Thanks for the clarification of this difficult to understand litigation. And thank Bobby and his persistent legal team's efforts, as well as the dissenting Alito for bringing to lite the true censorship battles facing Americans.. and ultimately the rest of the world who's watching us

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Our last system has failed us! I could have sued Facebook for their unlawful censorship of my scientific research! They censored me yesterday for a cartoon-meme against the Biden administration!!! I’m mad 😡 I have just recently been experiencing censorship on social media again, and now I know why! REVOLUTION TIME!

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Which shows us the brilliance legally that RFK has. While he may not make it to the presidency, he can fill a huge role in any area of government. My preference is he is nominated to the supreme court. Or head of the CIA or Head of the State Department or Head of the FDA. THe man has a passion for the USA citizens and the constitution.

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Unfortunately, neither Trump nor Biden would appoint Kennedy to ANY position within their administrations.

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So in your article… are you implying that RFK jr will be not be recognized at all ( digitally) in the 24 campaign? And this will be hurtful to his running for President?

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Yes! They have increased their efforts against him more so now with this!!!! 😠

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Dr Malone came out today ( Wednesday) with a terrific piece on the media war going on against people like himself and RFK’s running mate Shanahan. People need to know who’s responsible.


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I can’t believe I’m agreeing with Alito…but I do 110%

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I think the SC ruling was cowardly--as anyone who is clear-minded can see how the first amendment, which applies to ALL, is directly threatened by the censorship. We as citizens have standing, meaning that the citizens of Missouri and Louisiana had standing.

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The “standing” issue is so ludicrous one has to speculate how the government “got to” the justices. The press campaign against ivermectin and HCQ and suppression of early treatments in general can be illustrated by examples on a dozen publication platforms. Not to mention pharmacies refusing to sell substances they were not legally entitled to withhold. How many citizens could have been helped or saved? The harm is beyond dispute. How can the majority be so “thick?” Or is it intimidated? Just asking. Hey Amy! What’s the story? Another example is the rise in heart attacks and cancer that accompany the shots … amateurishly explained away by some platforms and redacted by others.

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This lawsuit isn't dead yet. The court ruled only that the plaintiffs lack standing to seek an injunction. The majority's reasoning is ludicrous but at least the case goes back to the district court for further proceedings on the merits. Unfortunately the merits have now been tainted by the Supreme Court's opinion.

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