My choice would be Tulsi Gabbard, FWIW.

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The vice presidential candidate typically doesn't help the ticket, but it can definitely hurt it. As a Minnesota resident, I think Ventura would hurt his ticket. Of the three mentioned, I would prefer Tulsi Gabbard.

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Why do you say that?

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I won't ever cast a vote for that CIA shill, Jesse Ventura.

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Then don't; go vote for Mr. CIA again.

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Tulsi Gabbard!!!!

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Why on Earth would he consider Aaron Rodgers? Not a crossover hit. What demographic is that really serving? Ventura is cool. At least he was a governor. How about Tulsi Gabbard? She's a woman. A veteran. A former Congresswoman and presidential candidate. Has leadership skills and integrity

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Ventura has already proven he's not afraid to tell the truth, which is a very rare quality these days.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

He reeks of CIA. I won't vote for Ventura. I can't in good conscience.

Truth? Like using CGI to create reptilian eyes, on his embarrassing TV show, Conspiracy Theory? He's a disinfo shill, like Alex Jones, and poisons all the wells with garbage.

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That's propaganda of sheep talk. I'll tell you who reeks of CIA, the guy who is in the White House right now.

"The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House" Madsen, 2012


And who was his VP for eight years? The guy who's in the White house right now.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Yes I am fully aware of Obama's CIA connections. I have written a BOOK about him.

Ventura is CIA too. I don't need you to tell me who is CIA and who isn't....now that is propaganda shill talk. Everyone must make their own conclusions.

Go watch that episode yourself. It's his show, not mine. He is is the shill and you are the sheep. You think he delivers truth? The truth is out there, no one need to tell it to you.

I haven't voted for a winner since Bill Clinton's second term. I have ZERO problems not voting for Ventura or anyone. I can cope. I'd rather lose or not vote than vote for the CIA slime ball Ventura.

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"Ventura is CIA too." Prove it or shut the hell up.

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Prove Obama is CIA. I don't disagree with that, but let me see you prove it or shut up.

"Prove someone is CIA or they aren't!!!" Stupidest thing I have ever read.

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The stupidest thing I've ever read is claiming Ventura is CIA with no proof. The last episode of Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" was about "Targeted Individuals", which no other politician has touched since. So if it is CIA disinfo, why did Targeted Justice, a human rights non-profit file a lawsuit against the Department of Justice, The Federal Bureau of Investigation & the Department of Homeland Security for $1.3 billion in January of 2023, Mr. Book Writer with No Proof?


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My vote goes to Tulsi. Together they would make an unstoppable team! Not sure what her plans are as she seems to already be campaigning herself and now with the Fox News gig, she is off to the races. My second choice would be Jesse Ventura, but he falls far below Tulsi for me. Aaron Rogers?! Seriously?! Please, no!

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Tulsi Gabbard - She would add a woman to the ticket and a good balance of progressive and conservative views. There are probably many Hawaiians who are angry at the handing of the Maui fire disaster and she is an Hawaiian. She also has served in the military and that will draw veteran's and military votes.

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Much as I love Jesse, Rand Paul would be the best pick. Tulsi would be fine, but Doctor Paul is at the top of his legislative game and is probably the only guy in Congress who knows how the economy works. He has also demonstrated his commitment to the rethinking of the pointless military adventurism that has plagued this country since the beginning of the 20th century. Later for the sports stars and much, much later for Andrew Yang. After 12 years of Obama and Biden, the last thing we need is another socialist experiment.

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How could Tulsi resist the temptation to own Kamala all over again in the Vice Presidential debate?

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I guess she's biding her time to run for the GOP nomination in 2028, in the great Battle of the Browns.

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Tulsi But Jesse Ventura would be good too👍

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I pick Rand Paul

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What about Cornel West or Marianne Williamson or Dean Phillips?

Wow, ballotpedia has a huge list of registered presidential candidates:


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I support Ventura for the VP. He has the media skills to help break the "Bernie Blackout" now in full effect by MSM to noise-cancel the RFK campaign. Ventura fought the duopoly as Minnesota Governor and pioneered a new way to run without elite approval. Ventura would solidify the campaign's identity as outsiders. He isn't a 'shrinking violet' but rather a muscular fighter that will bring some power and chutzpah to the campaign. He is a cannabis champion. He had the wisdom to seek advice from Jerry Garcia. I appreciate Ventura's freethinking, street-wise realism in discussing the true world situation. Kennedy Ventura 2024!

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Would prefer Tulsi. But Jessie can grab some attention for Bobby.

The main issue is - word MUST get out that RFK Jr is pro-safe vaccine!!--Not anti-vaccine. Otherwise, boomers won't pay him any attention!

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I would rather it be someone untainted by politics, like Aaron Rodgers. No offense to Tulsi, but she has a couple of question marks by her name. I am just not feeling generous with my benefit of doubt, these days. 😭

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Ventura is an interesting character, but I’m not a fan of him being that high up in leadership. Mostly because of his age, but he’s made recent statement that sent out red flags to me regarding Covid, lockdowns, and his 2A stance. I evaluate VP’s the same I would POTUS since they’re next in line to the office. Jesse would be a m no for me. I like Rand. Trisha needs to be a SCJ or in his cabinet in some legal capacity. Ladapo would be a good choice for HHS.

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