The disgraced DNC is tanking. Anyone who thinks this agency credible is in free fall.

Kennedy is surging, and has broken rank. It is likely his surge is because he is a renegade.

The same exact scenario exists across party lines. What good remains of the RINO's. Fixing from within has never worked.

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We should remember 100+ Congress signatures accusing RFK of “antisemitism” as he testified against censorship.

Toward victory !!

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Antisemitism is the mark of intelligence, and self-preservation! Hail Europa!

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Hello Team , I want to complement you on the approach you are taking in the "America In Crisis" series. No editoriallizing , only numbers and pictures that speak for themselves. I am more likely to remember this ad because It calls to mind what I have seen on other news and websites. In other words I relate directly to what I see. Most of us don't want to be told what to think about an issue. We would rather draw our own conclusions. Best Regards to you all.

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Bobby has been on my favorites list from his early Riverkeeper days & more so after his court battles with Monsanto but keeping the highly politicized issue of Julian Assange prosecution in his campaign gets a halo in my book. It is a critical line of defense if our free press is indeed to be free.

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I have NEVER voted for a Democrat. I despise every aspect of your party, including the low standards and celebrations of degeneracy. However, I guess I will need to figure out your crooked Primary process, and crossover. I believe JFK was an honest man. My Father was a Republican, and I was 3-4 when JFK was murdered by Mossad over Ramona. My Father, who did not vote for JFK, and who was a very stern, disciplined, strong man, was visibly shaken as he tried to explain to me what had happened. I have read much of his father's history, and admire Joe. My Mother, who had no interest in politics, just being a mom, was crying.

I believe Bobby is the only participant, on either side, who can stand up to Chabad & Sons, the people who have choked out EVERY once proud, happy and honest white nation. Trumpenstein or DeSantisstein sure as hell won't.

Hail Victory.

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A possible path to sure victory?

-- DNC will prevent RFK victory in primaries. About 40% of Dems might be very pissed off.

-- Trump after winning GOP primary should made a commitment to offer to make RFK his Attorney General.

-- Perhaps 90% of Independents (they are nearly 50% of voters) and 40% of Dems might vote for Trump in general election – erasing RINO GOP voters who would be against RFK as AG.

Trump overwhelmingly wins… And - the US uni-party MUST be destroyed, and US politics disinfected.

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I have thought that being Trump’s attorney general would be an excellent position from which Bobby could work on many issues he has raised if his presidental run does work out this go around. He might also give DJT some excellent counsel on who’s who in DC. And they agree on ending the war in Ukraine.

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Thanks -- both are populists... This just in:

Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America's Future

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q89Rzl9J5v4 --- Aug. 29 (1 hour)

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Corporate Media CNN,MSNBC,CBS,NYT,NPR lost everyone center to right a long time ago, but in 2016-20 lost a lot of the populist left, by attacks on Bernie Sanders as anti-semetic, pro-gun, kooky, etc. ignoring his medicare for all and $15 minimum wage themes.

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Hey did I miss the Roundup mention of Bobby making the cover of the Sept/Oct issue of The American Conservative? I thought it had a fairly generous outlook on Bobby’s presidential run and was light years away from the typical smear job.

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RFK, Jr has more courage and power than anyone else I know. I think what makes him exceptional is that his power is in his love.

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Trump vs Biden = Awful vs Terrible. Hanged vs shot? Correct choice is NO!

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The DNC would be wiser to have a fair primary and make RFK Jr. their candidate, as he would almost certainly be, given the demented competition.

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The DNC is using Biden to back door Kamala into the presidency when Biden steps down due to health. They know she cannot make it on her own…. This is a disgraceful approach on trying to fool the American public!

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I like what I hear from Kennedy except on Palestine, and Israel which I find appalling I

I would like to trust him. Running as a Democrat I cannot. If he were running as an independent I would be enthusiastic.

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It’s impossible to have a candidate who you will agree with 100% of the time. He has common sense and is for the people instead of Big Business. We need protection from geopolitical & corporate takeover on our planet; and I mean NOW.

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You apparently missed the portion of my comment where I said "if he were running as an independent I would be enthusiastic." This was the reason for my comment. I believe the problem is the Democratic Party, and that it needs to be replaced by a party that actually is what the Democratic party pretends to be. The Democrats have a dismal record when it comes to selling out after sounding worthwhile and progressive as they run for President. The most egregious of these characters in recent times was Obama, and his selling out to the banks and the FIRE sectors, and screwing the people who elected him, when he should have nationalized the banks in 2008-09. And then there is the fraud of his healthcare, when he sold out to the healthcare industry, thank you very much Lieberman. More recently, you have Bernie the bamboozler, now turned warmonger. This is why I am skeptical of anyone running as a Democrat who sounds worthwhile. History shows they are likely to be conmen. In other words, I no longer trust a Democrat running for President, no matter what he or she might say. I believe the country is lost until the Democratic party is replaced by an honest organization. As it is, they suck up the hope and positive, election after election, and then the spit that hope back into the faces of the American people.

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I hear you — what evil twin has possessed Bernie— but still third party candidates are simply doomed to fail.

And I think it would come across as a rather opportunistic ploy for RFK Jr to run as an independent when he’s actually a party populist-reformer.

Look at the other side, for better or worse, Trump, the populist, IS the only part of the Republican Party that stands apart from The Corrupt Inside the Beltway Uniparty. Let’s have a better populist choice representing the opposition. Otherwise, what are you left with, at least at this stage, voting for Biden? He’s not even running the country — the very party operatives you don’t seem to care for are.

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Thoughts why the Democrats must go.

There is no hope from either political party. Today we have the Uniparty, meaning two parties, the Democrats and Republicans, working for the 1/10 of 1%. From this perspective, the overwhelming problem is the Band-Aid party, the Democrats. And they are the logical party to enter history's dustbin to be replaced by something better. You are not going to change the Republicans but you might be able to replace the Democrats with something superior, and with the Democratic Party gone, there is a slight chance of the emergence of a decent political party in the United States. As long as the Democrats exist as the Band-Aid fooler party there is no hope!

However, even this is wishful thinking. The reality is we are not a democracy and the system is rigged ... We need a revolution (hopefully non-violent) and an amended Constitution. The 1/10 of 1%, will not give up their wealth and power easily. And politicians will continue to sell out to them because that's the nature of our non-democratic system. Meanwhile, those who run this show and those who serve them, will use the judicial system, the laws, and the police, the bureaucracy, and every dirty trick you can imagine to stay in power.

On top of this... We have been captured by the FIRE sectors, and we are too far gone. Money rules, our highest principle is mendacity, and the 1/10th of the one percent will never allow the American people economic freedom. Our system is broken. Americans cannot spend because they are overwhelmed by debt. The wealthy have manipulated our system so that we must pay rents on everything. Debt payments being rent. If you want to fix the country, you need to cancel all mortgage, credit card, and student debt, and limit wealth disparity. Nationalize the banks so they are not a profit center, get rid of big insurance and make health care and education free. The rent seeking rulers of the uniparty will never allow this, and the very rich will do as they did in feudalism... everything to keep the people down, using every lie and trick in the book, including violence. So, goodbye America. But, if we do not blow up the world, there is hope for humanity elsewhere. The future is the BRICS nations and a different economic system, where mankind tries again. The United States destroyed itself and its people when it moved from industrial capitalism to financial capitalism. We have the scenery, and yes, we have the natural resources, but the rot that has captured the nation since 1980 is, in my view, insurmountable.

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The DNC are rightly concerned about the potential for RFKJR to not merely disrupt their campaign to have an obviously cognitively impaired, or to put it bluntly showing clear signs of the onset of age related dementia, Biden re-elected, but for RFK to gain popularity and gain support, to be successful in his bid.

RFK does say lots of the right things and is clearly not shy about calling out the establishment corruption and calling a spade a spade, as it were.

That is... APART from what to most leftists/progressives a ‘red line’ : his unbelievably awful take on the Apartheid regime in Israel which is worse, more extreme right-wing territory, than the likes of Trump et al. The things RFK has said, publicly, are pure lies. There is no other word for it. He spouts terribly racist, bigoted, anti-Palestinian and even blatantly Islamophobic rhetoric about Iran, which follows purely and obviously from the same racist, ideological perspective as his racist Israel ideology.

So, i really am sorry to say, RFKjr has no chance of winning over Leftist or even much progressive support. It’s such a shame.

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What will be a bigger shame is if and when “progressives” & their tech cronies manage to suppress our first amendment rights to express just the kind of thing you have written here should such an opinion — for whatever reason — be considered “mal-information.” The very people who would even devise such a category are the most dangerous to political freedom.

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RFK announced the Assassination of MLK in Indianapolis & asked for Calm & Peace, reminding

All People, Black & White, that his brother, JFK, was also killed by a White Man. There were no

riots, & an everlasting monument was erected there to RFK. Worth watching. Thoughts ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois.


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