I don't think Zuckerberg is sorry about anything that he has done. He is a businessman and the climate has changed. If I'm correct, he values money over lives.

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Well said, there needs to be a price paid by Z, otherwise it emboldens the next malfeasance op.

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Good for you - not being embarrassed

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For me, it's not a question of whether I prefer FB or some other platform. It's that users who do prefer FB were not allowed to hear other views. Organizations like CHD should have the right to get their message out across all platforms. Otherwise, only some of the people know the truth and some remain in the dark, believing they know the truth.

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Well he’s directly responsible for millions of deaths…

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It's about time corporations, elites, billionaires, celebrities, and politicians pay for their actions, just like the average worker does everyday in this country.

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Zuckerberg is definitely a leftist and I’ll bet willingly went along with the narrative of the Biden administration, even though he knew it to be wrong. By denying FB users the opportunity to get the truth that he shared with his employees was horribly wrong. By spending $400k to undermine the election process in 2020, he subjected many to horrible deaths from COVID hospital treatments and mandates that left many terribly injured. So now he’s sorry and sees the error of his ways. Just in time to welcome Trump into the WH. I see him as a hypocrite!

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I do not believe he is remorseful. He is just sucking up to avoid litigation.

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Agree 10,000%. Came to state this.

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I dont miss FB. There are so many other social sites I use. I feel I get a lot of info from many sources & gives me a wide scope of views.

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Stop using FB a long time ago!

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You are correct on everything.

Just because there has been a change in power doesn't mean you wipe away the past mistakes.

People have died, we have all been touched by this grave injustice myself included. I was able to stay strong and not take the shots, but I lost my husband.

People forced choose risking their health to feed their families.

Families broken apart that cannot be fixed.

On and on the irepable damage because people wanted to control and destroy all for money and power.

Now the truth is out there, a little too late. People have to wrestle with their decisions, and the affect it's had on their children all due to censorship and righteousness.

Go forward and pursue the truth on our behalf. Thank you

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What did your husband die from?

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The reckoning is starting to come keep going, Kennedy we support you and love you

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Be sure to write your Senators re: confirming Kennedy!

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One step forward... after the damage has been done.

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I still have no trust in anything Zuc says

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Nah, no get out of jail free passes, none. Playing nice at this late date in no way exonerates

the previous breaches. Any one still on FB at this late date loves to picnic on railroad tracks.

But then that was always the case. Zuck is a treasonous genocidal shill at best.

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Is sad to think of the power of these unelected “nerds”. The power shift is scary. The fact that the Biden administration had them so completely under control is just wrong. Hopefully with Dana white on the board, some common sense will prevail!

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Libtards being brought to reality is beautiful

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We agree with this post and that continued action is needed to ensure free speech is sanctioned by our highest court. Thank you CHD!

That said, Zuckerburg has admitted fault and he does deserve your kudos for that.

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Deserves no kudos. Too little, too treasonous, TOO LATE. Censorship is Treason against the people. Treason is not a forgivable crime.

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I seriously believe he’s a self-serving hypocrite.

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