Keep telling the truth. The American silent majority will back the truth.

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Kennedy is our only hope for America!

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I appreciate the new Kennedy Beacon, as a substack writer myself hughhiggins.substack.com. I also appreciate RFK's almost detached, almost unconcerned attitude about the campaign, as if rather than figure out how to impress people he cares more about how to instruct them in the truth. Nevertheless I get ideas for campaigning. I think the video of him hiking in the mountains with a group of young people was outstanding and could make millions find him attractive as a candidate, if the MSM would post the video (!). I also like whatever he says about G*d and spirituality, and the fact that he has read and can speak about C. G. Jung's autobiography. Millions will be drawn to him if they can feel this human, kindly and spiritual side of him as well as his intellectual brilliance.

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It will take more time than I have to debunk this podcast “Maintenance Phase” which has a piece from Tuesday about RFK Jr and the Anti-vaxxers. Is anyone looking into this?

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Dear Bobby, your integrity of Being, ~ being... just pours through you and out into our world.

And as you know so well, The Truth Always, Always Prevails.

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Disenfranchised Democrat long ago; during the Carter debacle. Kept voting Democrat until 2012 following the 'Hot Mic' Statement made by Second-Term OBiden Administration with Russian, Medvedev. Despise the UNIPARTY as TREASONOUS IMPERIAL-FEUDAL FASCIST Benedict Arnolds murdering The Constitution of the United States. Owned by the Central Banker Family Cartel's International Crime Syndicate. The most immoral, evil people...Truly reprehensible and demonic as mirrored with CELEBRATION OF MURDER IN THE WOMB THROUGH BIRTH.

As those once claiming to be Republicans are now as incompetent, corrupt and cowardly, it's time for anarchy...The only way for 'The Patriots' to regain the freedom the UNIPARTY SOLD OUT long ago to the Central Banker Family Cartel in 1913.

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