Note to self. Stop reading comments on the Kennedy Beacon!! Too many naysayers about Kennedy. Onward to get this man elected!! Cheers. #kennedy24

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Standing with AIPAC giving cover to genocide in Gaza puts a dark stain on an incredible record of public service & drains the hope from the message of ending the Washington cult of death.

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Thank Pamela. I really love everything else about Kennedy. I will not vote for anyone who is a genocidal maniac! It just doesn’t work for me.

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Let us be free of AIPAC’s cult of death -- for 75 years it has been no secret!

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Totally with RFK until Gaza. Death toll is over 25,000 and dead children over 10,000. I cannot understand his position at all.

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Me either and I would really love to vote for him! Personally he is my only choice so far! He would bring a great sense of relief for this nation if he took a stance on Israel that was more equitable. I think they are going to go after him anyway. My Jewish friends don’t like RFK because DNC put out a lot of false information regarding his supposed hatred of Jews. I am sure he doesn’t feel this way at all. But they are desperate to not draw votes away from Biden. God forbid.

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Hi useless eater I love this name of yours and wondered of it came from the elites who called in the past regular people like you or me that name because we are poorer than they are.

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I have Yuval Noah Harari to thank for inspiring my name. He is an economist by profession so I always found it ironic that he would call anyone a useless eater.

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Backing Israel during 17 years of the Israeli govt tolerating the warehousing of the Palestinian people in the open-air prison that Israel created for them in Gaza, and not responding to the inhumanity of this cutting short the life choices open for the 2 million people confined behind the barbed wire fences--one wonders why there hadn't been more attempts to break through the fencing and break out of this prison before October 7th? How can the human spirit thrive living under the conditions imposed on the Gazans? I wonder how those young Israelis, growing up as First Class citizens, could ignore this living reminder of how the Jews in Europe during the Rise of Nazism had been treated and ghetto-ized in such a similar way, and not try to protest their own country's treating the Palestinians the same way, just one generation later? How quickly people can forget what it feels like when the shoe is on Someone else's foot--not in Warsaw, but in Gaza. But RFK, Jr fails to speak out when the issue is right in front of our eyes. Silence is not a good enough answer in the face of Crimes Against Humanity, not even a call for a Permanent Ceasefire?

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Your words are eloquent Isabel because it is amazing to me to see Jews who are actually friends and understand the Palestinians question, yet they cannot stand up and speak out because they have been so bathed and brainwashed with Zionism. They know it’s wrong, but they cannot stand up to the injustices. It appeared as if RFK Jr. was going to say something about this issue. He is so fearful of AIPAC. I know many politicians do not feel they can stand up. But if he didn’t stand up to this obvious genocide, I wonder if he can stand up to the military industrial complex, and all of the other political pressures without fear? How does AIPAC have such a strangle hold on politicians, from senator Teddy Kennedy to others in politics. One things for sure-- we need to eliminate all funding tonIsrael who doesn’t need it. We need to stop sending arms and advisors.

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Agreed Pamela--Kennedy--if you are fearless you would do the right thing and ask for a Ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank. Then if you get elected, make peace work!! But instead you are like every other fearful politician who thinks it’s okay as long as you’re safe. Those people in Gaza are not safe, and a majority of Americans agree to a ceasefire! Half or more of the Jewish community also support a ceasefire. Bernie is heading in that direction, right as we speak! He’s joining with Jewish peace activists and realizes Netanyahu will not stop until everyone is dead. Almost 400 doctors are dead, 26,000 people, at last half children. 97 journalists are dead. This inaction of yours may just be the sign we need to make a decision about you. I loved your father and worked for him many years ago. You have done marvelous things so far. Without a stance on asking for a ceasefire, I have no confidence, whatsoever, in your humanity!

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Very True.

However I think Kennedy is a key part of this set-up which leads to One-World Government.

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Genocide Joe must be impeached or resign !!

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He just said something about the Palestinians deserving so he’s out!! RFK jr is corrupted also

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