This is good journalism. Objective, dispassionate and fair. How refreshing in the current climate. Bravo!

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Let's please be clear that Haley is a complete non-entity who is a cutout for the Deep State. Also, the New York Times and other MSM rags fail to mention the Democrats who voted for Haley to sabotage the Trump juggernaut.

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I noticed Op Mock Media was pushing her for all they're worth. I'm glad RFK decided to go Independent, they would have never let him in.

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Someone has to sabotage his juggernaut.

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Just looking at WSJ. Shouldn't they include RFK Jr in Who's Running for President? https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/whos-running-for-president-in-2024-adb754e2?mod=series_2024election

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Biden “quietly won”. They rigged the Dem primary for him!! So glad Bobby decided to go independent! The Democrats are cheats!!

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Strip out 70% of Haley’s vote total because they were self described Democrats and the beat down was epic. She is done. But the left/democrats live a life filled with lies so they will continue to fantasize that Haley has a chance.

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Rand Paul “Never Vikki” Web site -- https://nevernikki.net/

Note: Google YouTube is cleverly hiding it with many fake sites

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Thats as good as it gets for the Nimrod too. NH is about as vanilla as it gets for republicans

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Haley's latest argument is that many of the super Tuesday primaries are partially open, meaning independents although not Democrats can vote in them. I'll be curious to see how she does in her home state of South Carolina. Politicians usually do really well in their home states, but Trump is currently trouncing her in the polls. However, South Carolina is an open primary state. If she manages to pick up some delegates there and on super Tuesday, it'll only be because Democrats switch parties to try and sabotage Trump in the primaries. They have no particular reason to waste a vote in the Democratic primary. I have to admit, that I am a lifelong independent who regularly plays this game to vote in the primary for which I feel I will have the most strategic impact. I know some people here may not like that approach, but I do feel that all voters have a legitimate say in who runs for president.

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Haley is bought and paid for. She is a Democrat RINO hybrid. And person who votes for her or Biden has untreatable mental deficit.

"According to Trump, since Biden has been elected, America has become a joke, is no longer respected, and the only hope for the nation is “contingent on MAGA winning the election.”

Not only Trump, how about any thinking person? Very interesting that the brilliant orator Vivek R immediatly capitulated, for all the right reasons. Less interesting is Ron D's. Haley is wrapped up in her extra marital affair denial. Biden continues to circle the toilet bowl awaiting the final flush.

Interesting times these...

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Isn’t it interesting that last night Trump received ~174,000 votes and Biden received 64,250? With over 94% of the votes counted? (As of 2:33 EST ½4/2024)

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"Overpowers" is a bit of a stretch. In the second state in a row, Iowa being the first, his vote was just north of 50%. Marc Theissen on FNC observed last night that Nikki Haley did better in NH than Pat Buchanan did in 1992, but the media's big narrative then was that Buchanan's showing revealed weaknesses in Bush's appeal with the voters. As far as I know, no media outlet ran with the narrative that Haley's showing against Trump revealed the weakness of Trump's appeal. Exit polling also showed that Trump didn't do well with independents, with self-described moderates, with people who have a college degree -- all people that Trump will need to win in November. And frankly, these are voters that lean toward Robert Kennedy Jr.

The media also completely ignored (no surprise) what was probably the biggest news in NH. Volunteers for RFK Jr. were at voting locations throughout the state and gathered enough signatures to qualify Robert Kennedy Jr. for the general election ballot in November. We're not completely sure at this point that either Trump or Biden will be on the ballot. So, congrats to the ground forces in NH, and thank you.

So, a win is a win is a win, but Trump's showing was hardly "overpowering."

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