Regarding the last article, I doubt that many Democrats will vote for Biden because he supports the genocide by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people. If you supported the Palestinians, Sen. Kennedy, these people would gladly vote for you, imo. It is not Anti-Semitic to be Anti-Zionist: https://youtu.be/x5T_Qu12ACs?t=16

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Absolutely true that it is not anti semitic to be anti-Zionist. Most Palestinians are in fact semitic and are anti-Zionist. A lot of people appear to be unaware, or entirely apathetic about the fact that Judaism and Israel are not races. They are a religion and a nation-state respectively. And criticism of either is not racism, aka anti-semitism.

The term anti semitism is used primarily just to slander and try to silence people who are critical of the foreign policy related to Israel. It’s wrong for the term to be used in such a manipulative way, especially since the term actually did have a horrible meaning during WW2 when Nazis conceived Jews as a race and along with many other people, committed atrocities under the banner of their racial ideology. The events of WW2 though are now being used by people to try to silence the critics of atrocities and ideologies that are in the same league as stuff observed in ww2. It’s detestable the way that the atrocities of WW2 are being used by some people to justify whatever the Israeli military does.

Similar political manipulation can be observed in domestic policy regarding racial minorities. The politics of various black activist groups, such as BLM, is regarded as sacrosanct, and criticism of the groups are declared off limits by some people, and labeled as racist. And the history of atrocities that were committed against many black people in the past are used as a form of apologia for the criminal behaviors of individuals or the politics of groups like BLM.

Accusations of racism are often a deeply disingenuous and pernicious form of psychological and political manipulation. It is done with politics related to many topics —eg black people, Jews, Muslims, Israel.

It never happens with Scientologists.

Oh, and the guy talking in that video — while I like that he is critical of what he conceived as “Zionism”, he is completely wrong about Judaism not having war heroes. The Torah is filled with outrageous acts of brutal cruelty carried out by, for example, Moses and Joshua. Moses has typically been revered in the history of Judaism, and he planned and led (initially) the conquest of Canaan, which is what we now call Palestine. The roots of modern Zionism can certainly be found in the Torah and the religion of Judaism. The anti-war position of the man talking is not the position held by Moses and Joshua, both who committed genocide and enslaved innocent people. His view is erroneous, even if it is preferable to many modern Zionists who believe that the state of Israel should be a Jewish Supremacist state built on the foundations that the conquest and genocide of Canaan by the followers of Moses justifies that Palestine is the rightful homeland of Jews and Jews have the exclusive right to the national self determination of Israel, as is stated in its current nation state laws.

Netanyahu a few weeks ago made a reference to “Amalek” to explain the behavior of what the Israeli government is doing. The Israeli government includes quite a few people with religious views that are not like the man in the YouTube video. Unfortunately, the Bible contains lots of references to horrific acts of unjustified violence despite what that guy in the video falsely believes. And many of the people, including Netanyahu view those references as inspirational. Yahweh, the god the man in the video claims to worship, in the first book of Samuel, commanded Saul: “I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” Yes the Israeli government is quoting genocidal passages from books historically revered in the religion of Judaism. If that is “Zionism”, everyone should be anti-Zionist. And to suggest it is “anti semitic” is obscene. But to suggest it as having nothing to do with Judaism, as the man in the video would seem to imply, is wrong. Anyone who *chooses* to worship Yahweh, and that includes a Jew like the man in the video, should acknowledge atrocities that were supposedly commanded by the god they believe exists and choose to worship. And they should acknowledge how they are currently being used to justify what is being carried out by the Israeli government which is supported by the the US government.

The fact that RFK Jr does not and will not acknowledge atrocities, despite repeatedly expressing both belligerent support of the Israeli government and pious respect for the Bible, should be a shame on his character and campaign.

The claim he makes about being a peace candidate is ridiculous.

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Just out of curiosity, are you equally bothered by genocidal intentions expressed by Hamas & co.? Or are you okay with those?

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The ideology of Hamas is detestable. And it’s also detestable that Netanyahu, the man who made genocidal references, consciously cultivated Hamas to decrease the chances of a two state solution and increase the chances of exactly what Hamas did which his faction is now using as justification for “erasing Gaza from the face of the Earth”, as Knesset member Galit Distal Atbaryan stated.

And it seems in this genocidal conflict, Likud has the upper hand, given it is massively more powerful, with the most powerful military on its side. Palestinians in general, at this moment, are in much greater danger from the intentions of Likud than the Israelis in general are from the intentions of Hamas. At this moment the US government is actively aiding the genocidal intentions of Likud through financial and military aid. It is not aiding the genocidal intentions of Hamas. The US government should be condemning both the ideology of Hamas and the ideology of Likud; and providing no financial aid or weapons to either party.

Which brings me back to RFK Jr. RFK jr. Is supporting Likud. It’s great he condemns Hamas. He needs to condemn Likud as well. Being on the “side” of Likud should be viewed with as much scorn in the US as being on the “side” of Hamas. Unfortunately, the vast majority of congress is on the side of Likud. Rfk Jr should be advocating for a third side. Sadly I have little hope that will happen. He appears to be a fraud.

Just out of curiosity, are you equally bothered by the genocidal intentions of Likud & co? Or are you okay with those?

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I am not for genocide either way. But I am also of the view that Palestinians are not interested in the ever-elusive “two state solution.” That said, I believe that “Bibi” with the tacit support of his Arab neighbors did fund Hamas with the possible anticipation that they would indeed instigate an attack thereby allowing the current govt to do the dirty work for region.

BTW, it Seems to me that refusing to take refugees is in the “genocidal ballpark” as well. But I have posted comments along these lines before.

I have also stated that it’s obvious the “nation of Israel” is a third rail in American politics. I would suspect that many different types of reasons exist among our elected Congressional representatives for the PUBLIC show of support regardless of their actual individual views.

But Middle East foreign policy just isn’t my “top card” as a voter. Rather it is defending your right to say that RFK Jr is a fraud without reprisal.

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You wrote an article, not a comment. The differentiation and clarification of being Anti Zionist vs the assertion of Anti Sematism is the strong point. The case is very will made.

Loyalists take note, it is a gross contradiction RFK is making...

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Democrats did not vote for Biden, those that did voted against DJT due to the fake news.

JoJo did not win, he is installed. The party is no more, and has imploded. Oddly or perhaps not so oddly RFK claims to support Israel. He knows exactly what he is doing. Question is why?

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So many great policies to look forward to! Let's get RFK,Jr. on the ballots in 50 states!

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I love these daily updates—thank you!

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Brilliant idea

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Regarding being still and knowing God, my prayer is that you be still and recognize God in the Palestinian people. Don’t allow this genocide to continue. Please speak up and call for an end to the violence. There is that of God in every person. Please connect with that truth as you enter into stillness.

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RFK jr would be a much better person and candidate if he would respect life and be opposed to killing pre-born children.

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Giving inmates a choice cannot hurt. Choice is a chance to control one's fate and a step in healing.

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Michael Shellenberger has become a national treasure in my estimation.

Also, this week the WSJ suggested that Democrat-voting Jews had become politically “homeless” owing to the seeming lock on nominations by Biden & Trump. Funny how there was no mention of a certain third candidate also in the race.

Lastly, a possible trial balloon went up on Fox with a Democratic insider type suggesting that, given the late hour, the only alternative to Biden is Harris on the ballot. That would be a richly fate for choosing an identity-politics-box-checker instead of someone qualified to be “a heartbeat away from the Presidency.”

And that’s my personal roundup.

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what a wonderful idea about HEALING FARMS INSTEAD OF prisons !!!

You have so many good ideas ! HOW REFFRESHING ,


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THE REASON prisons are big business is because they're for-profit! End private prison corporations, & there'll be less "demand" to incarcerate everyone. End The War On Drugs , & have universal healthcare to deal w/ addicts, & there'll be way, way, WAY fewer ppl incarcerated.

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Bravo Louis, you actually composed a useful campaigh piece, staying in your lane and refraining from concluding with a fake news rendition of Trump bashing.

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Biden is Genocide Joe!!!!

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Right On Jeffrey Peoples!

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I love this article except for Kennedy's Terrible hypocrisy regarding supporting censorship of those who support Palestine, who are all Semites, so censorship of being Pro-Palestine is the actual Anti-Semitism. Being Pro-Palestine is really Pro-Humanity as we don't want humans, (especially women and children who are 75% of Gaza), Genocided, Child Sacrificed and Ethnically Cleansed! And as Karen Bartlett noted being Anti-Zionist is not Anti-Semitic!

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It is definitely ironic and contradictory that expressing criticism about what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians is classified as anti-semitism by many people when the vast majority of Palestinians are in fact semitic. A religion, Judaism, is hyperracialized, when it’s not in fact a race and there are non-semitic Jews, while a nation primarily of people who have Semitic racial background are entirely deracialized.

The term anti semitism though has primarily become just a way for some people to slander and threaten people who criticize foreign policy related to Israel. When it is typically used there is no essential connection to racism toward semites. It’s the same thing that is often done with domestic policy and accusations of racism toward racial minorities in the US. E.g. people are slandered as being racist toward black people simply if they don’t support the politics of BLM. The political views of some faction of people are illogically connected to the race of those people and everyone who criticizes the political views are irrationally slandered as racist. It’s wrong. It is also unfortunately a very potent weapon, since it can wreck havoc on a person’s life, and the validity of the accusation is often irrelevant.

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Oh yeah, PRISON FARMS. This is not really a new idea, also might not be as happy a thing as you'd imagine. Sure wasn't back when it was common down South, more like a return to pre civil war labor situation- AKA, slavery.

Still, I'd rather be outside than in a box. And likely easier to escape from too.

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