Very good article.......I am still confused about this deep personal dislike of RFK jr that people have.

At age 72 I am just so tired of all the lies about wars, vaccine harm, toxic food, etc

Kennedy is going to expose all of this

And change the direction of this country.

I personally plan to do all I can to help him become the next president of the US.

Rebecca Junco

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I'm not going to vote for him, but I don't understand that deep personal dislike either. I see Biden as truly despicable. RFK Jr. is just a candidate with some good positions and some bad ones.

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Despicable. Is a good word for Biden!!!!

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No Rebecca the exposure has happened. The commies stole 2020

RFK has no chance and he knows it, Reread a few times

The harm is lifelong harm. The swamp is huge. The roundup in full swing.

Personally it is important to see things clearly.

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It isn't that bad we just need to grind it out and get him in there! I created conversations in the food store the other day just by wearing his merch...we can do this...

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Every time someone posts this kind of nonsense, the Elite cheer and congratulate themselves on having another useful tool to ensure they don't lose control of the system. Kennedy has every chance of winning, and it has nothing to do with communists, who barely exist in the US.

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I agree with the first sentence of your comment, but I'm afraid I disagree with your view that Jr. can win. The swamp will do everything they can to see their primary objective is achieved, ie, defeating Trump.

If the MSM gived Jr. any cover and support he'll take votes from Biden (or whomever the D nominee is....still may be someone else.)

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So, your solution to ending our march into corporate fascism is...what? Give up and surrender? Continue voting for hapless "third party" candidates? Or maybe start that "revolutionary uprising" they'll end with Hellfire missiles and congratulate themselves on having reduced the surplus population? It's time to put up or shut up. Either people want real change and will get off their asses and fight for it, or they'll sigh and shrug and complain while they're eaten alive. Your choice. I've made mihe.

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Your response is as confusing as it is cluttered.

No one I know is giving up and surrendering on anything.

Like him or not, Trump never sits on his ass and gets up to fight for what he believes in. You may not agree with him or respect the person he is, but under his watch, male perverts did not hang out in the ladies locker room, mortgage rates and gasoline were affordable, he did not abandon 13 soldiers in Afghanistan, and 2 new wars were not started around the globe.

And just what the hell is corporate fascism?

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No, he doesn't. He goes out in front of his adoring fans and rants about his great plans and how he's helpless against all the people who just want to stop him. It's classic narcissistic rhubarb, and the only reason you fall for it is he says exactly what you want to hear. Look, I don't really care that the Trump Fan Club are convinced he's the Second Coming or Captain America or whatever superhero slot y'all need to stay happy. Your delusions are no worse than the ones the so-called "other party" that actually isn't cling to about their idol du jour.

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No Lizzy, 2020 was stolen, defaulting to Elite analogies is a simpleton reply.

RFK has no chance of winning, and yes it has everything to do with the commie takeover. Think snowflake cities crime ridden cesspools, Antifa, boarded up Gubmint buildings, train derailments, Boeings rash of plane fatalities, collision, near collisions, DEI, Trannies in schools, Normalizing Pedo

You are either blind or dense or both.

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You don't know me well enough to call me Lizzie, and your lack of facts, as you're revealing every time you chant another Donald Fan Club cheer means any further discussion is pointless. 🕊

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Welcome to Substack…it’s a steaming pile of manure. ;)

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I have a pile in my garden...spread it out, helps plants grow .

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Extreme pessimism is just as unrealistic as extreme optimism. The "impossible" happens quite often. Trump groupies insist that 2020 was "stolen", but that 2016 was not, only because their guy won. Obviously, a Trump victory is not impossible, which is why the Left is running scared. They know people like you can't wait to use the power of the federal government to come after them. Trump already told the world he wants to lock up every Democrat/Leftie--without bothering with details like rule of law.

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Kennedy has no chance of winning. If you don’t know this then it is time to call the psychiatrist and get those meds adjusted.

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Meh, Bush stole the 2000 election and failed to prevent 9/11 and then lied us into an asinine war while selling us out to China and ultimately destroyed our economy.

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"Commies"? lol Corporations are never "commies". They have just figured out what to say to control the Left. There are no "commie" countries left. Russia, China, etc. have all turned fascist. All the leaders made far more money that way. It's all about the money. Socialism failed big time decades ago. As if Trump and his supporters don't want to own the "swamp" and get all the money/power for themselves.

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Hi Rebecca .. The psychological manipulation makes people automatically strongly dislike - it generates disgust. My Mom agreed to listen to part of an FLCCC webinar, I was with her on a Wednesday night, and Senator Ron Johnson was the guest. Mom couldn't hear more than a few words without making sounds of disgust, sort of apologizing, and running back to Jeopardy. In her mind, Ron Johnson embodies all that has ever been wrong and bad about Republicans, even all that just exists in mental stereotypes and emotional knee-jerk hatred.

It's Especially the ones who have the most truth - and even, like the NY Post, not a solid beacon of full integrity like so many gems on substack, but at least has the guts to be honest about important stuff sometimes. And in the mind of the liberal-NPC (for lack of better term, means non-playable character like in the background of a video game), who actually trusts wikipedia and google. ALL those sources - Tucker, The Highwire, the covid doctors (if there's anyone those obsessed with not giving covid to the vulnerable should have been listening to, it's the covid doctors!) ..

But they're poisoned in people's minds. It's a very strong allergy. I'm trying and will do more to find ways through.

Many mean well. I was on a Moveon.org "voter mobilization" call the other day, I"m still on Dem lists. I joined out of curiosity. Lost all respect for Moveon when they used Ron Johnson actually Listening to the covid docs and the vaccine injured as a reason to fundraise against him. (Paraphrasing - Imagine healthcare decisions being in the hands of this dangerous man! (Senator Johnson. Says interns from moveon who have never given Drs Kory or McCullough or Any of them a serious curious second.

And they (some), really still believe that vaccines save lives (and maybe they do save some people from some diseases, but with nowhere near an acceptable cost). But that's too nuanced for them to go. Fear of germs + feeling of righteousness = being so sure that what the narrative says is how it is. Kennedy is a spoiler. So they say.

And Stephen Colbert, who once rocked it to GW Bush's face and the white house media, that they've become just taking dictation ...

Well, dictation is less humiliating than that "vax-scene" dance, Mr Colbert.

It's encouraging in youtube comments that so many people respect RFK. Jr. And comments on videos like the Hill or someone else "checking in on the RFK, Jr campaign", like assessing how much damage Kennedy could do to Biden, with a single-minded focus - those comments are overwhelmingly seeing thru the media's bullshit and feeling Kennedy's integrity. And how many comments may not make it in ...

There's a new book called The Indoctrinated Brain. The author is in the recent podcast / Highwire sphere and on substack, if you don't have time these days to read a book. The spike protein was known to mess with the brain's inclination to be curious.

And yet still .. more are seeing through ... yet the world moves on as if deflated ... I will play more music outdoors this spring and summer, with Kennedy gear and info ...

Keep shining your light .. yes he will expose what needs to be exposed. He will hopefully succeed in accountability for the worst of the covid crimes .. but even if not .. truth will rise .....

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The vaccine companies and other corporations know they can bribe Trump, and even Biden, but they can't work their way around RFK Jr. They are the source of the vitriol that the Lefties spout about him. The Right has been taken over by fascists, religious extremists, and Putin propaganda. The Left has their own propaganda and prejudices. Both are being manipulated.

Unfortunately, even if RFK Jr. wins the presidency, he is unlikely to get anything through Congress. He needs allies there to caucus with. Victory against extremism and propaganda isn't impossible, but it will be an uphill struggle with no immediate finish line any time soon.

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Robin. All you have said is so true.

Even the average person that does not fit these categories does not seem to comprehend

the immediate need for action to clean up the environment,our food, 65 not safe and not effective and not necessary.

Ukraine -how insane the actions of Biden were the catalyst.

We are responsible for all those Ukrainian lives lost.

Covid …lies lies lies 17 million all cause morality in the vaccinated.


RFK is going to change all this !!

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Putin is the one responsible for the death and destruction in Ukraine. Hamas is responsible for the death and destruction they caused. Don't blame others for not being powerful enough to prevent them.

Biden had limited options if he was going to avoid WWIII. Even a President RFK Jr. will have limitations on his options, too. Biden is only human, despite being mostly well intentioned, and has made mistakes. RFK has made mistakes in his life, too, and will probably even admit them. Certainly, his uncle President JFK made mistakes. Ever heard of Bay of Pigs in Cuba? The Cuban Missile Crisis? Look it up.

The vaccine industry was corrupt long before Covid. Medicine is for profit. In any case, all medical treatments have dangers and side effects that vary, depending on the individual.

RFK is a good man, but he is not a god. Don't worship him.

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Well said…

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Jesus didn't want to be worshiped either. He wanted to be followed. Jesus was a radical transformer who taught empowerment. He said,

"YOU are the Light of the World"

..All these things I do you can do and greater things than these Shall you do."


The last thing Bobby wants is to be worshiped. Because of this we love him even more.

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Every worthwhile transformative change in the history of the world has not come without an uphill struggle! The sea change we so desperately need will never come from the top down. It can only come from the ground up and as has always been the case, from a small group of dedicated, empowered voices at the grassroots level leading the way.


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If you are depending on RFK to solve all your problems for you, you are depending on the top down change you claim is impossible. He is a member of the elite--maverick or not. Period. He's a good man, but he is a Kennedy, and that's why he has name recognition. Don't expect him to save you all by himself.

My point was that expecting instant miracles and giving up when you don't get them will NOT get you change--and we want GOOD "transformative change". Things can always get worse. Don't kid yourself that they can't. You could have been born in Gaza, for example. Look before you leap.

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Interesting; thank you. The self-censorship is telling (not that we need any additional evidence of the efficacy of creeping totalitarianism). It is obvious to this conservative: the hostility is directed from above and has little to do with policy and everything to do with power.

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"Their owners" indeed.

Thank you, David. I find it truly mind boggling as well. How can so many people not see the goodness in Bobby that we see? How can they demonize this brilliant, evolved, kind, courageous soul, not hear the Truth that he speaks and not see his Light or the fact that this country teeters on the brink of Facism and may not survive changing seats on the Titanic? It's not just the federal agencies that have been fully captured; it's the minds of the American People. Programmed with fear by design.

"We don't see things as they are; we see things as WE are" - Anaïs Nin

"Love casts out Fear".

Bobby is Love.

CHOOSE LOVE. ⭐️🇺🇸⭐️❤️🕊




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people are jealous and spiteful towards the Kennedys. I witnessed it in Massachusetts where I grew up in the fifties and sixties. And currently a great many US citizens are very poorly educated and have mental illness. We are really dealing with a degraded population of ignorance and fear. RFK Jr is challenging that. People voted for Biden because he acted like a good old boy with a tad less narcissism than Trump. And of course Barack, the ultimate sellout lawyer who smooth talked his way into power. We have had horrendous leadership for the most part since the Kennedy slaughters. There is nothing more threatening to the status quo than an intelligent empathetic in shape man with a mind and courage. . RFK Jr is a hero to speak truth to power. The Middle East debacle has bad

players on both sides and the complexity of what happens there now is horrifying but RFK Jr is not the one who caused it. He’s no friend of psychopaths and fools. I’ve lost friends over this particular decision to support him Israel or no Israel. Palestine or no Palestine. If we do not unite and elect him all I can say is we are a lost and pathetic nation of what my childhood friend in Hull, Massachusetts used to call “scaredy cats”. Tell dissenters against RFK Jr to wake up or shut up because frankly 59 plus years of this is far too much to tolerate.

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your sentence near end of first paragraph . . . "There is nothing more threatening to the status quo than an intelligent empathetic man with a mind and courage", love it, I would add heart as well. To have such a beautiful man out there risking everything is simply amazing.

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I love the passion I feel when I read what you just wrote!!

I will be subscribing to your newsletter!

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Hear, Hear!!

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About that mental illness, it is ubiquitous. Silver spooner are always hated.

People ( a very small number of them) voted for the dotard because they had the derangement syndrome. RFK's uncle was not assassinated!! He went into hiding to avoid that fate!! The 2020 election was stolen. If you or other Beaconites do not comprehend this, there is therapy.

Learn to stay on topic.

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Bollocks on your JFK delusion.

" Learn to stay on topic?"

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I feel the same way you do about needing RFK to lead us through this storm!!!!!!!!

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I expect people are getting tired of having me post these books, but they really are essential to understanding just why we're on the verge of having the Constitution thrown out and replaced with a libertarian updated version of the Articles of Confederation that would have us at the mercy of state government.



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A dark hand is in control of our country and may I say world. The forbidding of the thimerosal article was a warning shot. No pun intended.. Prior to drug ads being allowed on TV public debate about vaccines was allowed. Reference Dr. Mendelsohn’s TV appearances, 60 Minutes episode about the swine flu vaccine injured woman.

I remember reading in the Nation early 90’s about the increasing corporate take over of independent TV and press media. The consequent censorship of journalists writing uncomfortable truths. The warning of what laid ahead.

The last strongholds of independent media have fallen to the wayside in a shocking and bitterly disappointing form. Frightening.

Bobby knows this. He has experienced it first hand. The brainwashing of our country, the 180 degree turn of our Democratic Party these last few years has been breathtaking.

Senator Gary Peter’s introductory speech at the November 2020 Senate Homeland Security Hearings about Early Covid Treatment should be seen by all. The level of disrespect and hatred espoused by him was stunning.

We have lost our way. Again the dark hand of the puppet master is holding the strings. Blind false faith has replaced critical thinking. Fear of facing unpleasant realities that shatter life long beliefs is great. Denial is the first and great obstacle.

I am curious to the shift that would occur if pharmaceutical ads were removed from TV as Bobby has promised. If public service announcements were aired, promoting Vitamin D and other simple critical health measures.

I truly believe if Bobby was merely given objective reporting, if his voice was truly allowed to be heard by MSM, he would win by a landslide. Despite his severe handicaps he is slowly and steadily making progress. Yes, it is confusing and disheartening to see respected friends and colleagues refuse to budge by an inch. But let’s see what the disillusioned American voters have to say.

I have chosen to set aside my judgment about Bobby’s pro Israel stance. Remember when he was crucified for mentioning the resistance some Jews had to Covid? Smeared as an “antisemite”. He needs to tread carefully. Yes, the tide has turned since October 7. The current vogue is save Palestine. What’s next?

I hope and pray that Bobbie prevails. He is our only hope for us to break free of the previously invisible but now increasingly heavy and apparent chains that bind us.


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Yes ... and on Israel, I hope he understands it was obviously allowed to happen - facilitated by Israel. He is wise enough to know that that can co-exist with, *IS A Part Of, honoring the lives of the kidnapped Israelis, and still concluding it was brutality of innocents by Hamas, and they are responsible, and all that, but How Can They Just Skip Over Israel having defenses stand down for Hours? And of course every Palestinian killed and maimed and terrified in "retaliation / defense / whatever" is part of the murders, not casualties in a fair war, murders, ever since. But even if someone's stuck in believing this would actually eliminate Hamas and they're so dangerous because they want to kill Jews ...

Even from that lens alone, from Israel must defend itself, from the innocents taken first on Oct 7th are more innocent than those killed in what followed, and what came before ... - It's a huge blind spot to not examine WHY there were so many holes in such a solid, beyond amazing defense system, and at least six? seven? hours until orders were given.

This is a good film. This is not hard to show something's not right with this narrative. And of course that doesn't justify anything done. It honors all the lives lost in and after that, not the opposite. To say that its not the right time for inquiry, because war, because recent because whatever, that's gaslighting. Those responsible include those who let it happen, and those are the ones tasked with protecting ...


That would be how to selectively kill Hamas, show up at their massacre and take them out. Instead, they made sure it happened, and are now just bombing. I do hope Kennedy says more on this. Even those who didn't get covid are questioning this.

Still, I trust Kennedy's integrity enough that, he is still by far worth working for and voting for ...

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your post is several posts

the cheerleading at the end does not help the case you made

False beliefs mixed with historical truths...

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It is the media's fears of independence from both Parties, and how that would affect the status quo of the military industrial congressional intelligence media academia think-tank complex, and their own lives in the balance. Fear of change is a common factor, especially with all the conditioning we have been subjected to in our lifetime. I have doubts Kennedy could win unless he changes his position on Israel and became a leader for a peace plan in the middle east. If he could free himself to that point of view, millions more independent folks would support him. https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2023/12/14/write-to-rfk-jr-in-support-of-the-potus-campaign/

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I agree with your point concerning Israel. JFK and RFK Sr. both wanted to rein in the influence of Israel on our politics. And both were killed. Coincidence?

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His uncle was not killed, we were lied to and drank the kool aid.

He went into hiding. There is video zoom evidence!!! Tech reveals the truth

decades later.

There is no such thing as a coincidence as you mention.

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Aren't all three of the same view about Israel? I think it's a moot point.

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RFK's actual program would be anathema to Israeli hawks. Slashing the "defense" budget and removing troops from the Middle East is the Neocons' nightmare scenario.

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great idea were it possible, the DOJ is unslashable as it exists

Peeps better wake up

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about that thinking, you should try it sometime

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You do not seem to comprehend that a postition on war is not an opinion thing.

It is not possible to flip flop on such a thing and retain credibilty. It is not remotely Presidential.

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Yep, I agree. There is much to be questioned under the circumstances. However, even JFK came into the office needing to learn a thing or two about pathways toward peace. If the Party candidates opposed the wars, I might have another opinion than in supporting RFK, Jr. for POTUS, https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2023/04/06/robert-f-kennedy-jr-running-for-president-in-2024/

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It is hard to believe that the comments you attribute to the journalists are from people who have read the books (bad science? Get real) or listened fairly to the long form interviews. As another reader said, their attitudes reflect a struggle for power, not reasoned reflection. Bobbie has explained why Tapper bears an animus. Tapper abandoned his journalistic principles when he abandoned an expose of thimerosal, and knows that Bobbie knows it.

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so why spin wheels in grease reporting on the fake news???

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I get so irritated when people say, “RFKJr’s own family thinks he’s crazy, etc.”. Trump has had relatives speak out against him. And is everyone related to Biden thinking he’s the greatest President? I doubt it. If I was related to Biden, I would avoid him and his son like the plague.

In addition, isn’t Kennedy’s cousin (or maybe a nephew?) one of the WEF Young Leaders? Do all of the Kennedy relatives approve of that??

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Bobby has a huge family and many of them DO support him.

The siblings who have disgraced the Kennedy name by speaking ill of their brother attempting to sabotage his campaign ALL WORK FOR THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION. They are heavily entrenched there. And Schlossberg's ugly rants are a further embarrassment to the Kennedy name.

Joe Biden worshipped the ground Ted Kennedy walked on. Uncle Teddy was his mentor starting when he was a junior senator and everything Joe Biden learned about being a senator he learned from Ted Kennedy. Some have said Joe Biden was a Wanabee Kennedy. I think he's been a rock for the family since uncle Teddy died.

Somewhat of a father figure and grandfatherly figure. RFK Jr calls Joe Biden his friend and he has never uttered a discouraging word about him.

Bobby's focus is on policy not personalities and if you try to bait him he does not resort to mudslinging the way his siblings have and the way the vicious mainstream media has tried to do. RFK Jr keeps the bar high and focuses on the truth. He is a kind gentleman; brilliant, brave, connected, evolved, wise, strong, capable and true.

A vote for Biden or Trump "is like changing seats on the Titanic" indeed.

There's only one sane appropriate choice for president. His name is Robert Francis Kennedy Jr and he's here to heal and unite the country and give you your power back that was stolen from you.




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For example: I have at least two relatives who won't speak to me and I'm a spiffy guy.

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consider yourself lucky whatever a spiffy guy is

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so people are in fact stupid, no kidding

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Thank you, David, for your stimulating article. My perspective of anti-RFK Jr sentiment denotes the power of cognitive dissonance. Throughout my 47-year clinical practice I've experienced clients' shame and guilt as they've finally developed the fortitude and courage to work through betrayal by others whom they've trusted, loved, financially supported, depended on. Parents of autistic children have great difficulty accepting that their trust in the CDC and their pediatricians may have contributed to brain damage. Agencies supported by Gates grants are more comfortable identifying philanthropy than recognizing corruption. Most victims of child sexual abuse do not disclose the crime of exploitation until adulthood since recognition of this betrayal by trusted family members and other authority figures is unfathomable. It is sickening for American citizens to accept that throughout their lifetimes they have financially fueled GOF research and wars in other countries through their tax payments. I believe that Bobby's candor, irrefutable research, and commitment to address inconvenient truths is distressing to people who have unwittingly endorsed corruption. Another faction of American citizens is empowered to comprehend the devolution of democracy, evolution of chronic disease, contamination of education and medicine in the United States, and massive corruption in our alphabet agencies and in Big-everything. Bobby deeply understands how to unknot these issues. I consider that anti-RFK sentiment may reflect people's resistance to facing the extent to which they have allowed themselves to be conned.

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Really Randall, you are happy to trot out the CD dx. Brilliant. Now perhaps you could also use your 47 yrs of character assessment skills to analyse the Derangement Syndrome that so many Beaconites suffer from? Bobby is a first name inappropriate to use, as no Beaconite is going to lunch with him. The article was horrible.

Gates is not accurately assessed by asserting corruption. The word is genocidal.

Words matter Randall.

Don't dare degenerate into a lecture on Democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic.

ABC agencies have always done the bidding of the corporate pig, it has never been different.

Lin Wood the brilliant Defamation Attorney knows a few things about Con jobs. All about character assessment.

Beaconites would do well to listen up

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I think it is a challenge to a world view, a gestalt, a paradigm. For example, dominant paradigm: Some people believe that we can eventually add enough vaccines to the childhood schedule that children will never be sick. The model is correct, they think. Just keep doing it, but make it safer. Others, myself included, believe we should take apart the CDC brick by brick and concentrate on environmental illnesses, toxins— including vaccines. As Bobby says, look at chronic diseases.

Some people think that we must support Ukraine because they deserve to have the same political and economic freedoms we have. Mearsheimer calls these folks the “foreign policy blob” because it is uni party group think. In fact the Ukraine is a proxy war in a great power conflict. Bobby says negotiate now.

On almost every issue RFK Jr stands for, you have to believe that the dominant conceptual framework fails., before you understand his brilliance. The solution is radical. It’s a viscerally challenging political position and evokes strong pushback.

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Having know the truth about chronic degenerative disease and the million details not thinking RFK has a way forward on this complex issue. Instead of the brick by brick howz about a wrecking ball and dozers??

AS you mention world views and loyalties have been nuked, having nothing to do with RFK.

the Uniparty is part and parcel of nuking false world views

DJT knew this having been in fight with massive wins since coming down the escalator.

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RFK is the nemesis of Big Pharma and BP is a significant source of advertising revenue for the media. He is threatening their rice bowl. A ban on TV advertising of pharmaceuticals would be a major financial blow to Big Media and they know it.

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The brainwashing it deep.

Repeat a lie enough times from the appearance of a diversity of sources, and compound that with online “filter bubbles” which effectively put each person in their uniquely designed information silos, endlessly confirming their pre-existing bias, and you end up with a population who cannot see that the media has effectively implanted propaganda in their minds - told them what and how to think.

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It’s getting clearer to me that their disdain for RFKj is his populist appeal. They themselves are the elite against whom the animus is directed by populist sentiments. Besides if you asked them they subscribe to the White Rage scenario and have zero faith in the Democratic ideal of the trustworthiness of the people’s collective choice.

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nah, DJT has lapped the field and RFK knows it

The DemonRat party has been outed. Clarity is of uppermost importance.

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How different are Kennedy’s position on Israel from those of Trump and Biden? I’m puzzled that some people think this is a deal-breaker.

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Exactly !

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Bedazzled are ya? Try asking better questions.

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I think the answer involves susceptibility to authoritarianism, East coast intellectualism and elitism.

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Certainly it does, not ask other better questions...

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What bugs me, after I was one of his biggest fans is: Kennedy is a Cowardly Sold-out bought and paid for, likely Mossad/Epstein Blackmailed faker. He is for Zionist Psychotic Genocidal Apartheid Israel with his buddy Smut Merchant Shmuley while Defenseless Women and Children are murdered and maimed by the 10,000's.

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Besides Biden and Trump are no better when it comes to this issue.

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your comment makes zero sense demonstating serious confusion

Conflating Bidenista with DJT is rather pathetic

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Trump and Biden are just as bad on this issue and I never voted or would vote for those 2 Moronic Cowards. Consider now Kennedy who was supposed to be a Truth Teller and for Children's Defense is with Trump and Biden. Despicable!

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We have to do our best with what we have to work with. You were right the first time that Bobby is special. He just isn’t perfect. But he is a living breathing real human being running for office versus the cartoon cut out , power hungry zombies we otherwise have to choose from.

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someone is a moronic coward with poor assessment skills

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Yea, you!

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oink albert hope ya get some gray matter

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Your real bright.

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I am also deeply disappointed by his statements about the Gaza invasion. Though I am trusting in the ultimate triumph of his character and intelligence to find a way beyond what appears to be a personal and emotional issue for him. He also has good advisors around him who deeply disagree about this .. who have not abandoned him .

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ya'll know where I can git a herd of white unicorns?

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I hope you are right but he failed a huge credibility/humanity check here. He is too intelligent and deep a researcher to fall for the Zionist Talking Points BS while approximately 150,000 defenseless civilians are murdered. I lost all trust in him.

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Apr 18Edited

In this situation I am relying on faith in Bobby’s character and intelligence and in the higher powers that are guiding him. There is a ring of destiny to his candidacy .. may it awaken the failing heart of America. The realists and nihilists have had their day it’s time for an idealist to lead us.

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character assessment 101, appealing now to da "ring of destiny"

Defammation attorney Lin Wood knows a thing or two about character assessment. Beaconites with adequate bandwidth should sit in on that class...

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I sure hope you are right. I no longer support him as he failed the Biggest Character Test on Genocide and Truth.

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I respect your boundary and decision. As a human being it’s easy to get confused. None of us are perfect. Bobbie is not perfect but he still is the best I have seen run for office in 60 years.

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Since JFK! 61 years of !!!

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Comments on confusion are confused.

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Would you prefer he lose any chance of getting elected by adding defending himself against the bottomless pockets of AIPAC to his list of major expenses? Because that's who would go after him if he changed his focus from the ongoing genocide in the US to loudly declare what all the single-issue-Gaza people demand. If the establishment can't undermine him with their lies, they're prepared to drain him dry financially by refusing Secret Service protection and forcing him to fight ballot access challenges.

Poverty is the fourth leading cause of death in the US. I hate what's happening in Gaza right now with all my heart, but NOT helping Kennedy get elected isn't going to stop it. Stopping the domestic genocide is more important to me, and if that makes me selfish, so be it. I'm just tired of people using his position on Israel as an excuse to ignore what's happening in their own damned back yard and let the fascists win.

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inaccuate assessment, he does not have any chance of getting elected and knows this, The DNC is his mortal enemy.

However please consider he has destroyed the Dem party, fractured what little was left. That is a great service to humanity.

If you are not suffering from the Derangement Syndrome, DJT has rid the RCons of many powerful swampers, though the job is only half done.

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Clearly you feel strongly about Liz but he clearly failed the character test. Because he is a Coward B**** bowing down to AIPAC or they Blackmailed him through donors and/or Epstein Mossad. He could have taken a more reasonable approach but supported a Psychopathic Genocidal Regime and his boyfriend Shmuley. And he has a CIA Agent as his Campaign Manager. Oh yea, he's for change. Some Leader he'll be. I agree Trump is worse and Biden is the worst but I will not support this coward/liar clothed in Truth.

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So Mr. Tapper has his panties in a twist because he feels RFK JR spreads “Dangerous misinformation about childhood vaccines”…..

If they are so safe then no manufacturer would need immunity from lawsuits brought by people who are hurt by their product.

I guess that is a question a “journalist” that is literally funded by BigPharma advertising dollars doesn’t want to ask…..

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