Bobby Kennedy Jr. is Brilliant, Courageous, Fighting for Family & People Values,

Focused on Core Values & Core Causes, while advancing Truth, Honesty, & THE

AMERICAN WAY. I can still remember when my parents& teachers taught thought


the table & cleans house of All the crooks & dead wood on both sides.

best... bb.

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Thanks, Bruce! These are the values America must return to.

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RFK is my favorite candidate democrat or republican

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As is increasingly clear for many Americans! RFK Jr. is speaking to those disillusioned voters who find themselves lost from both the Democratic and Republican institutions, both of which have flipped their fundamental values on their heads over the decades.

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I will continue to campaign in my legion of friends and family for our next president RFK Jr. God willing

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I'd like to hear more about what Robert said re New Hampshire in the Jimmy Dore interview, that the DNC would penalize NH delegates if they voted for him, and that his name wouldn't be on the Georgia ballot. Can you find out more about that? If the DNC is going to play that unfairly, how does he have a chance?

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Thanks for asking, Sabrina. Here's a clip of the interview, for those interested: https://twitter.com/robschneider/status/1686466640119250944?s=46

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Thanks for sharing, Mario. America's financial institutions are exercising astounding power to oppose those speaking out on key issues, as Dr. Mercola has.

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This has been going on since 2010 when PayPal and major banks cut donations to WikiLeaks and what followed was the rise of Anonymous hactivists w DDoS attacks a virtual blockade on PayPal servers then DoJ targeting & prosecuting hactivism under terrorist cyber-crime laws. There was about 5 years of effective hacktivist action before the bulk of the skilled & idealistic leaders (yes every group has leaders even w leaderless claims) were jailed and collective fully infiltrated to serve Washington w accounts like @YourAnonNews run by blue check journalists & cheering Ukraine war & lockdowns.. why we can't have nice things! :~)



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Yes I knew for Paypal but Paypal is not a bank.

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PayPal is not a bank but they do facilitate high volumes of consumer transactions & the big banks were part of the blockade blocking donations similar to Canadian Freedom Convoy & Mercola now

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I like both Kennedy and trump. I do not care which one wins. I pray at least one of them makes it on the ballot and that they are both among the living long after the election.

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As do we. America deserves the right and ability to choose their elected leader, without undue influence from corporations and lobbyists.

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Does anyone know if the Farming Roundtable will be recorded? I would love to watch it live, but I'm across the pond so it'll be the middle of the night for me.

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Great question. While I don't know for sure, I certainly imagine it will be recorded.

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Can you please clarify why you're so negatively focused on the Democrats? It seems to me that both parties have big issues, but as a Democrat, it feels unbalanced. There are plenty of things I dislike about the current governance by Democrats but if my choice is D or R, I'm a D voter. I like RFK Jr's "Kennedy Democrat" label. In Washington State, where I live, we had a similar label for Dan Evans Republicans (Not that many of them anymore but it's still a recognized concept). What it shows is an understanding of nuance. RFK Jr tells us that at heart, he's a Democrat, so how does it make sense for this publication to be so negatively focused on them? Most of us would like the D party to correct it's ways and actually stand for it's old principals but we can't make it happen without help from more powerful voices. The DNC may be corrupt but the RNC isn't? The Dems may have a bunch of sellouts in its ranks but the GOP doesn't? There are D politicians doing good work and there are R politicians doing good work and there are plenty from both sides who aren't. It seems to me that what you want is for the current crop of higher up politicians to hang themselves and for RFK Jr to rise above the melee that is bound to ensue as those running for office in 2024 trash eachother. If all you do here is badmouth the Dems, I don't think there will be enough who feel positive about RFK Jr to put him over the top. It feels like hostile territory here for someone who calls themselves a Democrat.

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Thank you for your comment, you raise an excellent point. Needless to say, few people would argue the Republican party is any better than the Democratic party in terms of corporate capture, lobbyist influence, and all the rest. Certainly, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running as a Democrat because he believes in the ideals on which it was founded.

Keep in mind that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running first for the Democratic party nomination, which is the biggest hurdle he has to overcome. This is in large part because of the Democratic National Committee's previous actions to select their preferred candidate regardless of who Democrat party members wanted, such as was the case with Bernie Sanders in the 2016 cycle. As such, Kennedy needs to simultaneously win the hearts and minds of the Democratic voter, AND work to expose the corrupt practices of the DNC.

As far as the Kennedy Beacon is concerned, we aim to cover the events surround RFK Jr. as truthfully and accurately as possible, which means sharing the news about the race he's currently in. Until the primaries are over, that means covering the race between RFK Jr. and President Biden/the Democratic Party as an institution.

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Thank you for your even keel response. I understand the need for RFK Jr to differentiate himself from the Biden administration and the DNC. What I don't understand is that given his stated position to not talk badly about his opponents (including Trump), how that aligns with this publication's negative focus on the Democrats. Why not focus on "doing better" than the Biden administration instead of focusing on what they're doing wrong. The stated platform of the Biden campaign and initial days in the WH had some nice elements that weren't that different than RFK Jr's such as providing student loan relief and rebuilding the middle class. Personally, I'd like to hear from RFK Jr what he'd do to actually accomplish some of these goals while noting that the current administration had some goals that he agrees with. I think people are really tired of negativitity and often tune out when they hear it. What would it hurt to say some good things about certain Democratic agendas or certain Democrats whose work aligns with RFK Jr's goals?

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Another insightful comment, which we appreciate very much. I've taken note and passed on some feedback to my editorial team. The Kennedy Beacon is not at all associated with the Kennedy campaign, but I would encourage you to continue voicing your feedback publicly. After all, articulating positive solutions are the most important part of addressing negative problems.

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Thank you! 😊

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Wow well said! From that perspective - you're right!

The bottom line is the entire system is entirely corrupt and that is the only thing he should be talking about and driving home 24/7 - how he is the only candidate able to at least staunch and why!! Rather than being labeled an anti-vaxer he becomes known as anti-corruption candidate! This is why they fear him - and this is what he needs to say!

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Absolutely, BJ. Thanks for your support!

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With one exception. The D have taken censorship to an unprecedented level.

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With all due respect I have always felt the Democrats simply copy what the Republicans did before them! Look at the 2000 election and then, look at the wars! Bush started an illegal war in Iraq and now look whose messing around with Russia and China next? It's just my opinion and observation! I am neither Democrats or Republican and have never nor will ever vote! The whole system is corrupt which I refuse to enable or support!

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Indeed - any institution can be corrupted, and that goes for both the Democratic and Republican parties. However, the system is not so far gone as to be unsalvageable. That's where Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is lighting the way.

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He gets 100% of the vote if he focuses solely and exclusively on the massive corruption malfeasance cronyism and subterfuge! Instead, he's getting sidetracked on everything else which will not win him anything albeit the anti-vaxers!

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One exception to what?

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Because its the Democrats who are standing in the way (that's the charitable description of it) of someone like Robert F Kennedy Jr. becoming president. They did it to Bernie Sanders and they're doing it now.

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I see that and I disagree with the approach. I think it's always more effective to focus on solutions than problems. To me, it makes more sense to note policies or projects where there's agreement on principle but where the corruption in the system makes it impossible to implement good ideas. I'd love to hear RFK Jr talk about the areas in which he agrees with Bernie, Biden or whomever but would take a different and hopefully more effective approach. Focusing on what one wants is always more valuable and effective than focusing on what one doesn't want.

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I don't think I'm getting a clear picture of your concerns... I am hearing lots of solutions from RFK Jr. all the time on all kinds of topics, in pretty much every interview he gives. I don't think its wrong to identify the problem and to focus on how you'd do things differently because the current direction is so damaging.

I don't see a lot of areas where RFK Jr. agrees with the direction the Democratic Party has taken over the last 40 or 50 years. Maybe you could say some areas of agreement are his support of Israel and the fact he's for capitalism as opposed to a more left economic ideology like socialism. Current Dem party I'd say is for oligarchic crony capitalism/corporatism like the Republicans are, and he's more for a free market capitalism that does things like eliminate subsidies and goes after price-controlling monopolies. Maybe there are some other areas where they overlap but they're not coming to mind right now. If others would like to comment where they see any, please do.

But that's why he's running, because the Democratic Party needs a complete overhaul, not because he has agreements with them. I appreciate that he is critiquing policy and the system, and not individuals, because you can interchange the individuals and the problems and the system will remain, and frankly the personal political attacks distract from the real problems.

Do you have areas of agreement with the current Democratic Party's principles? If so, what are some examples? I'm really struggling to think of any where I'm happy with what they're actually doing. Do you think RFK Jr. has more than the two I mentioned?

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The two that come to mind off the top of my head are student load relief and the restoration of the middle class - both have been part of Biden's stated objectives from get-go, but actually, I was more referring to the focus of this publication in my original comments, not so much RFK Jr's messages. My comments weren't directed at the Kennedy campaign but to this publication. I would like to see it focus more on the positive messages of the Kennedy campaign instead of the negatives in the Biden administration.

I don't disagree with you at all about the oligarchic crony capitalism/corporatism and I'm sick to death of the military-industrial complex, big pharma, big ag etc. I live in Seattle and at the moment the Blue Angels and the Seafair hydroplane races are about to make the city unbearable for the next 4 days. There's a huge field across the street from my house that was once a swamp which is now looped with walking paths and people throw balls for their dogs. It's full of bramble patches dripping with ripe blackberries and coyotes lurk in the bushes. It's currently full of semi trucks marked with US Navy and US Air Force among other hydro oriented labels along with myriad RV's and every kind of fast food truck you can imagine. There's a bank of what looks like 500 portapotties and it's only Wednesday. By the end of the weekend, the lake will be befouled until it begins to rain in the fall. The Blue Angels show off over the lake and strafe our houses frightening domestic and wild animals and traumatizing small children. All of this for what? To promote the military and waste fossil fuels for people's entertainment. It's awful.

But I digress. I agree with you on most everything you've written.

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The difference between D and R

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To poach a line from Jimmy Dore.. The difference between the two parties is the time it takes to genuflect when a donor enters the room!

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I have been in Switzerland for 25 years + . Americans are massively underestimating the dilapidated corruption within their MATRIX. The only way the Power will be created to succeed against it in this conceived 2024 Election Revolution is a Trump Kennedy Ticket. Without it THE PARTY IS OVER !!!!!

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While many see this as a reasonable strategy, Kennedy has ruled out running on a Republican ticket. Also keep in mind that while President Trump's policies share some overlap with Kennedy's, they are fundamentally different candidates and disagree on how to tackle certain issues. This is why RFK Jr. has chosen to speak to all Americans, including those in Trump's base who see the opportunity for true political reform in the Democratic vision under Kennedy. Regardless of who sits in the Oval Office, Americans should expect their President to work on their behalf even if they sit on the other side of the aisle.

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And better yet, Bobby could serve as his lawyer as well if he's in prison! Hah!!!

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Kennedy vs Trump is a win-win. We just need a populist to cleanup this mess

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If and only if they form a joint Trump Kennedy ticket President Trump will just Pardon himself.

As we say in Switzerland 🇨🇭 some things are not laughing matters.

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I wish I knew! But now working in the system under Obama-care, low reimbursement and needing to see 30 patients a day has lead to dissatisfaction on both the patient and MD side. I just want this issue to be carefully studied and not rammed through to say "look we did something". We have non-medical types dictating patient care and the business of medicine has nothing to do with getting people healthier. Big pharma has seen to that! Health care isnt a constitutional right but I believe that it should be accessible and good. Our whole system mind set needs to be re-tooled to approach health as prevention of disease and discovering the etiology of disease rather than throwing a pill at the symptoms, which is what it is today. There are alternatives like functional and holistic medicine which are great but generally are not covered by insurance and are out of reach financially for most. Dont get me started on insurance! They are charging more to the customer but reimbursing the hospital or providers at that higher level which is also leading us to have to see more patients and charge for every little thing just to get paid. ....I could probably go on for days

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"We begin today’s nastygrams from Team Deep State Media... "

This made me chuckle as a legit category & new favorite.. the old print newspapers had separate section Banners for Sports, Style etc the digital age w deep state presstitutes has Daily Nastygrams

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Not sure if the Kennedy campaign is reading this but very disappointed to hear RFKj agreed to speak with Max Blumenthal about Israel on the Jimmy Dore show on Monday and now am hearing the Kennedy campaign has taken that off the table? In the wake of the Peter Hotez refusal to speak with Bobby this seems hypocritical and I really hope my information is incorrect and this discussion will indeed happen.

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Where did you hear that? As you say, if it's true, it will be a real shame. I'm seeing many people online who were going to vote for him, turning away because of his hard bias stance on Israel/Palestine. Not having that debate might be a campaign-breaker.

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It is a disappointing stance for sure and the comments under this video aren't encouraging either. I'm still an RFK Jr supporter because of all the other issues he's good on, but have to say my enthusiasm is certainly dampened now. I guess this is an issue where there's no difference between RFK Jr and the Uniparty, so, on Israel, its kind of a wash.

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And I agree, not following through with the debate, (or discussion, argument, talk, or whatever it is to be called) would be really at odds with why I am drawn to RFK Jr. in the first place. Up til now he has been pretty fearless and uncalculating in speaking about exactly what he feels to be the truth on a given issue and letting the chips fall where they may, which is what I and I think others appreciate most about him -- he doesn't give your typical "politician" answers to questions. Running away from this would be pretty "politician-y". Or "Hotez-y".

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Thanks for the link! I'm trying not to read the comments on YT too much, because you can see the mob mentality people get into and it's depressing.

Even with this issue though, the thing that I still really respect about RFK is when he says "don't take it from me, go and research and find out for yourself "

So that's what I've been doing. Trying to read up on all the different subjects, like vaccine science, Ukraine, immigration, the political system, etc.

Atm I'm trying to understand the history of the I/P conflict (which is difficult because it's so complex, and not easy to find unbiased articles), but I can't say that any other politician has really inspired me to do that before.

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"Looks like we've got ourselves a reader!"

This is why I was so looking forward to Max sitting down with RFK Jr because you'd have strong and knowledgeable proponents for each side talking it over hopefully without it turning into a shouting match.

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Plaskett is disgusting and in my view not worthy of her “supposed position”

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I really worry about medicare for all. I think health care should be apriority but I am concerned when it becomes the tool of the government. We all see how the bureaucratic state has ruined NIH, CDC, FDA and made it impossible for anyone to get good care. I am a physician and the corporatization of medicine has killed my profession. The NHS in the UK is a mess, Canada's health system is no better. I think the whole think needs to be scrapped. Not just cleaning out the "bad apples". That goes to for the FBI, NSA, CIA etc. These were never part of the constitution and the state scan handle most of this stuff on their own with so much government over reach, spying on citizens, etc

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What in your view should replace it and how would it work, or how could the existing health care system be made better for regular people?

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*"it" meaning Medicare for All, and by "replace it" I meant, what should replace that goal?

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