Thanks for being brave. It's the standard that so few politicians aspire to. Its what is essential in a democracy. Its absolutely required if one wants to make a difference.

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Fauci replied, in effect “I’m just a doctor ... all these other things are not my problem.” Of course, he screwed up the “doctor” part because he had never treated a patient. He is completely incompetent as a physician, but played his role funneling our tax dollars to the pharmaceutical/hospital industries and the pockets of investors in those industries. Like Gates.

Becerra, all of HHS and Biden, the AMA and physicians across the country perpetrated a lie even bigger than the worthless and deadly shots. The metric of lie “size” is body count. Size matters.

When the CMS mandate was challenged, HHS Secretary Becerra submitted to the 6th circuit court of appeals the statement that shots must be mandated because “COVID” posed a “grave danger” to workers. Just prior, Biden publicly cited 750,000 hospital deaths due to “COVID” disease. Judge Doughty of the 5th circuit had issued a stay of the mandate after taking testimony from Drs. Peter McCullough and Jay Bhattacharya. Nevertheless Judge Julia Smitb Gibbons wrote “…we can hardly second guess the Secretary.” As Judge Gibbons was watching CNN instead of reading Children’s Health Defense, she seemed not to suspect that Becerra’s opinion about safety and efficacy of the shots might be disingenuous. Inspired by orders from the boss rather than the preponderance of evidence. She did not discover that the hospital deaths were NOT caused by “the virus” but due, rather, to hospital protocols that had already euthanized hundreds of thousands of Americans. Given that Becerra was committing fraud by imposing policies that kill Americans under the guise of benefitting them, his actions contrary to the public interest violated his oath of office and should have punctured the immunity granted him under the Prep Act. Fraud is the proof of “bad faith” beyond dispute. “Good faith” on the part of government officials and suppliers is without question the premise of laws passed by Congress. So, yes, we can second guess the Secretary , lacking the “good faith” required of him. It is a principle of deadly malfeasance that we don’t have to determine what he knew. We have only to determine what he SHOULD HAVE KNOWN.

The remedy to this medical tyranny requires only a judge able to recognize the fraud and upend the children’s board game that is the legal casuistry applied to a tangle of Federal statutes that so far protects those complicit in the extermination of 1M Americans. Biden. Fauci. Becerra. Austin. Plus a few hundred more.

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RFK JR The ONLY HOPE for our Democracy!!!!! I am "talking him up". 89 and still active and Healthy!!!!!! Never ever vaxed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Amen on the Covid reckoning. Re balancing the budget - there is waste, fraud, and abuse buried in the incomprehensible and unaudited defense budget. I am interested in hearing specifics about what and where to cut. But the US budget is careening to collapse, and entitlements and interest on the debt are significant contributors to our looming disaster. The next President must be willing to commence the national discussion. Neither Trump and Biden appear willing. Is RFK Jr.?

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