as coordinated.

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Too much vested interest is at stake here, Biden is a patsy they all hide behind and the deep state is using him , cos he is easy to manipulate. I loved Bobby’s father and I love him but I fear for what lengths they will go to silence him . I do not know how his siblings can sleep at night or how they will live with themselves, because if Bobby looks like he can win some one will take him out just like they did his Uncle Jack and Bobby Sr. I had hoped we were moving into a better place but since Trump won and Covid we see nothing but lunacy and evil stalking our beautiful Earth. I want Bobby to win so badly as many free thinkers and people of good will do , but when I see how his own brothers and sisters are treating him and how he is denied the Secret Service Protection he deserves and needs then I feel desperately sad and all I can do is watch and pray that he survives to become the 46th POTUS. God Bless you Bobby and I will keep you in my heart and prayers always. ❤️🕊️✊🏾🙏☘️✌️

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The attacks will only get worse as our campaign becomes even more of a threat, which it will. I was watching another recent interview where Mr. Kennedy was asked if he prayed. His response - all day. We need to pray as well all day, at each small respite we have in our busy schedules, at each meal, when we wake and when we lie down to rest, that God will grant him wisdom and strength, that He will hold him up in his hands lest he dash his foot upon a stone, that he will be surrounded by wise counsel, that his campaign will continue to grow and all will come together, though from different ideological backgrounds, on those things which we share in common, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

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Maybe DNC will wake up and plead with RFK Jr to be their candidate and bring everything back to the mainstream!

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Maybe ‘Pigs might fly’ as my Irish mother used to say… ❤️🙏☘️

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Nah, that is a really bad suggestion. It is a fix it from within strategy. The party is finished and is not redeemable. That is why the terrorist attacks, rail, bridges, airlines, food processing plants, liberal cities etc etc

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Unless there's a crack in the wall of "incessant, misguided media," they (being beholden to Big Pharma) will never stop attacking Kennedy. They don't want to see him involved in any debates with Biden and/or Trump.

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Nothing but a Tower of Babel. I have always drawn strength from the Bible while wading through political waters. Another example in the Bible is Peter's Denial. Peter was accused of being with Jesus when he was arrested, and people hurled insults at him. People haven't changed much-crowds still react the same way when there's news, something public or sensational attached to it. If motivations and intentions are pure and good, which I believe RFK JR's intentions to be, the substance of what is in Bobby's heart isn't changed no matter what people say.

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Why is RFK not on campuses - protesting genocide of Palestinians?

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It will end when the "progressive" demoncrat party is utterly destroyed. And the meek worthless republican party is also put to rest. Vampires they are. Leeches sucking the blood of our nation.

The uniparty ruled by the oligarchs is a nightmare for the hard working american people

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“Renowned Columbia economics professor, Jeffrey D. Sachs, celebrated Kennedy’s decision in an editorial. “RFK Jr.’s announcement today of a third-party candidacy is a gift for our nation …"

Unfortunately, the following month, RFK failed to heed Sach's November 2nd editorial "Israel’s Chance to Turn Carnage into Peace" (originally posted her at “The Kennedy Beacon” but disappeared later that same day; you can still read it at “Common Dreams”).

Sachs concluded by writing: "If Israel swallows Netanyahu’s poison ... Israel will isolate itself from the rest of the world and pay a devastating price. ... Israel’s friends, starting with the U.S., must help it choose diplomacy over war. Friends do not let friends commit crimes against humanity, much less provide them with the finances and arms to do so."

On Nov 3rd, RFK Jr. tweeted thanking Jeffery Sach's for writing, 'By coming out for urgent diplomacy and peace in Israel and Ukraine, RFK, Jr will do the right thing and win the election, hands down.' Thanks Jeff!”

If only …

Last June, after the Congressional hearing in which RFK was falsely accused of anti-semitism, he was interviewed by the Jewish News Service (July 17, 2023 https://www.jns.org/us-news/robert-f-kennedy-jr/23/7/17/303383/). RFK told them that, “There is nobody in the presidential race who is going to be a stronger champion for Israel than me ... I’m going to champion the moral argument for Israel … My biggest objective is to end this process with my integrity intact. My second objective is to get elected president of the United States.”

I find it inexplicable that RFK still continues to “champion the moral argument for Israel” while the IDF has committed crimes against humanity in Gaza over the past six months. By continuing to uncritically and unconditionally support Israel's Gaza genocide, I'm afraid RFK may end up losing both his integrity and the election. Tragic.

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Update: Professor Sachs just endorsed Jill Stein for President: https://www.jillstein2024.com/jeffrey_sachs_endorses_jill_stein?utm_campaign=sachs_endorsement_and_rally&utm_medium=email&utm_source=jillsteinforpresident

"The strongest Presidential candidate for peace is Jill Stein of the Green Party, ... Robert F. Kennedy Jr., alas, is only half a peace candidate, strong on ending the Ukraine War through diplomacy, but stridently backing Israel’s war in Gaza rather than the diplomacy that is urgently needed and capable of ending the war."

""Biden is now arming Israel to commit unconscionable war crimes, with more support now on the way. The US complicity in Israel’s slaughter of Gazans is strongly rejected by the American people, especially young people, yet Biden and Congress aren’t listening to the people ... the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has powerfully asserted that Israel is committing genocide. Yet when US students say the same, they are now being arrested. ... The US refuses to take any action to rein in Israel’s mass slaughter in Gaza."

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Thank you for this Excellent article! The MSM is Completely bought by the DNC military industrial complex and Big Pharma!! Bobby is NOT bought by the horrible Shmuly! I think he realizes his mistake of coming on a show with that Awful man. But the haters continue harping in it !!! These haters are afraid that Bobby could very well be Our NEXT President!😊👍the current admin is A Disgrace!! And Trump Cannot Win!

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My brother once said, “If the media hates him, I’ll all in”! He wasn’t talking about Kennedy, but it still rings true today!

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All the attacks just show how fearful the cabal is of him. They don't attack their stooges.

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Just in case peeps did not notice the articles are now written by "the Beacon" as really bad journalism including editors has been exposed

As usual the piece refers to "Bobby" as if he is the neighbors 7 yr old and ends with "polls"

This is the tactics of the Democrats, the very ones RFK has blown up. Starting to look like a massive psyop. ASK BETTER QUESTIONS PEOPLE

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The media's bullshit attacks will Never stop. Imagine what they would have to face, in at least the court of public knowledge, and also, for some, in real courts, when the covid crimes are exposed to a wider world than read Substack and watch The Highwire. The amount of blood on their hands from disparaging the doctors who were saving lives "The Snake Oil Salesmen of the Senate" - New York Times, and from pushing "safe and effective" While Internal Documents Show the "Public Health" agencies Knew Of The Harms All Along.

Kennedy is an honest candidate, who knows how to get through the rigged system and make changes if he makes it to the White House. They are terrified of honesty.

But, is the Kennedy campaign able to get through the rigged system of election - fixing on so many levels, from mail-in ballots to rigged machines, etc?

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THEN: “Renowned Columbia economics professor, Jeffrey D. Sachs, celebrated Kennedy’s decision in an [10/09/23 Kennedy Beacon] editorial ["Three Cheers for RFK Jr.’s Candidacy"]. “RFK Jr.’s announcement today of a third-party candidacy is a gift for our nation …"

. . .

NOW: April 26, 2024: "We're excited and honored to announce that Jill [Stein] has been endorsed by legendary Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs!"

"The strongest Presidential candidate for peace is Jill Stein of the Green Party, ... Robert F. Kennedy Jr., alas, is only half a peace candidate, strong on ending the Ukraine War through diplomacy, but stridently backing Israel’s war in Gaza rather than the diplomacy that is urgently needed and capable of ending the war."

"Biden is now arming Israel to commit unconscionable war crimes, with more support now on the way. The US complicity in Israel’s slaughter of Gazans is strongly rejected by the American people, especially young people, yet Biden and Congress aren’t listening to the people. The Government of South Africa, in an application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has powerfully asserted that Israel is committing genocide. Yet when US students say the same, they are now being arrested … the ICJ quickly ruled that Israel’s actions might well violate the 1948 Genocide Convention ... The US refuses to take any action to rein in Israel’s mass slaughter in Gaza."

Excerpts from: "Jeffrey Sachs endorses Jill Stein" https://www.jillstein2024.com/jeffrey_sachs_endorses_jill_stein?utm_campaign=sachs_endorsement_and_rally&utm_medium=email&utm_source=jillsteinforpresident

Unfortunately, RFK's uncritical and unconditional support for Israel's Gaza genocide has led to the loss of several of his once-strongest supporters such as Professor Sachs. And, he's lost the anti-war vote to Jill Stein of the Green Party and Cornel West. For many voters, genocide is a red-line.

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Why do people keep saying he’s for genocide?! He’s against all war and needless killing of humans! #kennedy24

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