Two in a row for the Beacon. Great expose on the genocidal reign of Queen Nuland celebrating her demise. She is pure evil. We must never forget, and there must be retribution.

She did even more damage than the dotard installed puppet.

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Nuland is a Disgusting-Psychotic-Warmongerings Neocon like her husband head Neocon Kagan. Together their responsible for the murder of millions of people.

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Here’s an idea. Get out of NATO. It should not concern us.

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Better idea. Disband NATO completely. It's useless.

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Here's the story of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline, and how the loathsome wretch Nuland (real name Noodleman) worked with the administration to have it destroyed:

Jan 27, 22 Victoria Nuland: If Russia invades Ukraine, Nord Stream 2 Will Not Move Forward: https://bitchute.com/video/pY3RoScVVPsR [20seconds]

Biden: https://bitchute.com/video/d6Un1LIGdD2N

Rice: https://bitchute.com/video/zOyEIn5MwVaf

Blinkin: http://y2u.be/oaEe8A8T818

It's done: https://bitchute.com/video/E22kNdO89rC0

Poseidon Buoy: https://bitchute.com/video/v4yAPCqU22SG

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I like how the “official” government numbers are lowballed by half. Nonetheless, she is the architect of the Ukraine debacle, which financed Ukrainian Nazis and killed 14,000 ethnic Russians in the Donbass, and abused hundreds of thousands more. This happened under the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations. So why didn’t anyone do anything to stop the powderkeg of Ukraine from exploding? Trump didn’t start any wars, but he didn’t stop them either, and sent weapons to Ukraine, ramped up Obamas droning programs and bent the knee to the military industrial complex. Just like he did for the medical industrial complex with Covid.

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Lest we forget Washington war machine priorities Trump's momentary pause in Ukraine weapons shipments was the basis for the Impeachment.

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Funny how RFk doesn’t like neocons but supports one of their favorite causes— a Jewish Ethno-theocratic state and the plausible genocide it is now carrying out. It is ridiculous that RFk rejects funding Ukraine but totally supports funding Israel. He is showing himself to be a fraud.

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The situation is WAY more nuanced than that. I am constantly astounded at how many people can't appreciate that to denounce Israel is to concede his presidential run. Plain and simple. It would be suicidal (possibly in a literal sense) to take the side everyone is insisting he take.

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It actually isn’t more nuanced than that. No person should support the funding of Likud right now(the leading party of Israel). There is no compelling reason from a more generalized moral perspective or from a strictly “US interest” perspective for the US giving a penny to Likud right now.

The idea that his campaign would be harmed is erroneous I think. Given the easy argument to make for opposing Likud, and the general contempt most Americans have for congress and the Biden administration, it would improve the possibility he will win, as it will provide a distinct difference between his stance vs Biden and Trump’s. The majority of the Us, by polls, support a “ceasefire”, and that is with the general ignorance the population has about the conflict. The true propaganda that RFK could unleash on behalf is extraordinary. Eg. “Einstein warned against Likud 75 years ago”, “Israel stole nuclear secrets and material from the US”, “the international court of justice ruled that Israel is plausibly carrying out a genocide, including the American judge on the court”, “The US is going further into debt to fund Israel and Israel has smaller debt to gdp ratio than the US and lots of Israeli citizens have a higher standard of living than many US citizens.” RFK has the opportunity to inform the public, rather than to serve as another mouthpiece of the IDF.

The fact that it’s potentially dangerous to RFKs *life* to oppose Likud is not a good argument for why he shouldn’t oppose Likud as a presidential candidate. It’s a sensible argument for why maybe he shouldn’t run at all. But if he is actually going to run as the anti establishment candidate, it makes no sense that he bends his knee to the establishment once opposing it becomes dangerous. What’s the point? Be real or go home. I have no reason to believe that RFK is going to radically change his stance on Israel once he is elected. He just appears as another fraudulent captured politician, just like 99% of them.

The US needs a leader, not a fraud; someone to direct the US away from being drawn into a genocidal war on the behalf of an ethno-theocratic state. There must be viable candidates with the courage and will to oppose the Israel lobby, otherwise Israel will continue to drag the US more into debt and more into military conflicts that only put American citizens at greater danger, not for any noble cause, but ethno-religious fantasies of territorial dominion of Israel over The Land of Canaan.

The sooner RFK understands he is going to lose more votes based on his support for Likud than he will by opposing Likud, the better for his campaign, the better for the US, and the better for Earth.

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I'm going to point out that Trump is the biggest Israel supporter of all. He declared Jerusalem the capitol of Israel and moved the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv. Neither Trump or Biden are going to stop that war and may even send US troops there to fight.

CNN today: “Look, I hate seeing what’s happening. Again, it would have never happened. This attack on Israel and likewise Israel’s counterattack, which is what it is, would’ve never have happened if I was president,” Trump said on Fox News, avoiding a direct answer.

Trump also appeared to back the Israel Defense Forces’ conduct in Gaza, saying, “You’ve got to finish the problem.”

What I'm saying is that if there's any hope for peace anywhere and especially Gaza, it's Kennedy who's committed to diplomacy and not deploying our troops unless there's a direct threat to the U.S.

I'm assuming you're supporting Trump who showed no backbone as a "leader." He bent the knee to Fauci and Gates more than once. He bent the knee to big pharma after they gave him millions for his inauguration, and he disbanded the vaccine investigating committee that he choose Kennedy to lead after Bill Gates told him "that's not a good idea."

Bobby has always supported Israel and it's lunacy that the media called him an anti-semite. He cares about all people period.

I find it really hypocritical that those of you who support Palestine so vehemently have not said one word about the genocidal policies that China has perpetrated upon the Muslim Ughyers as they've been murdered and housed for years in concentration and work camps. And what about the Christian Armenians who have been genocidally attacked and blockaded by Muslim's in Azerbaijan? What about their children? Biden or Trump will not do anything to stop these atrocities from continuing.

A real leader would close the 800 military bases we pay for all around the world, bases who's only job is to pick fights with smaller, helpless nations like a schoolyard bully that everyone hates. Close those bases, bring the soldiers and money home and create "Fortress America" like Joseph Kennedy recommended, and get the hell out of everybody's business. And that's exactly what RFK Jr will do.

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Your assumption would be wrong about me supporting Trump. Specifically, I voted for Hillary in 2016 and Jorgensen in 2020. In 2020 I did prefer Trump over Biden though. And i would have voted for him if I didn’t convince my mom, who supported Biden over Trump, to vote for Jorgensen with me, so that neither of us would throw away our votes by voting for a third candidate.

And in this election, I’m uncommitted. I still could end up preferring Trump over Biden or Kennedy though. I could even up preferring Biden — as of now it largely depends on how they all continue to approach Israel. I could end up voting for another Libertarian candidate.

As for why people who “support Palestine” dont mention other bad actors in the world and what they are doing in the same breathe of their condemnation of Likud — I cannot speak for everyone who “supports Palestine”, but I personally don’t mention that other stuff because the US is not directly funding those things or arming the responsible parties like the US is Israel. The relationship between Israel and the US is not like the relationship it has with any other country. The us funds and arms Israel regardless of what it does, and regardless of the wealth and power that Israel has. The Israel lobby currently has more power over the US than the US has over Israel. This is clear from the fact that Biden is speaking out of his ass and mouth at the same time, saying what Netanyahu is doing is “over the top”, but still funding and arming him. There is no comparable foreign lobbying entity in the US. Politicians are largely captured by the Israel lobby by fear or money. Politicians have largely abandoned US interest for what they perceive is expedient for their own personal careers with regard to Israel.

But I don’t support what China is doing to the Ughyers either (which you would see I have talked about if you were to stumble upon my Facebook feed), but the US also isn’t funding it through tax money. So it’s not relevant in relationship to Israel. And of course, Rfk doesn’t support it either, so why would I bring that up?

Rfk is not going to be closing 800 bases if he continues to support Israel as much as he says he does. There isn’t going to be a “Fortress Israel” without those bases. And the Israel lobby is going to pummel rfk jr with accusations of anti semitism if he removes bases in the Middle East. And given how easy he folds to those accusations, the notion he is going to do something like that is not compelling.

Talking about what some Muslims are doing is not relevant to the question of whether the US should fund and arm Likud. What Azerbaijan does to Christians isn’t relevant to whether the US should fund or arm Israel; and I don’t think any candidate supports Azerbaijan like they support Israel. Your comparisons are ridiculous.

I personally wouldn’t say something like “I support Palestine”—it is too vague and open to misinterpretation. I oppose Israel’s occupation of Palestine. I think there should be one state, Palestine, that does not grant special rights to people based on their race or whether they are Jews or Muslims. And that is what the US should support.

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I agree with much of what you're saying. Just one thing: I'm not sure how you could contemplate support for biden, who is so obviously in the throes of dementia. Even prior to his dementia, he's had a long history of breathtaking corruption, esp in more recent yrs.

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I’m not going to dispute that. Biden has been corrupt his whole career. Admittedly I think it is very unlikely that I will in fact come to prefer Biden. That would require him to essentially do a 180 on his Palestine policy and RFk to stay where he is. But I’m not on principle opposed to voting for him if he actually does stuff (and doesn’t just say he will) that demonstrates a radical change. For example, if he cut off all funding and arms sales to Israel and promoted a no fly zone over Gaza to the UN. Will that happen? I don’t think it will. But if it did, I’d vote for Biden over a Trump and Rfk who still supported arming Likud.

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I don’t know how anyone could support either Drumpf or Biden over RFK Jr! This man deserves our respect and I’m getting tired of people calling him a fraud, Jeffery Peoples! We can’t take another 4 years of a D or R running/ruining America. When are people going to wake up to this fact and vote accordingly?! #Kennedy24

⚖️In 1991, RFK Jr represented the NAACP in a lawsuit battling the creation of a garbage transfer station in an underserved neighborhood in New York.

⚖️In 1993, Bobby represented the Confederation of Indian Peoples in their negotiation with oil giant Conoco to limit destruction of the Ecuadorian Amazon.

⚖️In 1997, he sued Mobil Oil to reverse its pollution of the Hudson River, making the waters fishable again and enabling the return of the Bald Eagle to its nesting ground.

⚖️In 2007, RFK, Jr won a $396 million jury verdict on behalf of rural communities in West Virginia contaminated by Zinc from a DuPont chemical plant.

⚖️In 2016, Bobby prosecuted SoCal Gas on behalf of the California communities sickened by the Aliso Canyon Gas Leak, the largest gas leak in American history.

⚖️In 2018, RFK, Jr secured a $670 million settlement for under-resourced communities in Ohio and West Virginia whose drinking water had been contaminated by C8 from industrial dumping and runoff.

⚖️As of Dec 2022, the Monsanto lawsuits to which Bobby has devoted much of the past decade have yielded $11 billion for farmers, migrant workers, day laborers, and families exposed to the pesticide RoundUp.

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How many dead on Nuland's watch?

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Is she abandoning a sinking ship?

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Yes is the short answer, we will know its listing and soon to be underwater when the finger pointing festival begins.

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Nuland under the Obama administration with the help of the CIA orchestrated the color revolution (coup of an elected president). This led to the bombing of civilians in eastern Ukraine most of which were of Russian descent. She also pushed for NATO membership of Ukraine on Russia’s border. This led to the Russian military operation which really is a war of NATO vs Russia. Because NATO using proxy Ukrainian soldiers is loosing the war Nuland is running for cover. I’m sure she will be back in the future. This woman is demon possessed.

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The phone call revealed Nuland and Pyatt planning the coup, picking the post-coup government, and scheming to get Ban Ki Moon involved. They made it clear that Biden was in charge and they had to get his ''atta boy''.

The way the Mighty Wurlitzer spun it was clear from the EuroNews report you linked to. I would suggest that everyone listen to the actual conversation, instead of fretting and obsessing over that one word, the way we have been programmed to do.


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Great news! Good riddance to the wicked witch!

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A clear sign of the brainwashing that’s afflicting so many lefties who used to cry out for peace and freedom - they praise Liz Cheney (Darth’s daughter)for joining up with the antithesis of freedom the Jan 6 Committee and defend Nuland who is a dark reminder of the rise of neoconservatism led by her war monger husband William Krystal.

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her resignation just means that she will surface somewhere else. warmonger reptiles like her don't simply walk away, even though she was so successful at making enemies for the U.S. all over the globe. she'll go to the board of some defense contractor or military-funded NGO.

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In or Out...She's merely a Puppet of the old Black Nobility;

now known as The Crown Corporation and The City of London's Central Bankers.

There are thousands more willing to step into her shoes.



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Good riddance!!

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Something big will happen in Ukraine real soon...

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