The bad actor here is the press. What a shock. I worked along side Alex in the art world in NYC and heard of the RiverKeepers now and again. The work of Boyle Sr. was out of sincere care. There was no doubt our glorious Hudson River needed cleaning up. I assure you however, Riverkeepers would have never taken on the life it has without the hard work of RFK, Jr. Father and son should look beyond their egos and see the greater good.

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The hit pieces from legacy media will keep coming! They are running scared ! Scared their precious nominee is losing ! They wanted a coronation! Not happening!!

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The man gets things done. It only takes a brief look at his lifetime accomplishments to know that. And I would guess there are many more than he mentions. A woman in the comments on YouTube recently said RFK saved her life.

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If this is the best or the worst they can dredge up from the river bottom, so to speak, then no worries for our “river cleansing” candidate!!!

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Well, we certainly know what the motives of the Washington Post are, don't we? We have known about those at least going back to their role in the JFK assassination cover-up.

See: https://www.amazon.com/Kennedy-Assassination-Cover-up-Donald-Gibson/dp/1615779639

Also see: https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/category/agi/


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Thank you for this clear piece of corrective surgery. I trust absolutely nothing the NY Times and Washington Post says. It's boilerplate nonsense fed to them by the DNC and Biden administration.

Thanks again....

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Thanks for the background. I finally found your piece on p 7 of a google search showing google is driving a stunning echo chamber of bias &, as you say, character assassination. Stunning also how many "journalists" reference garbage scoring on the first 6 pages .

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Trust the journalists. At your peril.

My view for the last 40+years

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Perhaps “wheel” as when we are upside down we see things differently

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in no way surprised by yet another example of yellow journalism. no good deed goes unpunished.

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What environmental policy would Kennedy enact as POTUS?

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better than the two candidates

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