Had you read my comments I am not "hating" on RFK, I do however have some serious reservations about Beaconites. I do not "bet" and actually hope you are right, but is looks very very dismal as the RNC is uber powerful and funded. Please do not quote me %, you do not have any idea.

I never said RFK was not highly intelligent, he is, and have maintained he knows exactly what he is doing. Beaconites not so much...

What he was doing on Lolita Express, please do explain... The Lolita Express is anything but nothing... 2020 was stolen, it is really simple minded to think "they" will not cheat again.

There are assurances that were not in place then, everyone knows who the front runner is.

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True to form Mr. Conte has little to nothing new to report sooo he goes back to his original Trump bashing talking points. One take away is this: “You know, there are 60 percent or 61 percent of the American public in the most recent poll who do not want President Joe Biden or Donald Trump as president.” – RFK Jr.

Who knows whether this is an actual quote, in any case it is pure fabrication. RFK is unlikely to get 10% of the "vote" But to do that he would have to be on the ballots...

Apparently RFK twice traveled on the Lolita Express and had to back pedal after admitting to one such event. Before clueless Beaconites suggest this it untrue, seach it on YouTube

Good news is he has pulled loyal Dems off the plantation and exposed the Quaxcine. Could have gone further and exposed the virus fraud, but its a start...

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Hey Paul…do us all a favor and learn the truth what he was doing on the “Lolita Express” twice w/his entire family both times! Quite trying to make a big deal out of NOTHING!!

Why do you Kennedy haters, naysayers dislike this highly intelligent man so much?! I don’t get it!!

I’ll bet you $100 he gets on the ballot in all 50 states and he will get the popular votes. You sound like you’re pretty clueless as to how popular he is! Over 70% of Americans don’t want a repeat of the 2020 election!! #kennedy24

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More on US domestic terrorism:

TC Uncensored: Lydia Brimelow – Feb 20, 2024

Mass immigration is completely destroying our country. Why is no one doing anything about it? Because they’re afraid of ending up like Lydia Brimelow.


Peter Brimelow@peterbrimelow: Reflecting on my ALIEN NATION: COMMON SENSE ABOUT AMERICA'S IMMIGRATION DISASTER after 29 years.


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That last part. 👏🏼👍🏼✊🏼

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