Dear Mr Conte, I have seen your sacrifice, commitment and courage first hand as an NLP, SI trained Speech Language Pathologist. The letters added to my name through the years became embarrassing. But they were an indication of how committed I was to helping every child I treated. And every child was different in their needs, symptoms, and in their gifts.

My weekends were spent in continuing education hoping I could find the method or technique that would help the children on my caseload, and there were many. But that sacrifice was my joy, and nothing compared to the sacrifice my families and caregivers made for their children. Breakthroughs were far apart, but decades later I remember those days when a child made even the slightest progress, because what looks small to an outsider, is huge in the eyes of a parent, grandparent, therapist, or caregiver. Eventually, I also came to see these children/ souls in the beauty of their perfection, and how they and their families had healed me through the decades.

I always said that especially in school districts, things rarely changed, but usually through the efforts of parents. Parents will do anything for their children. It is most likely the deepest spiritual path for humanity, and I was/ am blessed to be a part of it for others. I had no idea the part it would play as I watched our planet move into a new phase of consciousness. That it would coincide with so many of my other passions, to become a vehicle for its transition. Through a presidential campaign.

When I heard Nicole Shanahan say she had a daughter diagnosed with autism, I knew she was the VP we didn't know we needed. After hearing more of her life story, education and experience, on the TETRAGRAMMATON YouTube with Rick Rubin, I could see how she was a VP that would actually WORK for the people and with RFK. She would implement and change the state of our country with her gifts. The patterns are all visible to those who will open their eyes and their hearts. Because this time the heart cannot be excluded from the leadership we need to turn this sinking ship around. Blessings humanity, and our dear Mother Earth.

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So well said. She is the pick we didn't know we needed. Bobby's judgment is sound and this is no exception. That is why we need them as our fearless leaders for good and a new consciousness.

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I love this post, thank you!

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I could not be happier about the Kennedy/Shanahan ticket! Wow! Leadership heading in the direction the people need so desperately seems like a miracle.

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I want to believe God is behind this movement and miracles are happening. I saw miracles like this in my 7-yr David & Goliath battle against a powerful corrupt corporation and government agencies in my state. I was led to the perfect attorneys (father/daughter team) as my partners for truth and justice and we were given the best state prosecutor and judge (the latter two being females with extreme smarts and compassion). And during the trial, all the underhanded tactics the corrupt corporate litigator used in an effort to thwart our forward momentum and airtight case were turned around and used for good for our benefit. Their litigator rarely lost, but we destroyed him and won the entire case and all outcomes we were praying for. Nothing is too big or complex when God is with you. I believe this is our time and we were all called for such a time as this. And that God is at the helm.

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Yes, Laurie, it sounds like this has been building. Thank you for posting some of your story here. It blesses me to hear it. Thank you for your strength and persistence.

We needed just one leader who has the strength to lead us thru this and inspire this movement... and it feels like we have a fantastic DUO in Kennedy/Shanahan.

There have been times in my 65 years that I felt like giving up and letting go of being here in this reality. My health and the health of my children have been such a struggle, you know, keeping up with caring for ourselves and trying to find the resources, and seeing thru the veil when others are demonizing us and virtue signalling us and gaslighting us.

I do feel the miraculous is upon us and the tide is turning and I am so grateful I am alive to see it coming together.

My heart to yours... sincerely... sandrabeing

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Sandra, thanks for your kind reply.

I see many parallels between what I went through and what our campaign is going through. And I know firsthand how miracles can overcome even the most daunting forces and attacks on goodness and truth. This truly is a spiritual battle we're in.

I'm 61 and I understand how you feel and have been there many times myself. I don't have children, perhaps God knew I had my hands full with my own health and healing. I was vaccine injured and nearly died at 2. My parents were conventional all the way and just followed doctors orders, which made my health worse from the point of that initial precarious recovery. Life has been an extreme struggle health-wise, and has taken the majority of my time and energy just to keep going. Fortunately, I've been with integrative/functional doctors for over ten years and recently found an incredible naturopath who has me on the path to healing after just treading water for the last decade.

I can't even imagine managing your own and the health challenges of kids at the same time. You are one of the heroes. No wonder we were drawn to Bobby Kennedy and now Nicole Shanahan. They represent all of us who knew something was wrong but were demonized and gaslit, as you said. It's been an incredible journey.

I've lost so many friends the last four years over Convid, and now supporting Bobby, but I gained myself and my confidence as I stood strong for what I believed in and knew to be true, despite the intense vilification as my entire family and most friends turned against me and canceled me. I declared my independence two years ago and felt immediately lighter and more aligned with my values. It thrills me to see that 52% of Americans are now Independent, the tide is indeed turning, as you said.

I believe that collectively, if we could all withstand the pressure of the last four years, we have what it takes to win this big for all Americans and people who are pulling for us around the world. I have only heard support for Bobby from the thousands of international comments on social media and the many friends I have from living abroad. Interesting how they see the truth more readily than the Americans who believe the propaganda. That was further confirmation, as if I needed more lol.

Like you, I feel the miraculous is upon us and our movement for a more conscious, compassionate approach to life and I'm grateful to be here now as well. We are living through possibly the most momentous time in our nation's history on so many fronts.

Prayers for your health and your children's and for healing of wounds inflicted by society.

My heart back to yours with a big hug!


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Bobby has a clear record of only thoughtful decisions, and she certainly reflects that. If Kennedy/Shanahan gets elected, it will be the greatest step forward we will have ever taken for humanity, the environment, and a strong, sustainable economic future for all

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Watch RFK Jr speech in 2009 :

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up: Apr 25, 2009


Part 2: Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Apr 25, 2009


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Excellent short speech videos that get right to the point and have punch! Share widely!

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Thank you so much Janet and please everybody, share this RFK Jr video as much as you can.

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Thank you for all your links, and your dedication.

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Thank you Yvonne. This barbaric practice has to stop.

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Please tell Shanahan that the late Dr. Rashid Buttar has helped many autistic children improve by getting them to excrete the toxic metals that their physiology hangs onto.


Also, do the simple thing that Dr. Bryan Ardis has found helps so many different chronic ailments, including autism: nicotine patch. (it is not addictive)


I think we already know what is causing the autism. That needs to change (suspend all vaccinations, to start). What we need is a way to deal with the afflicted once their caretakers die.

See https://spellersthemovie.com/ for how some nonverbal ones can finally communicate.

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Yes, underlying toxicity from any number of sources is the root cause of most conditions. I have seen the resolution of my own complex chronic conditions and many associated symptoms from following root cause naturopathic medicine. On Dr. Ardis' recommendation, I purchased the nicotine patches he recommends and will begin using them to resolve some symptoms, tinnitus primarily, that were exacerbated by Convid infection (no jabs taken).

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How young girls are being seriously damaged by the vaccine with the highest reported adverse reactions of any existing vaccine.¨


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Apr 2Edited

Thank you for sharing! I have been through so much with my daughter. I am a single mom suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. My daughter is 23 and very challenged. She aged out of school 10 months ago and I have had no help since.

We are drowning. I can only work about 3 hours a day, I bring her with me. We haven’t found a day program or residential facility that will accept her yet.

This crisis is unbearable for so many of us parents. We are breaking, lost, frustrated with medical establishments and getting sick from the stress. We still have to carry on however. We are being dismissed and bullied due to/for our intention to heal our children. We see no light at the end of the tunnel unless we have unlimited funds for practitioners that we must pay for to help.

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I get it. you are not alone. don't stop reaching out to any organization that might offer help, even if only for respite care. I am lucky that I have a supportive family and decent local programs.

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Warrior MOM, lotta love in that. Coupled with environmental attorney extraordinaire, the world has a chance and we got a winning ticket. Now to get this to we the people in 50 States and the d of c. Let's get to work...

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first of all, I chose Warrior Mom as my handle on Substack when it was a sparsely populated platform, never thinking that it would cause me to be confused with other, noteworthy 'warrior moms', as I am a total nobody compared to them. I chose it before Tracy wrote her book entitled 'Warrior Mom'; I am not her. I'm just a mom of a soon-to-be 20 yr old son with autism, living in the industrial armpit on the southeast side of Chicago. I've been active in the biomedical treatment community for about 17 yrs (going to the Autism One conferences, voraciously reading science, taking younger moms under my wing, etc). I help run a treatment support group, along with a brilliant, gifted 'warrior mom queen', who is one of the most sought-after nutragenomic treatment mentors currently in the world. I'm basically the 'refreshment committee' compared to this gal but hey, each to our own strengths, right?

I believe the moniker of 'warrior mom' was coined by the indominable Polly Tommy (currently the head of CHD TV), back in the day, when she was publishing the UK-based Autism File magazine. I remember the issue (which I'm sure I still have somewhere!) filled with pictures of groups of 'warrior moms' from all over the world, some posed with toy swords (early members of MY group!), others in evening gowns & donning yellow rubber gloves, many in various other clever costumes & settings. if I remember correctly, Polly was quite surprised when the photos came pouring in, (the magazine never asked for them!) in response to a reference to us collectively as 'warrior moms'. WE were fighting tooth & nail (still are!!) to discover/uncover effective treatments for our kids' VERY REAL medical conditions, having been almost totally blown off by the vast majority of the medical establishment.

Nicole Shanahan was probably a very young college student at the time when many of us (Mr Conte included) received the red-pill rude awakening of our offspring's autism dx. she likely never gave it (or us!) a second thought until she joined us in our overcrowded lifeboat. hopefully she realizes the VAST and WIDE shoulders she stands on today, to be referred to as a 'warrior mom'. its with that in mind that I feel compelled to say that her idea that 'AI will find the cause' of autism as bordering on the absurd. there is no ONE 'cause' of autism; its absolutely multifactorial and highly individualistic. the advances made in the past 20 yrs have been huge because us MOMS, (mostly through trial & error, early on) pushed & funded them! no 'AI' is going to step in at this point and somehow solve the problem tomorrow. I, for one, wouldn't trust it if it claimed to, that's for sure!

RFK jr, is the closest thing our community has to a rock star and I believe that he is absolutely a man of integrity, intelligence and passion. I think I understand HIS reasons for choosing Ms Shanahan and I'm sure they are many and very well considered at that. however I also see, out in the larger world, the choice being spun as yet another reason to criticize & malign him. maybe 10 yrs ago she could have been a powerful voice for us parents, bringing our children's plight to the fore but sadly, no. not today. not in the current climate of cancellation and ad homonym attacks. all I see is more and more potential support for his presidential bid, pealing off from a base that MIGHT have considered him a serious candidate. I will still vote for him of course but the larger 'autism community'? I'm not so sure.

is Ms Shanahan 'one of us'? I suppose technically but to the OG of the community, the word 'dubious' comes to mind. "Warrior Mom", as a title, is earned and not merely bestowed, because you've had skin in the game for a year or 3. she hasn't earned her 'cred' in the trenches just yet. hopefully she will; just not today. I surely 'get it' that the much-needed funding is a huge plus and totally don't blame the campaign for that but still... RFK jr's candidacy got LESS legitimate, to the outside world, when she was added to the ticket. (sorry, Mr Conte; just being honest, as one OG to another respected OG.)

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1. Thanks for this. I went and viewed Shanahan's VP acceptance speech. She is inspiring!

2. Thank you for saying this: "What is unleashed on a family with children on the autism spectrum is rarely presented to the public. The children need special education, speech therapy, behavioral therapy, and require special medical care. Parents are suddenly presented with huge medical and treatment bills, many of which will not be covered by health insurance.

I am currently muted at the facebook group VaccineTalk for being ableist. I said that being severely autistic was a disability.

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those of us who know better have exactly ZERO use for people who use absurd terms like 'ableist'. MY son is on the high-end of 'severe' on the spectrum. he will never be 'able' to live an independent life. that's just a fact so those folks can do all the sugar-coating they can stomach. they are irrelevant to me and my son and all the SERIOUS members of the autism treatment community.

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Thanks for the response. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills and it's nice to realize that no, it seems crazy to other people too.

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make them irrelevant in your life, Beth. we don't NEED that BS. carry on, momma!

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Mr. Conte, this was a fabulous post, thank you. I'm so glad we have smart, influential, determined leaders like you on Team Kennedy!

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Thank you team Kennedy/Shanahan!!!

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Thank you❤️

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So powerful and compassionate an affirmation, for our families, our health, our country and our world. My heart is stronger from seeing the future in these words. Gratitude to you and yours, Louis Conte.

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Health Canada Corruption - Dr. Andrew Moulden - MD, PhD 7:07


Dr Andrew Moulden - Genesis 1:1-11 5:09 min


Dr. Andrew Moulden 2 10:07


Dr Andrew Moulden - What He Told Us Before Pharma Murdered Him 8:55 min


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