“We’re going to unite Americans around safe and healthy food, pure water, clean air, and living rivers, forests, grasslands, and wetlands. We will accelerate the transition to a regenerative agricultural system and incentivize the transition to zero-waste cycles and clean energy sources. Learn more about our plan to Clean it Up.” This is what Kennedy’s website says under “environment.” What does he mean by a “regenerative agriculture system?” See Indonesia. What “clean energy sources” is he talking about? Sounds like wind and solar which is a total failure despite huge subsidies. In the past, he was a climate extremist and said that “climate deniers”:should be punished. Note his vague responses when he pushed on his climate and proposals. He also runs immediately to top down solutions to our problems. Look at the mortgage proposal. What about bringing US medical care to parity with unspecified “Europeans? Is this single payer? The devil is always in the details.
IMO, Bernie Sanders with more sophisticated messaging.
We have lived thru the manipulation of mortgage rates & down payment assistance programs. Change the tax structure on single family homes owned by corporations to make it less profitable and you will create parity in the housing market. When you tax something, you naturally get less of it... The last thing we need is more government manipulation of mortgages. The market will correct itself if you disincentivize major corporate investors from purchasing single family homes. WE NEED SMALLER GOVERNMENT & FEWER GOVERNMENT 'EXPERTS'!
What’s happened with the vaccines (not only C-19 bioweapon, but many others) is terrifying, disgusting, and a crime against humanity. Please checkout Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea MD’s work on self-assembling nanotechnology, hydrogel, and graphene oxide (using dark field microscopy), as well as EDTA treatment.
let's get this man elected!
Bobby Kennedy is the only person for the job!!!!!
Thank Heavens RFK Jr. Has the Knowledge, Courage and Energy to take on Big Pharma and the Cretins at Blackrock and allies!
I love you, Bobby. Thank you.
“We’re going to unite Americans around safe and healthy food, pure water, clean air, and living rivers, forests, grasslands, and wetlands. We will accelerate the transition to a regenerative agricultural system and incentivize the transition to zero-waste cycles and clean energy sources. Learn more about our plan to Clean it Up.” This is what Kennedy’s website says under “environment.” What does he mean by a “regenerative agriculture system?” See Indonesia. What “clean energy sources” is he talking about? Sounds like wind and solar which is a total failure despite huge subsidies. In the past, he was a climate extremist and said that “climate deniers”:should be punished. Note his vague responses when he pushed on his climate and proposals. He also runs immediately to top down solutions to our problems. Look at the mortgage proposal. What about bringing US medical care to parity with unspecified “Europeans? Is this single payer? The devil is always in the details.
IMO, Bernie Sanders with more sophisticated messaging.
UNITE -- Col Douglas Macgregor Invitation:
We have lived thru the manipulation of mortgage rates & down payment assistance programs. Change the tax structure on single family homes owned by corporations to make it less profitable and you will create parity in the housing market. When you tax something, you naturally get less of it... The last thing we need is more government manipulation of mortgages. The market will correct itself if you disincentivize major corporate investors from purchasing single family homes. WE NEED SMALLER GOVERNMENT & FEWER GOVERNMENT 'EXPERTS'!
What’s happened with the vaccines (not only C-19 bioweapon, but many others) is terrifying, disgusting, and a crime against humanity. Please checkout Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea MD’s work on self-assembling nanotechnology, hydrogel, and graphene oxide (using dark field microscopy), as well as EDTA treatment.