Have never been more proud of mr. Kennedy than today, and thank you dr. Sachs for an outstanding article.

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can i like this about about 1000x please? so happy to watch the entire announcement live today!!

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An inspiring speech!

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A deep and authentic speech that every citizen needs to hear and digest before voting in 2024.

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Even better than his campaign launch speech, which I thought was one of the best political speeches in three generations.

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Hear, Hear!

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He's a deep, authentic dude!

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RFK is the only candidate who gives the listener, the people, a sense of authenticity, and of spiritual depth and connection. He is wise, honorable and through CHD been working on behalf of the citizens of the USA for many years now. He has the courage to state his beliefs which do not align with the globalists narrative and to endure the abuse cast on him unwittingly by the public, even by some of his own family members. It takes a lot more courage to stand up to friends and family than to enemies and RFK is certainly doing that. I applaud his transparency and his unrelenting stance supporting the need for truth, open discussion and the importance of empathy and finding common ground. Thank you RFK. You are the breath of hope that we so need at this time.

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Not so certain of RFK, Jr.'s transparency. He supported the proxy war in Ukraine -- initially, certainly. I believe he also supported the jab and all its associated illegal mandates. (Reference georgewebb.substack;.com and housationiclive.substack.com; sagehana.substack.com; The Duke Report on Rumble; America's Untold Stories on YT; others.) His wife's association with the CIA is something consider. Still questioning and researching everything.

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I have never read or heard one word about him supporting jab or mandates. if you have actual, primary source proof of that (meaning not someone else's opinion or conjecture), please share it. his group, CHD, called bullshit on the whole thing from day one. maybe he held off on voicing a personal opinion, waiting for more info. but don't believe for one second that he supported any mandate, as were clearly illegal, on every level.

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And, I believe he is all in with the "climate crisis." The sources I referenced are where I heard of RFK, Jr.'s views on Ukraine and 19. Have not kept a repository, HOWEVER, as I come across that info again, will share. Would very much LIKE RFK, Jr. to be 'the one' but, at this point in time, remain unconvinced of his true alignment. (Will look for specific references.)

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he may believe that a change in climate is possible with all the massive environment degradation BUT that there's too much emphasis on it alone. (his words) 'with climate change sucking up all the oxygen in the room', other serious environmental issues have taken a back seat and they shouldn't. he also stated (I listened to it directly) that if we make the effort to clean up crap like industrial ag, any potential climate issues will solve themselves. he does NOT sound like the voice of climate hysteria, not by a long shot. if his views on that are too radical for some, that's pretty sad. I believe they are being played up intentionally to get more right-leaning folks to consider it a deal breaker.

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I agree with your desire to question everything. But everything you say here is untrue. Remember when you research to be sure to research the truth!

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That you have not heard what I have heard does not support your argument that what I've mentioned/questioned is untrue. It simply identifies that we have heard different sources of information. Am not about to believe what the politician himself has proclaimed as truth -- as that has rarely been the case. Hope you are correct in your assumption of Kennedy -- time will tell. And, I will be more diligent in capturing the information that has steered my opinions and bring it forth for discussion.

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Hi JAired,

I totally agree with your concerns about politicians which are more than justified and I can allay your fears about being once again betrayed by yet another politician because, (and I say this with a a huge smile of relief), RFK JR is not a politician! Unlike our current government who are owned by the Billionaire Corporate Lobbyists, RFK JR cannot be bought at any price.

Truth, in order to be known, is something to be discerned, and not just proven empirically. I trust my intuition to show me what is true and what is not true and then later I find the facts to back that up. God has given me a divine inner golden compass which I am finally able to trust 100% and it has never failed me yet not once ~ although I have failed it the times went into fear and allowed other voices to knock me off course and chose to override what my gut told me was true; only to regret it later.

Jesus said,

" You Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Set You Free."

The Truth that RFK Jr speaks sets me free and that is why I wholeheartedly support him for President. everything he cares about, that's what I care about. I met and had a conversation with him a couple of months ago and I am happy to say he's about 1000 times more lovely than I already knew he was. RFK Jr is a completely authentic person. He's real and humble. Along with being a brilliant, compassionate, wise, capable,

strong, kind, spiritually anchored balanced human who is standing in his power and at the same time knows that it's not about him; it's about all of US together. he knows that if America is to heal we need to end the polarization and unite the country . He talks about things that really matter to all us and is willing to take this courageous walk in order to protect the integrity of our nation, honor everyday people and save our democracy from total ruin. He is America's best (and only hope) as we stand in crisis at the 11th hour. The old energy is no longer acceptable and RFK JR!! is leading the charge for the new paradigm based on truth, love, light, peace, goodness connection, support for WE THE PEOPLE, an end to corruption in our government and public agencies an end to the Forever Wars, protection and connection to each and to the natural world and respect for all people to name a few things. And many plans for necessary changes that he will be making immediately upon taking office.

Of course it's all a choice because this is the planet of free will. Americans have been so subject to so many lies and so much betrayal. The whole country is in a state of high anxiety. Since the JFK era people have gone from idealism to cynicism. RFK Jr carries that torch of idealism and hopes to restore it in the hearts of Americans by being a president who is worthy of our trust.

I hate politics but I love the truth. And RFK JR speaks the Truth. Blessings!

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Hi there, Martha. Not fearful, simply unconvinced of RFK, Jr.'s rhetoric.

For my part, I still stand up for the grassroots movement of Shiva4President.com

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Hi JAird,

Yes, I'm familiar with him, used to " Follow" him on FB but not my vibe. RFK JR is 100% my vibe.

Truth and Love are my vibe. Bobby embodies both.

NAMASTE to you. I honor the path that you walk.

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Literally everything you said here is wrong.

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I feel exactly the same, Anne Elizabeth. Blessings✨💖🙏🕊

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How about a peace plan for Israel-Palestine along the lines of the pre-1967 borders? If I am following the news accurately, Xi, Putin and Erdogan have all recently endorsed the long-standing Arab Peace Plan. I personally do not want a cent of my tax dollars being spent on Israel's security if they are unwilling to roll back their genocidal and inhumane occupation. As we bring back the troops and embrace the reality of a multipolar world with international law, so our "ally" must roll back the settlements. Support for the Jewish people must mean welcome to Jewish citizens in many nations, not an outmoded and unjust settler-colonialism that corrupts and dehumanizes everything it touches.

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Peace is not do-able with barbaric savages. They value ONLY suffering and death. Barbarian, savage, prehistoric butchers must be removed from this planet. It is suicidal to BELIEVE one can negotiate with them.

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Are you referring to every man woman and child in Gaza and the West Bank? Most of these people are just innocent victims of their own corrupt leaders. There has to be a better solution than obliteration of them all.

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Go ahead, support butchers are your own risk. Many believe they may come here next. They talk about it. But when they arrive, you can offer them food and wine while they butcher what you love the most. Sick libs are suicidal.

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here we go again, we have bigger problems at home. Our uniting point is Bobby, this country and our wellbeing.

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Sir, no one has a bigger problem than being attacked by butchers. They have publicly announced their intention of coming to America. This current Admin has opened our borders widely for over 2 1/2 years and the BP have advised us that between 150 and 200 KNOWN terrorists have entered here. Now all of a sudden this Admin pretends to want to put up a wall. What do they know that made them announce such a change these months before the upcoming election.

I agree that Mr. JFK, Jr. is a great person. So many things he has described i really like. He is a great hope. I really like his effort to show how criminal some of our gov is and has been. Of course, I know he declared as an Independent. But, in my mind, he was a Democrat for many, many years. So, I will wait to see what else he describes. I will wait to see who he gets for advisors - will they be lefty Dems or will they be patriots with the goal of returning to our Founders' beliefs? I want to know his plans. He is heads and shoulders better than the Dem Party. I will vote for him IF he gives us a hint of some of his advisors so we might be able to determine his final agenda.

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RFK Jr. does not have "an agenda."

He is FOR PEACE amd against War. If you listen to what he is saying, you will know everything you need to know about his Vision and plans to heal, mend, correct, repair, restore and Unite our country. And his advisors will reflect that. Like Charles Eisenstein, for instance.

KENNEDY IS THE REMEDY✨🪶🌲🐾☀️🌊🐋🌈🌍🕊✨⭐️🇺🇸⭐️💖🙏

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I agree in your comment. Trump has said it many times and although to many comes as discriminatory about the border problem it is a thing to worry about. Bobby put a twist to the border issue and that it has to stop for humanitarian reasons, so many kids, young adults and adults been abused and raped and the human trafficking's, honestly like coming out a movie, it is insane it is happening. Elon Musk has recently visited the border and saw the same, some people scaping the law and coming here to be free on the streets. It sounds sinister to allow a thing like this to happen in our land, is like getting a Trojan horse in different states. It seems like a planned action, I hope it is not. Not a lot of people like usa and its fall would delight many.

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They are butchers and the vast majority there support and CELEBRATE butchery.

We either learn the lesson or we will allow them to continue their butchery.

It is for this reason other neighboring Arab nations do NOT want them in their nation - who in their right mind would want to live near rabid butchers? No sane person would want such carniceros in their midst. Here in America, please notice who argues for them - radical, nonthinking sick libs. Enough with the ongoing butchery. Irradicate them all.

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Everyone. These people are civilization. They have been doing this for decades. They do not merit living with or close to civilized people. They will kill you in a moment if given a chance. They need to go the way of any species or subspecies that does not adapt. They are dodo birds.

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so much hatred in your words. Is all the information we have been fed true? Our government lies and keeps lying. We cannot divide ourselves, we are here to unite. Let Israel deal with their own problems we have our own.

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Please, sir.

Do not be confused.

Yes, our gov lies and deceives its voters and citizens.

Agree, Israel should deal with their own problems. So should Ukraine. So should the USA.

I am strongly, very strongly against butchery and those who celebrate butchery. Such butchery as we saw last weekend if PRE-civilizational. They announced goal is to kill Saturday and then kill America Sunday. Please realize, sir, that they already have tried. There is so much hate from them. It is scary. That so many fools after seeing their butchery merely want to negotiate with them is crazy and suicidal. They are a cancer and must be removed like a cancer tumor. There is no negotiating with pre-civilizational baboons. Recently scientists uncovered evidence that Neanderthrals killed and ate other Neanderthrals. It appears the butchers in HAMAS inherited that trait. Anyone who really believes they can be negotiated with are fools. Please have some empathy for those poor women they captured and the children they shot in their faces. What is wrong with people who just want to sit by and wish for negotiations.

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meant to say, "precivilization". they are barbarians. b.a.r.b.a.r.i.a.n.s. they are a nonadaptive subspecies.

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Oct 10, 2023
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First, you do not know what racism is. You are a sophomoric fool, a repeat. But that is ok, everyone here has the PRIVILEGE to voice their own opinion no matter how foolish and myopic it may be.

Who said anything about sub human Mexican..dirty, ignorant, selfish, lazy animals? ONLY you, zopenca. I was born in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico. I am Mexican, actually, Mexican Indian from the tribe around Durango, Tepehuane. You think I have not experience REAL racism? Stupid fool, you are. You, fool, do not know racism. But you think you do, mensa.

Howard Zinn may be your idea of an educated man but he is not respected. I learned from Mexican professors at La Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Where did you learn your racism, in a gov junior high, fool?

Why do not other nations in the ME taken in the sorry butchers called Palestinians? It is exactly because of their belief in butchery, dummy. What other group of humans practice what they do so well? Answer, NONE. What is convincing about their culture of butchery, is they have presented thusly for many decades. Therefore, those who value life and political freedom will decide certain subspecies will eventually select themselves out of the human gene pool.

Idiot, did you NOT see what they did to that woman they had in the back of the jeep? Did you NOT notice how her leg had been broken, mensa? They are simple butchers that must be eradicated and selected out of the modern human gene pool. Regardless what dangerous sophomores like your sick ilk believe. You demonstrate radical liberalism for thinking you know so much better than anyone else. Better you learn their language and go there to learn their butchery, idiot.

It is the Palestinians, idiot, who are the barbarians.

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luz, go read some Beat literature on "civilization," spend some time on a reservation

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Fools ignore reality. Have a happy day, racist. You are the perfect prehippy full of themselves.

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I am surprised by your agitation, Luz. Given that Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis and Lindsay Graham are on the cable channels calling for WWIII "to end" Hamas by bombing Iran, you can just turn on your tv and find your "civilizational allies." For myself, your "reality" is an artificial construct in the service of forever wars. Insofar as it is possible for you: ask yourself if perhaps someone has designs on the oil and gas owned by Iran. If you have any historical imagination, take yourself back to those "pre-hippie" days when RFK warned about the Balfour Declaration; when the democratically elected regime was overturned and the Shah installed. If you can do that, you might have a chance recovering your humanity. I pray for us all. I pray for your soul. May God have mercy on us.

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You present as lacking empathy for the victims of HAMAS butchery, therefore, one might conclude it is because of sociopathy. Your arrogance infers an attitude of having better knowledge than others. This actually is known as being sophomoric, the wise fool. That you believe or perceive me as supporting forever wars approaches comedy. You, sir, could not be more wrong. Probably surprising to someone like you, I am somewhat familiar with many things JFK did. I also know today's Democrat Party would shun him. It is not difficult to see so much harm poor decisions by our cia brought across the globe. Perhaps that was one of Truman's biggest blunders - creating the cia. No need to pray for me. I have a good soul unlike so many of the overly arrogant know-it-alls. I see souls of people who have passed on. Sometimes they give me messages for their loved ones. Do you know, sir, what a soul is and what it looks like, could you identify one if you were to see one? Please try to learn a little humility. It will do you good. There is evil in the world, it walks among us right now. Please wake up before it is too late. Do you know the meaning of "luz maria"? Funny man.

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Your tax dollars are no longer yours once you pay tax.

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As a physician who worked closely with the pharmaceutical industry,

RFK had me hooked even before he announced when, during a speech at Hillsdale College last March, he called Pharma a criminal enterprise. Anyone who was unaware or doubted it should have been made acutely aware of that truth the past few years.

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Norm Shealy MD, now in his 90's, a brilliant Harvard trained Neurosurgeon who switched lanes mid career to found the Holistic Medical Association, dubbed Big pHARM


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DNC is panicking! Just changed my party affiliation. Not a Dem anymore! Want to see the DNC Crushed!!!

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They must be in total meltdown after this ! It makes my heart so happy that he made this courageous move

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Yes! They are Begging for $$$$! We must crush them!

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Good - and that is how to do it - always the $ .

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Was a D. No more! They are Evil!!

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An historic speech full of grace and humanity.

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Totally !!! 👍❤️

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Fantastic endorsement! Dr. Sachs: Why has the Democrat party embraced censorship, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Military Industrial Complex? How have Progressives in cities and elite universities like your alma mater become advocates for violence and terrorism?

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Canada needs a JFK

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...and a RFK, Jr

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Did you mean to say Canada needs an RFK Jr? Or are you wishing it could have a leader as great as JFK was?

Either way, it's the same Light, the same Vision, the same Truth, the same Integrity, the same principles, the same desire for Peace, the same Compassion and desire to help for those who are poor and suffering, the same unwillingness to go along with the warmongers and the corruption and the same ideals, benevolence and Spirit that make a nation great!

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We need JFK junior here

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I'm sure he's here in spirit along with JFK, Bobby and Teddy.✨✨✨

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My vote is for Bobby!❤️

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Yay this is great!

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Regardless of the outcome, Bobby's run will greatly improve American politics.

The 2-party system is not in the Constitution and it's strangled the process of getting candidates who haven't been bought by big corporate donors. Primary elections were supposed to get rid of the smoke-filled rooms where vested interests selected the most appealing candidate to do their bidding. See how that worked out!

If we had ranked-choice voting and if we had gotten rid of the Electoral College, RFK Jr would be a shoo-in. Even without those democracy-boosting changes, there's a real chance for representative government now.

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Disagree. Without the electoral college, New York and California would elect every president from now until the end of time. The electoral college is a stroke of genius that distributes the power across all 50 states.

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If every vote counted, which it doesn't, then why isn't it a valid vote to have direct polling and not Electoral College? If there's a step-by-step explanation, please post it. Maybe I'll change my mind. But right now, it just seems flat wrong the way some states (like California) has a Winner Takes All system so that none of the Republican votes matter in electing the president.

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Because our Federal system is a Federation of States, and designed to preserve both State autonomy and the rights of the minority, in this case, small States with a smaller populations. The Federal Government is a limited Constitutional Republic, not a direct democracy; even the original manner of electors was conceived as a way of distributing power to State governments. One of the key purposes of the Constitution was to limit excessive power by any one power center; to divide power up; this includes limiting the power of people themselves, given their propensity for misdirection, sudden irrational passions, and shortsightedness.

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Thanks for this endorsement!

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Thank you RFK Jr for your wonderful speech and Declaration of Independence. I am declaring my Independence too. My vote is for you.

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I admire Mr. Sachs enormously but this: "by election time, the Democrats are more likely to be urging Biden to withdraw from the race, on grounds of age and incompetence, in order to help RFK Jr. to beat Trump decisively at the polls" -- is a pipe dream. Democrat voters will support him, the Democratic party will try to destroy him and probably claim we supporters are domestic terrorists on par with the "MAGA extremists" they're already targeting.

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