I came across this great Lincoln quote:

"And, insomuch as we know that, by His divine law, nations like individuals are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, may be but a punishment, inflicted upon us, for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole People? We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness."

I've come to believe that we're living through events of biblical proportions and I think this quote gets right to the heart of what is wrong with the world... and also illustrates the way forward. It doesn't matter what leaders we get, what policies they implement-- if we as a people don't deal with the source of the problem, namely our having turned away from God and righteousness, then we'll keep on having the same problems and conflicts going forward. I really believe that RFK Jr. is a "Lincoln like figure" of our age...starting with the fact that telling the truth is the foundation stone of his campaign.

This passage from Emerson's obituary for Lincoln reminds me a lot of RFK Jr.: "A plain man of the people, an extraordinary fortune attended him. He offered no shining qualities at the first encounter ; he did not offend by superiority. He had a face and manner which disarmed suspicion, which inspired confidence, which confirmed good will. He was a man without vices. He had a strong sense of duty, which it was very easy for him to obey. Then, he had what farmers call a long head ; was excellent in working out the sum for him-self; in arguing his case and convincing you fairly and firmly. Then, it turned out that he was a great worker ; had prodigious faculty of performance ; worked easily. A good worker is so rare ; everybody has some disabling quality. In a host of young men that start together and promise so many brilliant leaders for the next age, each fails on trial ; one by bad health, one by conceit, or by love of pleasure, or lethargy, or an ugly temper, – each has some disqualifying fault that throws him out of the career. But this man was sound to the core, cheerful, persistent, all right for labor, and liked nothing so well."

Like many I fear for Bobby's safety going forward as he is presently leading the charge against an array of very powerful and deeply entrenched demonic forces who are presently almost desperately at the "now or never" phase of their plan. At the end of the day, as Bobby himself has said, his life is in God's hands-- even if he were to leave us tomorrow he would have lived a heroic and victorious life. What God chooses to do in the present world situation will depend on the thoughts and actions of us, the masses and the extent to which we can collectively commit to "our national reformation as a whole People".

This final passage from that same Emerson piece also seems fairly fitting:

"There is a serene Providence which rules the fate of nations, which makes little account of time, little of one generation or race, makes no account of disasters, conquers alike by what is called defeat or by what is called victory, thrusts aside enemy and obstruction, crushes everything immoral as in-human, and obtains the ultimate triumph of the best race by the sacrifice of everything which resists the moral laws of the world.’ It makes its own instruments, creates the man for the time, trains him in poverty, inspires his genius, and arms him for his task. It has given every race its own talent, and ordains that only that race which combines perfectly with the virtues of all shall endure."

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Thank you for sharing these beautiful and inspiring quotes.

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Love you Robert Kennedy....you give us all hope....,here in Ireland the land of your forefathers, your uncle put us on the map. Loved your dad... the hopes and dreams he gave us... in boarding school at 16 years of age. We cried for days when he was murdered got a day off too...7 pages in my tiny diary on his funeral... and Martin Luther king gets a mention also for all the wrong reasons. Of course you don’t get a mention here either....like all the captured countries we follow the crowd

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The Kennedy Beacon is an Extremely Impressive & Intelligent 2024 Methodology.

My Opinion this is a Building Block for The Building of the Great Record of Bobby

Kennedy, Jr. best... bb.

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if nutritious, healthy food in abundance is a goal it would be prudent to look into halting the (billions of pounds + to date?) aerosolized nano particles being sprayed into our atmosphere and percolating into the water supplies worldwide… carbon is a “smokescreen”

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And - RFK is "very controversial" and must be silenced ...?!?!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Let's Fight Censorship... -- Jul 28


RFK Jr Is Asked, “Why Should Anyone Trust You?” His Answer Receives a Round of Applause

https://rumble.com/v32tvpw-rfk-jr-is-asked-why-should-anyone-trust-you-his-answer-receives-a-round-of-.html -- Jul 28

James O’Keefe interview with Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Jul 27


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Is COVID A Bioweapon That Targets Specific Races? -- Jul 25


RFK Cancellation Attempt – Jul 25


We Need to REVIVE Our Middle Class - RFK Jr. on The Joe Rogan Experience – Jul 24


RFK Jr: The People Who Censor Speech Are Never the Good Guys, According to History – Jul 24


False Accusations -- Jul 22


The Art Of Democracy -- Jul 21



Jul 20 -- Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

Jul 20 -- Intro to RFK


Become a Defender of Democracy -- Jul 20


2021 !! -- Previously Unreleased Recording: Bret Weinstein Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (From 2021)


Connecting Youth With Nature -- Jul 18


The Earth Is An Ark -- Jul 17


We need to stop investing in war, and start investing in the American people. --- Jul 15


How To End The Polarization -- Jul 13


Our Food Is Being Poisoned -- Jul 13


Fear Doesn’t Solve Climate Change -- Jul 12


The Remedy is Kennedy

https://rumble.com/v2z1pas-the-remedy-is-kennedy.html -- Jul 9

RFK Jr: I'm PROUD To Be Liked By Trump, I Want To Bring Americans TOGETHER

https://youtu.be/iD-cFQxDTPw -- ~Jun 30

RFK podcast -- Next Level Censorship with Aaron Maté



E127: Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in conversation with the Besties

https://youtu.be/nA0OXZuaG0g -- ~May

The Hunger Precipice

https://rumble.com/v2yhmje-the-hunger-precipice.html -- ~ Jul 6

Our Campaign is Blasting Off

https://rumble.com/v2ywwts-our-campaign-is-blasting-off.html -- Jul 8

Bret and Heather 182nd DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Gender Surrender — Atrozin

https://www.youtube.com/live/USF0A_fRlvk?feature=share -- Jul 7

RFK on Jordan Peterson podcast – Jun 5



FBI/CIA + DNC criminal cabal -- there are no limits for these corrupt criminals...

Vote RFK, Jr. and -- if Trump reappears -- demand that he makes RFK-2 his Attorney General.

The US bipartisan fascist uniparty MUST be destroyed and US politics disinfected.

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Silly me, I thought the corruption with Nixon at the center could not be topped. Bravo, Joe. Let Go Brandon. We Americans really have seen enough.

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Love this!

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Remember, the Agents of the Israel Lobby-AIPAC-ADL and dozens of other Jew-Zionists Organizations, the Enemies Within, are driving, dictating, controlling the US Foreign and DOMESTIC Policies!

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keep on speaking the truth Mr kennedy

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Attacks against RFK, Jr. illustrate how deep and wide corruption in governments, Pharma and the news media go. And how psychotic large segments of society are. Democrats and the deep state don't want independent-minded people of integrity, rationality and incorruptibility like RFK, Jr.

Same applies to attacks on Trump. While he's no saint and is his own worst enemy, he hasn't committed all the crimes being charged.

Same applies to Putin. The narrative spun against Russia and Putin is gaslighting propaganda to cover up the US role in that conflict dating back to 2013.

The list of false attacks, censorship and psyops against anyone who opposes corruption goes on and on.

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