Many blue ribbons and gold stars to Louis Conte for the top-quality Kennedy Beacon to which I look forward every day! I'm mystified that it doesn't consistently draw the kind of well-informed commentary I just read on Kennedy's failure to defend GAZA., about which I, too, am extremely uneasy because it's so dramatically contrary to all his other campaign statements.

However, Americans take for granted that criticism of Israel would kill his campaign in a nano-second, an indisputable fact about which we've shrugged our shoulders for decades.

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These /Stackers pages are an excellent, and informative resource for your ability to keep up with the real news. Not a one-sided paper. It is a well-balanced. After you have read just one of the Stackers you are able to see the fairness in the authors' story. I like to read my subscription in the mornings with my coffee. They are a great way to wake up.

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