Wow, I'm loving that I can now see the Kennedy Beacon on X.com!

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I love how Bobby is highlighting and supporting Angie's House. I am totally pro-choice, AND I feel that women and mothers should be given a real choice with viable, supportive options when deciding what to do when pregnant, wanted or unwanted. Supporting mothers who choose life is a beautiful thing and I applaud Bobby for supporting this cause. This is the way forward, giving people actual, informed, supported choices. Just like with vaccines, many people do not know how to support their immune systems, or what's in the childhood and cvd shots, and simply follow the dictum of the health agencies. If they knew more, and had a choice (not a mandate), they might take a different route that truly supported their family's health and wellness.

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A great news !!


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Based on those numbers, looks like the only group in the population at large who has an unfavorable opinion of RFK is the base of the democratic party. They're gonna vote for whatever zombie the DNC puts in front of them. The people who have as yet an unformed opinion on RFK are either those who don't pay close attention to politics or have been too busy to figure out what is true and what is not. That's gonna change as we get closer to the election. It always does, and it will work in Bobby's favor. In fact, as he refines his positions on various subjects, some of the things that he's commented on off the cuff that have triggered one or more of us over the months (including me) will be non-issues by the time the rest of the folks tune in.

I think there's a decent possibility that the mainstream media will be revealed once again for the fools they were in 2016 when they said over and over again that the last primary Trump won would be the last one he would ever win and then later that he could not possibly win the general election. To his credit, the useless buffoon Nate Silver at least gave Trump a one in three chance when other people were giving him about a 1 to 3% chance.

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Great Stuff!

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We would like to make cardboard Bobby’s and need a full body picture of Bobby, from head to toe. I have contacted the campaign and have posted many places asking for one and am getting nowhere. Anyone have any idea of how to get a picture?! They are great to take when campaigning for him and people can take pictures w/it! Thx for any suggestions. #kennedy24

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I love him for his stances on medical freedom and freedom of speech and for his decades of environmentalism. I can’t get with him on reparations--was that real?!? And climate alarmism is going to be the death of us WAY before the earth burns up.

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You might want to see what he has plans for reparations. It’s not what you think. Dwell on all the positives he wants to do! And don’t forget, we have a good chance to take down the oligarchs!! That is BIG.

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Thanks, Cindy. It's true that many folks are falling for the New York Post's misleading framing of his platform on investing in underserved areas.

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I listened to RFK Jr speak on a recent podcast (Math Hoffa's, 7/30/23) about how cash reparations were not something he supported, but he instead leaned towards helping small businesses grow, helping communities with low-interest housing loans, etc. He cited how his Dad helped revitalize Bed-Sty in Brooklyn. One of the interviewers on the podcast really grilled him about it and he stayed unwavering about cash handouts, while still speaking emphatically and passionately about supporting and lifting up disenfranchised communities in various, action-oriented, real ways.

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Math Hoffa's barbershop interview with Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy Jr was among the very first RFK Jr interviews that I saw. Somehow, the you tube algorithm actually let that interview through, and I was immediately inspired to support a 2024 Kennedy Jr Presidency. All two hours of the raw Hoffa/Kennedy video is extremely engaging viewing.

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I liked that episode a lot, too! Thanks for sharing your experience!

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I came across this article on the Liberal Patriot Substack today:


They devote a lot of print to several different thinkers they associate with what they call the "New Left Stirring Within The New Right." They talk about how the Democratic Party has essentially abandoned most of the policies these authors are advocating for, which they associate with a vision that draws from both Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt among others. They mention several prominent members of the national conservative wing of the Republican Party as exemplifying this movement. They include Josh Hawley, JD Vance, and Marco Rubio. The first two are genuine. Obviously, Rubio is an opportunistic poser. However, they also note at several points that some of the positions of these writers are a bit socially reactionary and would be anathema to large swaths of the left. Unfortunately, what they either overlook or purposely avoid is that RFK is the candidate that best exemplifies most of the policies that they are advocating for. The good news is that there is recognition of a political realignment going on. And it is one that RFK can capitalize on. The fact that he is not mentioned once in this article concerns me, because it suggests that the fine folks over at the liberal patriot are just as captured by the corporate oligarchy as those they see as their political adversaries.

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unfortunately, I'm having a hard time getting close friends and family to realize that the Democratic Party is NOT in any way, shape or form, the same one from decades ago. my bff said to me a few hours ago, that the Dems *always* are on the side of needy and disaffected while GOP are all about wealth & big business. oh really... maybe 30 yrs ago and maybe depending on who was listening. she also tried to back her statement with 'Dems were the ones who voted in Special Ed law, which she figures I would go full, undying gratitude for since I have a disabled son. well sorry, I give not two sh*** what they did 30+ yrs ago; they're all about corporate power and their donor class. she changed the subject... ;)

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With all due respect, let's stand on stopping Israel's war against Gaza civilians: https://www.academia.edu/108548293/THE_WAR_AGAINST_CIVILIANS?email_work_card=view-paper

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Though Mr. Kennedy has stated himself to be a strong advocate for 'Free Speech', his CHD Outlet has a 'Comment Section' implemented through 'Disqus' which is owned by and associated with the CENSORSHIP/SURVEILLANCE INDUSTRY. Can't be trusted; thus 'Favorability' for me, personally, is equal with Trump...

Trump; though not perfect, REMAINS the best 'Commander in Chief' of the United States in my lifetime and the ONLY 'Executive of the U.S.' standing opposed to the Rothschilds and their Central Banker Families Mafia SATURATING NATO as well as putting-out numerous fires in 'Hot Spots' around the world. His economy was the best of my lifetime...ALL GOING GANG-BUSTERS and providing far better quality of life across the board for EVERYBODY in all demographics throuhout the United States.

TRUMP HAS BEEN THE ONLY TRUE PATRIOT TO HAVE THE OFFICE SINCE JOHN F. KENNEDY and there was not an ounce of support or moderation through Censorship/Surveillance Industry/The City of London Intelligence Apparatus as 'Disqus'.

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the comments section on CHD is a nothing burger compared to the actual CONTENT on the site, which is some that you will see pretty much no where else. in the nearly 4 yrs that I have been reading and commenting on CHD, I have seen comments deleted maybe three times and they appear to have contained profanity. sorry but if that's all you base an 'unfavorable' opinion of Kennedy on, I might as well base my unfavorable opinion of Trump on (even though I have agreed with a couple of his positions,) the fact that I don't like his hair color.

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Never used profanity on any site using Disqus as Online Data Harvesting Organ. As for the content of CHD, it's stipulated about the content of the site to not necessarily be in agreement with those on the Board or Kennedy, himself.

After all the decades of people TELLING EVERYBODY WHAT THEY WISH TO HEAR and BEHAVING THE OPPOSITE AND AS TREASONOUS AGENTS OF THE CITY OF LONDON instead of U.S. Patriots; it's CONSTANTLY amazing with how utterly stupid people continue to be; ESPECIALLY WOMEN who render votes according to what they prefer as Daddy, Boyfriend or Husband material instead of a 'Commander in Chief' supporting and protecting The Constitution, Republic and Legal Population of the U.S. So MANY with utterly screwed-up priorities; weak, spoiled, and stupid with no ability to define DANGER to themselves, their family and their future descendants.

If nobody EVER uses another 'Clinton Crime Family' meme as 'Nothing Burger' again...It will be too soon.

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nice rant. when people tell you who they are, believe them. I believe you, for sure.

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My God, sincerely hope you're NOT as ignorant as you write to be; especially since your Avatar indicates you're a Mom.

With such as you...I rest my case which is not and was not a rant.

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