The noise against Kennedy just gets louder and louder, as the Dems and Repubs get more worried that he can win. I'm more optimistic than ever that Bobby can be the next President of the United States. I agree with John vote for who you want and ignore the negativity.

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Bobby is a 7 year old neighbor kid

RFK is a 70 year old seasoned attorney

whatever you thing is negativity is just the other side of a balanced teeter totter

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Ignore the noise, vote for the candidate you'd most like to be president.

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There is no other candidate with the force and intention of the greater good than Kennedy combined with his rational critical thinking. He will restore genuine American values of justice and balance.

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except that he "chose" ultra far left libtard for his running mate

that woman supported the Clintons, Jobama, and the old installed dotard

Hmmm, what is up with that?

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Trump has a habit of suddenly trash-talking anyone who becomes a political threat on social media. It's actually a good sign; it demonstrates his level of honesty.

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Nah inaccurate assessment, he simply suggested RFK is a Dem plant.

Based on his running mates history there is evidence it is so

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The continued perception that the only choices are between these much despised duopoly candidates reminds me of the classic plot line in which the serial killer who imprisons their prey leaves the cell door unlocked. All we, as a nation, need to do is open the door and leave. For my part, I view RFK Jr as the ONLY choice who has a broad enough support base to make these states United again.

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That would be a good slogan - Make America United Again.

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the fact the 6 people think that analogy is bright suggest much about the IQ of those individuals

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Yes, common sense is common sense. How long will it take for DT and JB supporters to see the light and realize the game never stops. Americans never win, in the game called "DUOPOLY".

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Two wings of the same vulture that is picking America clean.

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Go Kennedy/Shanahan 24!

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hey hey RFK, RFK all da way hey hey

Brilliant, were you a high school cheer leader?

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No, I was not a cheerleader in high school. I am curious why you responded this way to what I meant as a simple expression of support for Kennedy’s campaign. Is there something you find off putting about it?

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Wow, trump can see the writing on the wall. With Mr Kennedy's rise in the polls along with the public's simple recognition as a presidential candidate he is getting spooked. Can't wait for the debate between the bully and the healer of the divide with the mumbles of the last corporate selected figurehead in the background. An independent winning this contest will bring on a large purple wave of independent leaders who want to serve without party baggage. This will change the world.

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As much as I'd love to see that debate (mainly for entertainment purposes), I highly doubt both the DNC and RNC would allow it to occur, because a) it would increase Bobby's exposure to more voters, and b) they know Bobby would CRUSH both Biden and Trump.

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ya think? yours is the ever present error of equivalency

Both the Dotard and DJT

Realize most Beaconites are Dem refugees with Dem talking points that just got off the Dem plantation and are currently homeless. I would also love to see a discussion between RFK and DJT, perhaps each party could contribute 5 questions???

Let the American people decide, winner take all

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RFK should continue to emphasize that he is bidding to become the 2nd Independent President, the first being Gen. Washington. Over time, the "pox on both your houses" argument becomes extremely compelling, especially since both candidates are highly troubled.

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nice try but unfortunatly a fail, the only pox that DJT has is called DemonRat lawfare

yours is the common error of equivalency

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The latest Quinnipiac poll from 4-24-24 has Biden and Drumpf at 37% and Kennedy at 16%. He’s a comin and I expect his numbers will keep rising from here on out!! Watching those 2 squirming is so much fun to watch! #kennedy24

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Brilliant Cindy, citing fake news polls

Perhaps you could lead cheerleading at a tent revival?

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I noticed in the recent CNN poll that support for West and Stein seem to be picking up. No doubt due to their Pro-Palestinian sentiment. RFK could probably slice off some of those voters if he called for an immediate cease fire in Gaza. Calling for a cease fire is a good strategy, as he does not have to back off from his previously stated position supporting the right of Israel to defend itself. Although I don't think his historical analysis of the situation in Israel is particularly accurate, that's not really the point here. If he calls to cease the hostilities, that will sway some voters. I think he also needs to take a stand on not providing financial support to Israel. They can more than afford to defend themselves.

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citing a fake news CNN poll, wow that is useful

flip flopping is not Presidential it is politics as usual

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MOST DEFININTELY NOT INTELLIGENT to quote "polls" as they are simply an effort to sway voters having proven to be totally unreliable. Also telling that the fake news including he NYT's consistently and deliberately misleads. The DNC is even worse.

Never an opportunity lost to lie about DJT or for that matter RFK.

Also interesting to note that RFK just got on the failed snowflake state of CA ballot.

We should all applaud, but be aware that all is not what it seems.

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Felonius Trump aka Donnie Felony - same attack playbook including intended-to-be-demeaning nickname! Right back atcha!

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so far Danny every case has fallen apart

If you think the same would not happen to RFK unless he is a DemonRat plant) you

are drinking the kool aid and asking for refills

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award for stupid snowflake comment

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