Wouldn’t it be best to instead ask for a budget for protection…I wouldn’t feel very good about him being protected by any of the captured agencies. We know he believes the CIA killed his father.

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This continued unjust and disgraceful decision by Biden and/or his “advisers” makes me sick to my stomach . I was 7 when JFK was assassinated, 12 when MLK Jr and Bobby Sr were gunned down and you never forget watching such wonderful people die in such harrowing and public ways . I am surprised and full of admiration for Bobby Jr’s brave and honourable decision to run for the Presidency and pray for his safety & success . I used to believe that Joe Biden was a good man but I cannot understand his decision and hope he changes his mind asap. We want to celebrate RFK Jr becoming the 47th POTUS not grieve for him and his family again . Never , never will we forgive if Biden does not grant Bobby protection NOW 🙏

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Thank you, Blake Fleetwood, for laying out all the facts about this reprehensible situation. The American people need to understand what's been going on. I urge everyone to share this important article far and wide as I will be doing.


260 days not 160!!

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Just ridiculous… shocking to see the American public accepting so many realities of today. Seemingly no option but to be brought to our knees… before we will evolve to a point of values, peace and security as a nation.

Or, it’ll be too late for humanity.

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The American people accept what they have been programmed to believe. Most people form their opinions based on the lies and propaganda spew they watch on the evening news every day.

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So concur!

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meanwhile and it certainly was true in JFK's day, the American people expected to be told the truth and it was the job of the Press to keep the government honest and accountable.

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Those indoctrinated/brainwashed or choosing their 'Rose-Colored Glasses' will die and some now know it's time to let go of them as they are already lost souls.

Truth may not save anybody in itself; but at least forewarned is forearmed and some have taken the initiative to prepare while others are literally prepared to fight.

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Authoritative and Compelling! Blake you knocked it out of the park! Most importantly for someone truly deserving... Secret Service protection NOW for RFK Jr..! WAAAY Overdue...!

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Excellent article, but please correct a major typo in the seventh paragraph from the end. It's now about 260 days before the general election, not 160.

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YES! I caught that too! Thank you!

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Niki Haley just got it…

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If you read about the Secret Service, they are having morale issues, budget issues and attrition issues(plus some corruption or poor behavior instances.) I agree as somebody suggested that the USSS should just subsidize a portion of RFK's private detail of choice as the USSS isn't really all that awesome . Their budget and staff have increased but it's still performing poorly

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I totally agree. Give Kennedy the bucks to pay for his own protection ( which currently is costing him $ 1 million a month out of his campaign budget).

What Biden and the DNC are trying to do to Bobby is fully transparent and reprehensible.

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Mayorkas personally refuses to give it to RFK Jr.

PS: Why so many rabid Zionists in US government?

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It is as annoying, as is the current state of US politics. However, I would not bank on the Secret Service (SS) for RFK Jr.'s protection. JFK was fully covered by the SS, RFK also to the extent of a presidential candidate. When the Government and the very real Deep State consider someone to be a threat, the threat will be prevented (see Trump), and if prevention fails terminated. RFK Jr. is eminently right, his courage is admirable, and I hope that he will succeed - as well as survive.

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Kudos to Ted Cruz,Tucker, & everyone for making their voices heard on this seriously upsetting matter. Where are more high profile voices? Whether or not they choose to vote for Kennedy is immaterial, every senator, representative, news outlet, actor, activist should be bringing this topic again & again into the discourse until there is a acceptable resolution.

I agree to the budget protection for security. I too would not trust the CIA to protect Kennedy.

Awesome illustration of Biden!!

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Majorkas will soon be history, it seems. I don't think the next Homeland security boss makes the same mistake.

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Aren't you kind-of-like begging the WOLF (CIA/Secret Service, etc) to guard the Chicken Koop (Bobby Kennedy)? Stay away from those bad guys and let God be magnified!

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Biden can't remember the day of the week. But his handlers know the score and are playing this dangerous game.

If anything happened to Bobby, Biden probably wouldn't know or recognise any of the family, Bobby's wife or any others who would be affected.

The current US president reminds of the dying days of Brezhnev's USSR rule. They rolled him out and pulled strings to keep him moving. Maybe Biden's handlers can pick up a few tips from then!

So who are his handlers. Culpability lies with them.

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