I will be interested to see how my Trump hating Facebook friends twist this to make it something bad.

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My thoughts exactly.

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I am making life easy and deleting all FB accounts. Business was easy, they don't make deleting our personal accounts easy.

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I'm about to find out. Posting it on FB now. ;)

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My husband and I just received notification that our health insurance premium through United Health Care is again being raised. It was raised last June(2024) to $319.22/ month each and will be raised to $351.18 this June. That means we will be paying over $700/ month for our supplemental health insurance policy. I wish there was someone who could advise us what to do. We are in our 80s and we chose what we thought was the best policy based on an “agent’s” recommendation. This does not cover our monthly Medicare part B charges taken out of our social security or our Medicare part D for prescriptions. Nor do we have hearing aid or glasses coverage. Something must be done to curb these terrible costs. I feel like we are being robbed blind. I will see if this makes any difference.

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I feel for you both. My mother is going through something similar. We must restore the doctor patient relationship and stop subsidizing everyone’s poor health choices so we can assist those who really need care … our more elderly community. I am happy to have some of my tax dollars go to help those who really need medical assistance. I am NOT happy to have my taxes go towards subsidizing people’s poor habits. Okay I’ve said my peace.

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Very happy knowing our President Trump is aware of all these price variants in hospitals, doctors, clinics, drugs!! I understand specialist like “orthopedic & heart specialist, laboratory services..will vary and aren’t readily available in parts of our country?? We need to start organizing with more transparency and updated information! Also we need transparency in our research labs, especially government-funded? I’m not an expert, but I see what’s happening with health in America? Not good? One thing is sure, we have new people!!

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I’m not sure how this actually helps. Before this I could ask providers how much things cost. And now I still can.

And if I have to go to the hospital in an emergency the price is what the price is. Please someone explain to me why this matters. I’m a huge Kennedy fan so I want to be excited about anything he does but I don’t understand the importance of this. Genuinely need help getting clarity on it.

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I’m sure there will be a print out of the different costs. Our gives staff one with 3 choices and you decide.

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Wow, what a positive move!

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