Make The World Healthy Again = MTWHA. Big Pharma needs stop betraying the people of the world for profits.

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MAHA starts by individual people taking responsibility for their own health instead of expecting someone else to take care of them.

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John, there's absolutely no doubt about that.

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John Wright is right AND it takes additional effort to uncover poison food when deception is rampant.

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“It is a movement of everyday people who are concerned about the toxicity of our foods, the dangerous side effects of our medications, and the corporate capture of our government agencies that claim to be keeping us safe.”

What we are living with are consequences of massive takeover of our food producers and health care providers. Big Ag, Big Pharma and Big Food control our regulatory agencies and mainstream medicine, along with the media.

It’s the perfect storm, and the American public is right in the eye of the hurricane.

FINALLY, experts are speaking out. There is a great awakening happening.

Recently, Dr. Peter McCullough, noted internist and cardiologist, interviewed Dr. Ken Stoller about the corruption in the U.S. vaccine program.

Dr. Peter McCullough talks to Dr. Ken Stoller: “Every vaccine. . . looks bad”


This is truly a wakeup call.

Anne Dachel,

Age of Autism https://www.ageofautism.com/

Loss of Brain Trust https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/

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Hi Anne, you bring up Dr McCullough. wondering if you saw his (and John Leake) Substack post today? it SEEMS to be critical of the MAHA movement, pointing out that all of Sen Johnson's panel were selling/promoting books. then appears to slam the lovely gal who's fighting against food dyes/additives, contrasting HER issue with the problems of the covid jab, seeming to say its such a trivial issue in comparison. something about the post struck me as glaring sour grapes and quite divisive.

can you have a look and chime in? I value your opinion. thanks ahead of time. :)

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I watched the whole Shannon Joy interview with Dr. McCullough. It was very good and I’m going to write on it. I see Shannon’s point about MAHA seems to be ignoring vaccines…. BUT maybe it is like Dr. McCullough said, Trump has to get elected first before he can do anything.

Personally I’m all for exposing ALL the corruption in all our regulatory agencies. It gives much more credibility go our position on vaccines.

Thanks again for the information.

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Bobby mentions vaccines every time he speaks but I do see the strategic importance of NOT making them the centerpiece of the movement. to do so would make it too easy for the entire project to be written off as 'anti vax' nutjobs. casting a wider net makes sense because they are ALL important facets of the larger issue of health, that most people DO care about, BUT most people do still have a bias towards accepting vaccines. I don't think MAHA should be taken to task for a little strategic downplaying. baby out with the bath water type of situation.

appreciate your input, Anne. I was wondering if maybe I was taking the tone of the post wrong. its just not a good time to be divisive, imho

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Will do! Thanks!

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Here's a wonderful 5-min RFKJr video discussing the toxic US food supply and its adverse effects on our health. A transcript is available below the video.

"The Democrats, who claim to be all about health care have stood by watching other countries ban these poisons that make our kids sick. Enough is enough. President Trump and I are going to stop the mass poisoning of American children."


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The MAHA Policies are skant to this day (Nov 2 2024). Sure, there is a nice glitsy website, a catchy slogan and merch, but where is the meat on the bones, the details - why aren't they being shared and why is no-one digging in and asking for them? It's extremely interesting to note that Kennedy, while "running for President" did not have one section of his website dedicated to healthcare - a critical topic for so many Americans today. Clearly this is beacuse he was always working with Trump to swing the vote. Great play so what is my issue? Nepotism and propaganda. Let's look at "Common Ground" as just one example - a "documentary" about regenerative agriculture, funded by Shanahan. If the urgency of the climate and agricultural crises portrayed, as well as the mental health of the farmers on the verge of committing suicide portrayed, are truly as imminent as the film insists, then why has it taken over two years to get the film out (you still can't watch it online today in the US)? Given this political backdrop, it’s hard not to wonder if the release has been timed for maximum visibility after the election season. With Kennedy’s and Trump’s shared “Make America Healthy Again” slogan, one might ask: Is the documentary aligned with a genuine environmental mission or a politically strategic narrative? Not having details of MAHA policies beforehand provides room for plausible deniability later. It also allows both Trump and Kennedy to get all of their freinds inline to benefit if they win and their policies go through. Meanwhile farmers will just continue committing suicide I suppose, and hey, if the soil can wait another two years then the issue cant be as bad as they are stating it to be - but the CIA will always be able to influence public opinion about that when needed. And please don't think I do not recognize how the dems cheat either. These are two wings of the same plane - we are tip-toing towards totalitarianism with both of these parties. Let's not pretend one is better than the other. Its all about money, power and control, and it stinks. Thanks for your work digging into everything.

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Love RFK's commitment to health, which is one of the main reasons I started following him to begin with. However, for me to be even close to comfortable, I need to see a stronger commitment from Trump. I'm still not convinced. Just look at him. He's clearly a lot closer to 3 biscuits than 2 and could drop at any moment. Also, RFK is an "Honorable" member of the transition team. (Is this like Honorable Mention?) I'm all in on global work on American health and pushing back on all the ingrained corporate cronyism in Washington. Let's really shake it up!

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I pray it will be so, and we will begin the long road of recovery, as individuals and as a nation.

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You ask "What is liberty if politicians decide what is best for us?" I ask, paraphrasing George Washington, what is liberty when our ambitious, corrupted, or deluded politicians have such a passionate attachment to a foreign nation that they betray and sacrifice the interests of their own country in favor of the foreign nation?

MAHA, as the promotion of American health while we help Israel annihilate Arabs and Persians, strikes a discordant note under the circumstances. What happened to First Do No Harm?

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