David Stockman's book is total hypocrisy. Under Reagan, Stockman was one of the architects of "supply-side" economics which meant massive deficit spending, huge tax cuts for the rich, and a trillion-dollar military build-up. Now he is accusing Trump of planning to do exactly what Stockman himself engineered almost a half-century ago. The ONLY solution to our ongoing economic crisis is to "End the Fed" and get off the debt treadmill created by fractional reserve banking altogether. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has failed to address any of this realistically. Bitcoin, which is just another permutation of Depression-era scrip, is not the answer for a modern, developed economy. The REAL answer, which I explain in my new book, "Our Country Then and Now," is the NEED Act, introduced in Congress by Dennis Kucinich. The NEED Act is based on Lincoln's system of Greenbacks which formed the "People's Currency" for the US during and after the Civil War. What we DON'T need is David Stockman's warmed-over Reaganite "voodoo economics." It's time for RFK, Jr., and the rest of his team to get educated on these things.


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Perhaps a man can grow wiser over 50 years by the Grace of God. Sanctification! It is self evident Stockman is on target about Trump.🎯

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Disappointing that Kennedy endorsed this.

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Government experts, who remain in their positions through several administrations, had a heavy hand in advising towards damaging lock-down policies. How will RFK Jr. address this issue, and can he discern expert advice?

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I'm no fan of Trump but anyone arguing the below quote, especially in light is the crisis we are currently facing, is insane: "The immigration issue alone is excessive, and Trump’s hateful statements about criminals and rapists set the wrong tone for the issue. The US needs a workforce from abroad because the US prime-age labor force, ages 25–45, grew by only 0.1% per annum between 2008 and 2022, whereas before that it was growing by 1.55% per annum. Immigrants don’t, in fact, steal American jobs, Stockman argues – they add to total employment. “Since the overwhelming share of the 11 million so-called ‘illegals’ in the US are of working age or younger (i.e., future workers), it cannot be denied that America’s desperate need for imported workers is being overridden by claims of societal harm that purportedly exceed the obvious benefits.”

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And those illegals aren't paying taxes and charge less than their legalized counterparts. I've talked to people in my city who don't feel like slashing their hourly wage in half to try to compete.

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Stockman is wrong in claiming that Trump ordered the lockdowns. Instead, he left the public policiy responsises to the C"OVID-19 epidemic up to the states. Thus, I am sorry to hear that RFK Jr. sides with Stockman!

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It’s time to get Biden out asap. And someone who loves America in. That is all.

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I agree with a lot of this article, but I do know that migrants do in fact take jobs otherwise filled by American citizens. I as a caregiver , having worked both independently and for agencies, my field was flooded by foreigners filling “unskilled” positions resulting in unemployment and low wages. Caregiving was my calling as well as my occupation, and I could not work make a living wage. Also jobs traditionally enjoyed by teens and entry level workers.

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So, I haven't read the book, and I don't want Trump back in office, but let's be clear - who's at fault for the lockdowns? Fauci. And before arguing that Trump could've overturned Fauci - which I agree he was in the position to do - the left was determined to do EVERYTHING that Trump said not to. So the moment Trump said schools should stay open, the American Academy of Pediatrics decided that they should close. Trump doesn't mask, everyone else insists you should. Trump develops a vaccine - everyone says they won't take it. Until Biden comes into office, and now it's a great vaccine that should be mandated.

Also, he doesn't seem out of line with the rest of the recent presidents. Seems like we have a new problem with overspending. I can forgive some of that during a pandemic honestly.

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Stockman lost credibility long ago -- RFK Jr more recently by claiming that Palestinians are “pampered” in genocidal apartheid Israel

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Can you point to where he said that? I certainly believe he said that they were pampered, but the latter part seems out of context.

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You want proof for calling Israel genocidal or is it the "apartheid Israel" part? The genocide is abundantly clear, not only for the last 3+ months. 50 years of Gazans being locked down and subject to all manner of violence and multiple invasions screams genocide. The apartheid has been identified by Amnesty Int''l and Human Rights Watch, and by Israeli human rights group B'Tselem, as well as most of the world.

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He made it sound like RFK called Israel that. From your response, I'm assuming then this is just the two of yours opinion, not something RFK said then.

After looking into the history of the Gaza strip, I can only feel sorry for Israel given that the other Muslim nations do not want Palestinians in their own countries and are probably thrilled that Israel is stuck with them.

I'd always wondered why Egypt bombed Hamas' tunnels under their border and refuse to let in refugees now. Why? Because Palestinian refugees started a war in Lebanon, started a war in Jordan and then assassinated Jordan's president, and Palestinian refugees in Kuwait supported the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. They keep getting kicked out of other countries because they're violent even to Muslims in the Muslim world.

When they were given the opportunity to have their own state in Gaza, every Israeli was removed from the country and they were given the full infrastructure of green houses that had been used for a very lucrative international flower trade.... So why are they poor and without jobs? Because they burned them ALL to the ground instead of using them to create jobs.

And now they start a war with Israel by raping, kidnapping, and mutilating innocent civilians especially children and the elderly.

Calling Israel a Genocidal Apartheid is ridiculous.

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This book appears to be just another hit piece. I don’t think he did a very good job with his initial covid response but I do think he would have course corrected. It was ultimately a failure of our ‘health care’ policy makers. Biden doubled down on the most destructive policies just because Trump wanted to end them. I’m very disheartened that RFK Jr gave this his stamp of approval.

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Wasn't just Biden - anytime Trump wanted one thing, the media and the left pushed for the other thing. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics flipped and came out against opening schools when Trump supported it.

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The article was interesting but I find it disingenuous. It paints with too broad a brush, failing to anticipate the most pointed commentary both good and bad that must be counterbalanced in a citizen’s judgement of Trump’s administration.

I recall kicking folks out of the US who did not enter legally but who had become productive, model citizens. Deporting them was unnecessarily cruel and a boon to “social justice” Democrats, not the demonstration of strength as claimed. We all want social justice. An emphasis on legal entry is not a bad thing. I thought the “wall” was lunacy til I came to understand that folks living near the border were sick and tired of drug runners sprinting through their back yards. Why not aid law enforcement by putting up a fence across municipal boundaries at least? Making border patrol a big easier and cheaper? It’s never one side or the other of a policy debate and its optimal resolution.

The best thing about Trump is that he is not Joe Biden. That in itself is not saying much but blaming him for the lockdown is once again disingenuous. I blame Trump for lacking the confidence to stand up to Fauci and Birx. He had other EXCELENT advice readily available that he himself ironically had brought in. So what happened? Was he deceived? Bullied? Scare of Fauci? Threatened with his life? Why did he not follow through with Bobby Kennedy as Vaccine Czar? Bobby did not answer that one to my satisfaction. I’m waiting for his phone call. (Do I mean Bobby, or Trump? I’ll take both calls).

None of these questions have satisfactory answers and neither the author of this article and nor Stockman offer any insight (I haven’t read the book so I’m guessing).

Do I believe the lockdowns … which on a very short term basis were considered reasonable by EVERBODY … would have continued for so long under a second Trump administration? Do I believe Trump would have mandated the shots! NO and NO. That is my opinion and I am not alone.

If Stockman wants to argue otherwise let him do so. If he can’t, the economic picture is too clouded by the disaster in 2020 to deconvolve from it a clear picture economically.

Was energy independence a bad thing? A non-woke military? Anti-woke leanings in the administration? How about a Trump administration that got rid of Fauci … clearly in the works … would have not only lifted the lockdowns in a more timely way but would not have murdered 1-2M Americans because ivermectin, HCQ and anything else that works would have been rolled out big time with no FDA/MSM censorship.

If you don’t agree … Bobby included … argue your case. Convince me with evidence. If you can’t, then what do you really have to say?

Bobby is the next President as far as I am concerned. Gotta be. Bobby you have been conscripted. Stop trying so hard to get out of it.

This book is just another episode of truth-telling derailed in favor of image bolstering for attempted political edge. Philly was that as well but it backfired on some of us. We can always be better informed. So inform us. This article and book aren’t doing that.

Bobby put your Bullworth hat back on.

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I guess there's no other option except to murder 15,000 Palestinian children. Palestinians were there first No, it is the Zionist population that needs a new land, but who would have that?

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l'm à Kennedy supporter and donater. However, I don't like being lied to or nmanipulated with propaganda...that's what the other parties do

I didn't read the whole article. You lost me when Stockman blamed the lockdowns on Trump. He didnt have the authority. That resided with the indiviual governors. All the democratic governors locked downwhile most but not all of the Republican governors did. To blame it on Trump is bs. I expect better than propaganda from the Kennedy campaign...I expect truth.

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I am sorry, not really a Trump fan, but Stockman is an opinion, and honestly, every Country except maybe Russia, was ruled by WHO, not the leaders. Could it be that Wall Street, Corporations and Stockman were upset because Trump did not fall in line. This is now strike two for me with Kennedy, I really do like him but if he continues to to make it seem like Trump is the problem with this Country, I am out. Come on the Man (Trump) has only been in for 4 years, and of those 4 years Covid was a world wide, disaster of the Economy. Trump was far from perfect, but I will not accept the conclusion that Trump was all that was/is wrong with this Country. I though that Kennedy was all about not

doing character assignation.

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I agree with most of this (especially the horrible effects of so much government borrowing), but the number of immigrants seems obviously very excessive. If there aren't enough working-age citizens, it's because people can't afford to have children because the stockholders are stealing the fruits of workers' labor. On this issue, Stockman sounds like a standard issue Republican to me.

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