We should All be concerned in saving America! It’s sad what is happening in Gaza. But we have to think about the disaster HERE in the U.S. and Bobby is the only one talking about the middle class! I guess people will vote for the one they want!

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“Kennedy on Armenian sovereignty: “One of the things that I won’t forget as President of the United States is the struggle of Armenians for sovereignty, for dignity, for their right to reunify their country, including Artsakh, which has been since 200 BC, has been the birthplace of the Armenian people” – RFK, Jr.: “I will do everything in my power to peacefully restore Armenian sovereignty of Artsakh” -- Armenian Weekly.

. . .

Last month, “The Onion” posted a parody piece entitled, “Israel Assures It Doing Everything Possible To Minimize Civilians" https://www.theonion.com/israel-assures-it-doing-everything-possible-to-minimize-1851085308 They left out a key word after "Civilians."

In that spirit, I offer the following quotes from the "Armenian Weekly" article referenced above https://armenianweekly.com/2024/01/10/rfk-jr-i-will-do-everything-in-my-power-to-peacefully-restore-armenian-sovereignty-of-artsakh/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

I just changed the pronouns

“One of the things that I won’t forget as President of the United States is the struggle of Palestinians for sovereignty, for dignity, for their right to reunify their country, including Gaza, which has been since 200 BC, has been the birthplace of the Palestinian people,” stated RFK, Jr. “And the fact that the world didn’t notice this rich ethnic cleansing – this genocide – is really striking to me. But it’s something that I intend to talk about and to continue talking about and use my power as President of the United States to leverage the cooperation of nations within that region, to do everything I can to peacefully reunite Palestine.”

“This was not RFK, Jr.’s first reference to the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the importance of sanctions to hold Israel accountable for their crimes. Last week, Kennedy issued a 2.5-minute video statement titled “RFK Jr. on How to Avert War in Palestine,” where the presidential candidate stressed, “The U.S. government needs to organize and mobilize the global community to take action to ensure the safe return of Palestinians to Gaza and to defend their right to self-determination. This is a situation where peaceful sanctions could actually work. The U.S. still has leverage in that region, and it can use that power to mobilize all of the nations in that region to reverse this humanitarian tragedy. We should also seek the removal of the blockades in Gaza by Israel and Egypt. Gaza is a landlocked nation, and it needs access to ports and to the surrounding countries.”

. . .

For my version, I just replaced “Armenian” with “Palestinian”, etc. Notable, since today the ICJ is hearing Israel's defence against charges of Gaza genocide. Why the “double standard” of RFK opposing the genocide of Armenia and not the on-going genocide in Gaza supported by our country's money and bombs?

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It is definitely true that RFK has exposed the genocidal Dr. F in a way that no one else even approaches. Cannot over emphasize that contribution, while at the same time blowing an irrepairable hole in the Dem battleship. No need to join the virus hunter club with Rand Paul. Unfortunately there are too many horrible decisions like support for Palestinian genocide, being in Ukraine "for all the right reasons" advocating for the Climate Hoax stupidity etc. Now a pedo outed in CHD. What a show.

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What are you talking about? That last couple of sentences there were total bullshit 😒 🙄

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I didn't disappear, I am just not perpetually online.

Your last couple of sentences are still bullshit.

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You outed yourself as being clueless.

Now you can double down or disappear? Which do you choose?


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Jessica chose to disappear, at least she came up for air.

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What about Israel? Really like you, RFK, but if you support Israel it’s a deal breaker for me.

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I'd like to hear details on the public policies that RFK Jr. favors.

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They are readily available to hear.

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A Great premise though it is NOT applicable to Palestinians being Genocided, Ethnically Cleansed and Mass Child Sacrificed or if you speak up against the Zionists doing this Kennedy will Censor you!

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