Jan 30Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

This is a great article. I also find it beyond bizarre that the use of swear words seems to be an acceptable way to communicate from supposedly reputable news outlets. It’s not...it’s that simple. When you have no real message or argument just throw in a bunch of ridiculous language. Is there no sense remaining of older people being an example of better behavior? Is there no shame? Perhaps the time is coming when Gen Z and millennials will school the MSM by example. They already have by avoiding them. Robert Kennedy jr is my preferred candidate by a long shot for the reasons mentioned. He is open about fighting his demons, dealing with issues of faith and generally putting everything on the table. There is no other leader out there like that. And he refuses to take cheap shots like the Vanity Fair writer. He wants to win on the issues. This is a path to victory!

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Thanks, Heidi, we agree.

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Jan 30Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

This babe built her career as the Gladys Kravits or Mean Girls gossip spreader using slang and raunchy slurs to basically remake the WSJ feature Heard on the Street. Talent for monetizing rumors and airing dirty laundry is far better suited to politics where she fits perfectly with the Washington Swamp creatures who have ambition devoid of ethics. The potty mouth that made her feel rebellious in her twenties makes her sound embarrassingly close to an angry adolescent who resisted refinement as she closes in on her fortieth birthday. It's pathetic to call it journalism.


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Very interesting, Pamela—thanks as always for sharing your insight.

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Jan 30Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

Glad you appreciate the comments but not sure it's insight as much as it is an old timer who remembers the world before social media made nitwits into celebrity voices & beyond tired of the snipers whose best skill is producing attention grabbing headlines & gossip once the exclusive domain of the Enquirer style tabloids at the supermarket checkout! :~)

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Truly Gracious communication, careful accurate choice of words, constant refinement of the Art of listening, the importance of purity of inquiry..., these important hallmarks are rarely seen in mainstream media offerings...

RFK Jr personifies them routinely.. He will make one of the finest Presidents in American History if we get him in there... We Can - Let's roll up our sleeves and get better at it everyday....

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Jan 30Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

Beautifully written. Our youth have been born with healthy BS detectors (intuition) and emotional intelligence. They can see through all the hoopla of our time. They can recognize a man who has healed great trauma and is in service to humanity. The future is in their hands and “I feel fine” (Beatle reference by a baby boomer).

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Thanks, Yvonne.

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Necessary and informative article, Frances, and wonderfully written.

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Jan 30Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

I'm from Chicago and I don't even cuss like that.

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me too! (southsider, down here on the Indiana border, in the industrial armpit, lol)

I'm firmly of the opinion that the rare and appropriate swear word is much more impactful than the constant string of them. our mothers were right: it just means you aren't educated enough to either get noticed or make your point.

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My 84-year-old mother was losing her mind a couple of weeks ago because she had visited with one of my cousins and her children, despite being liberal by all appearances, said there was no chance they were voting for Biden. They're not Trump supporters. I would call them independent progressives. The thing that really set her off was the oldest of the three kids, at the ripe age of about 20 had already made up his mind to vote for RFK. My mother scolded him and said he's not a real Kennedy. Well, that gave me an opening to school my mother. And by the time our conversation was over, she apologized for just eating up hook line and sinker everything she had been fed by a mainstream media that she had historically been skeptical of.

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'not a real Kennedy'?? because the MSM said so.

I encounter that all the time. 'oh RFK jr is a nut job...' bla, bla, bla. oh really, well what specific things in his speeches or writings do you base that on, or disagree with? I ask. oh. you haven't read/listened to anything HE'S actually said. so you're basing your opinion on the opinions of others. okay. whatever.

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What an idiot. That’s why I stopped my subscription to

Vanity Fair. It is real garbage at this point.

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Outstanding piece Frances!!

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Right on target! Great piece Frances!

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All good, but I'm surprised to see that list of issues attributed as concerns of Gen Z and millennials when, really, they are everybody's concerns. I'm a Boomer and their issues are our issues, too. I was a RFK, Jr. fan long before his run for President, ditched TV 15 years ago, get my news from alternate internet-based sources, and understand that our government has been increasingly corrupt since the JFK assassination. I raised my sons (millennials) to question everything, and they do. Our young people definitely have more skin in the game at this point, and it's critical we do all we can to give them a better future than what currently lies ahead. That means vilifying MSM's schlock-filled witch hunt and rallying our contemporaries to support RFK, Jr. At this point, he's our only hope.

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Excellent article. Some of us old folks, like the last of the Boomers, like RFK Jr too, for much the same reasons and have seen his efforts work.

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Thank you !! I think what she's been smoking is fear, panic from massive, repetitive misdirection. The result is hysteria and hysterical language. Mental , emotional breakdowns have been seeded and watered continuously by media and the political parties. These seeds may well sprout in full force if anyone but Biden wins the 2024. People have allowed themselves to be painted into a corner thats getting smaller and smaller and more claustrophobic. All higher hemisphere activity has been silenced and their limbic brains are ringing off the hook.

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I really appreciate the use of fast/junk food as metaphor for MSM. spot on. its no longer 'news' and I agree that the younger folks realize this without having to be told.

these so-called journalists in mainstream publications must not realize how absurd they come across, with all the hand-waving and freaking out (and yeah, I agree about the incessant swearing - it fails to shock when it is so ubiquitous, duh.)

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Ending the shock and awe outrage against Palestinians for benefit of a manufactured nation and the MIC/elected war profiteers is my only litmus test at this point at 67 despite my many personal needs. My 24 year old Alaskan Native son gets that as well. Otherwise it’s all just wtf babble.

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Tired of Mockingbird media and glib hype from AIPAC castrati like Bobby Jr., Trump, Biden and the rest? Street talk not from a publishing slick:


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