This morning's story in WAPO about Joe Biden's aneurysms -- 2 of them -- was written in a voice of reverential awe. And while I too must admire Biden's resilience, the contrast between the authorial voice in that piece and the snide and snarky tone used by the NYT's Craig to disclose RFK's "brain worm" was striking.

Ironically (if predictably) the piece on Biden seemed to say that this particular evidence of Biden's resilience (going back to the 1980s when he was much younger, obviously) is all the more reason he should be re-elected.

Meanwhile the NYT and subsequent pieces on "the worm" implied that this is proof that RFK is not as healthy as he appears. I appreciated NPR's taking the RFK story as a "teachable moment" about the prevalence of parasitic worms throughout the developing world.

Too, outlets repeating the RFK story left readers with the impression that this is something that he recently disclosed out of the blue. Very few of them relay that Craig dug it out of a divorce deposition from 2012. And no one until KB has reported that these records are under seal.

After Politico brought to light the outrageous demands that the Biden administration makes of the legacy media to "save democracy" (read, save Biden), NYT executive editor Joe Kahn last week declared that the role of the press in a free society is not to skew elections by cheerleading a particular candidate, but to help readers make informed choices through straightforward reporting about all candidates. He could demonstrate some good faith by reprimanding if not firing Craig for violating the law.

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We will continue to dig and try to figure out who is responsible here. I hope we see a resurgence of sound, objective, independent journalism at mainstream outlets. Perhaps Kahn's comments will set the new tone. As I say that, we are having a renaissance of independent journalism all over substack that is certainly welcome.

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nah ya'll hoping for the Hope diamond on the beach.

There is no "fixing it from within" Credibility lost is gone.

Alt press has taken the lead and lapped the field.

Buyer beware.

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Which is the rationale behind the “disinformation” and “hate speech” laws around the western world. If one outlaws such things, then one can call anything disagreeable and shut it down. That’s where all of this is headed because they can’t control the narrative anymore.

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I don't think ANY mainstream (and progressive - same thing as mainstream now) media outlet should be forgiven for murderous lies all through covid. There is no hope in those places.

Tonight's Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance weekly webinar was a heartwarming tribute to Dr Pierre Kory, who is changing his role in the FLCCC so he can focus more on his vaccine injured patients. This short compilation of how he's been trying to reach the word since early in 2020 is a testament to not only how awesome he and the other covid docs are, but how criminal the media is for Mocking them the whole way.


Not that the media didn't take time to listen to the covid docs because maybe they're busy with other things besides covid, but they were All about covid 24-7 AND Also Insulting the doctors who stepped up to successfully treat it.

Before even the FLCCC understood how effective HCQ was, there were doctors trying to tell that to the world. (The FLCCC was founded by critical care docs, and HCQ is an early treatment, so they're forgiven for not focusing on it.) But when doctors came forward to talk about HCQ+ zinc, what did the media do?

They dug up whatever dirt they could on those doctors, and found a headline even catchier than "brain worms". - "Demon Sperm". Thats what the media wanted us to take away from the covid doctors talking about HCQ and early treatment in mid-2020. One of the doctors was from Africa and had said some comment (or maybe she didn't even say it), about "demon sperm". That and associate HCQ with Trump, as if the drug was literally made by, for, and from him. https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-curious-calm-before-the-storm

And then in December 2020, when Dr Kory spoke (to very few people) in the Senate (while the Democratic senators present WALKED OUT), the New York Times ran an editorial by the guy who would later become the Covid Czar, Ashish Jha, titled "The Snake Oil Salesmen of the Senate." That is not forgivable.

They can't be reformed. Maybe individual journalists will walk away, or maybe they'll become like Chris Cuomo and pretend the truth wasn't known back then - when it was, all along, even while Chris Cuomo was saying the unvaccinated should be "shamed" and not go to school - the Highwire showed a clip of that last week ...

But the mainstream media is too connected with whoever is desperate to get poison into everyone, and not just from advertising money.

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It's one of the few hopeful signs on the horizon, the rise of independent media, I mean. And Kahn's comments were certainly welcome, but we'll have to stay tuned and see if he's going to walk the talk, right? Well done!

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Craig Should be Fired by the NYT! If they want to be known for good journalism they should take action against this spiteful individual!

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Yup, the fake news, always looking for an opportunity. That is exactly why we should pay it no mind by not promoting the fake news by commenting on it.

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I had one of their paid ops reference the divorce information yesterday, as if that was proof of incapacity. They really aren't terribly smart, and they regularly project that onto us.

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HIPAA laws aside, anyone who thinks their body doesn't host parasites is uninformed.

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I do realize the point of your comment is to make a joke, but I can’t help mentioning: It is HIPAA, not HIPPA. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act. Also, the requirement of maintaining the confidentiality of medical information existed long before HIPAA , which was created when Clinton was President. Its supposed intention was to facilitate the creation of electronic medical records, while ensuring they were kept secure and confidential. All it ACTUALLY accomplished was create the requirement of extra forms and red tape in order to access medical records; as well as forcing all medical providers to purchase expensive software. And as we all have learned, there’s no such thing as a secure electronic database. Confidentiality was better maintained when records were on paper, and kept under lock and key.

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you are 100% correct. but also, when asked to sign this by a medical provider, you are actually giving them permission to share your records, it doesn't necessarily guarantee any kind of confidentiality

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Thank for pointing out that typo. I know better. Also, I was not making a joke. I don't understand why you took my comment that way. I'll keep my comments to myself in future.

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I’m sorry that I thought you were being facetious. Upon rereading your original comment, I now better understand what you were saying. Please continue to share your comments!

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no need to candy coat it, they are clueless, without clue

early High School Biology, HIPAA laws are surveilance tools nothing more

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Parasites are so common that not a single person is without them.

Flim Flam

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Love your quote!

“A man who defeats parasites should do just fine against Donald Trump and Joe Biden.  

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The @NYTimes being *unethical*? 🙀 Say it ain’t so!! How can that be?? 🤔😉

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"I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!"

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Way to go Louis! I hope you can hold The NY Times accountable for their actions.

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well this is just one more incitement of the ENTIRE MSM because last week, the local Chicago TV nightly news 'reported' (repeated, more like,) on this, saying SPECIFICALLY that Mr Kennedy 'revealed this in a public interview'!! they said he said it 'publicly'!!! my mom just happened to have the news on (waiting for local weather forecast) when we heard RFK jr mentioned and started paying attention. the newsreader had such an obvious smirk on her face while reading it out, it was appalling. the tone was clearly one of 'gee look, one MORE weirdo thing to prove the man is a complete nutter'.

I commented to mom how absurd it was that they found this NEWSWORTHY yet NEVER talk about his actual campaign, let alone any of his stances on actual ISSUES.

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MSM is disgusting! Looks like they are paid by the EVIL DNC!!!their devotion to the senile Biden is Revolting!!

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not only did I miss it, I deliberately NEVER read the fake news.

the filth makes its way and... light disels darkness

The philosophy works every time

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Mr. Conte, thanks for another clever and honest article and for investigating the potential source of the felonious leak. Mr. Kennedy deserves to know and the Times deserves the black mark.

BTW, I have been horrified by how many worms I’m expelling in a months-long parasite cleanse using herbs and other plant extracts. My guess is, Biden and Trump are living with a fair number themselves and might need some of that dreaded horse paste Ivermectin!

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indeed the Dems are ultra proficient at appealing to emotions

They are also failing miserably

Censorship rebranded is still.... censorship

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Lock up the Times, give Secret Service protection, he travels-health issues happen but he is physically and mentally strong. I’m only shocked at his financially donor connected blindness on rights and life for Palestine as that is a human rights and therefore moral health issue!

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you should not be shocked at the VP comment, there is a long history

RFK supports full term abortions, now that is a moral human rights issue yeah?

To be clear he said its the womans choice including full term "choices"

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Keep listening to him on his bodily autonomy/choice stance. He believe’s the choice to continue/terminate a pregnancy is a woman’s choice with her doctor and partner, not bureaucrats’. He also was under the impression that women wouldn’t choose to terminate a late stage healthy pregnancy given the support and resources he is proposing that don’t exist now. So he is clarifying after the Steele interview. He is a nuanced thinker with nuanced answers. Don’t latch on to the out of context sound bites aimed at distorting his positions.

Same with Palestine. He has said numerous times he’s pro-Palestinian, supports a two-state solution and full rights as everyone deserves.

He is honest and transparent and deserves our trust that he will do the right thing for all of life and the planet as President.

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"Was the “Worm” Leak to The New York Times Illegal?"

We all knew about the worm eating half of Mr. Kennedy's brain, leaving him cognitively impaired; it is called "Zionism"... but make no mistake - the worm is not dead - only asleep - and will finish the work if Mr. Kennedy will fail to comply!

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WTF does this even mean? Put the bottle down, please, there are adults in this room desiring adult discussions. Thank you.

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With a profile name Hubris…there you go.

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... and you are an adult because you use the "F" word... hmm...

No worries; I will make a drawing for you!

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Our.Vice President uses it. Make.your drawing for her.

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How many did eat your's? Looks like not just half your brain is gone but the whole thing is..

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Even if JFK Jr is operating with a small percentage of grey matter, his intellect far outweighs the sum of the best of the two "weevils".

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Disagree, murder of innocents has exactly no nuance. That said legislating morality is impossible.

I understand that everyone can have any "impression" they want. Stupid people will do stupid things.

No one deserves anything. That is entitlement lingo. A restaurant is as good as its last meal.

Honesty and trust are gained by the tracks one leaves in the sand.

Flip flopping on issues is anything but Presidential. Coming from as political a privileged family as exists leaves no room for ambiguity. DJT has not flip flopped, He is the most persecuted man on earth for a reason. The Deep State hates him. He has north of 150 million Americans in support.

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