Dec 12, 2023Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

The suggestions in this article for creation of a bottom-up consumer-oriented economy are fine as far as they go, and I agree that cash transactions are a sign of grassroots economic health. At the same time, however, overall control of the money supply must be taken away from the financial sector overseen by the privately-owned and operated Federal Reserve. Our battle cry should be END THE FED. I explain how to do this and what we need to replace the Fed's self-serving system in my new book "Our Country Then and Now." Thanks, Richard C. Cook


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Thanks for sharing, Richard.

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Rare Intelligence! Popsicle Index so true.. Completely agree.. RFK Jr has got it goin on, period!

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“ In the same way that individuals have free choice in a strong democracy, consumers in a strong society should freely choose where and how to spend their money. ”

Totally — so RFK jr is against income taxes, right? Why is 1/3 of my income taken by the government and spent on things I haven’t freely chosen?

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Great observation, Jeffrey. This is an interesting long-term issue that isn't yet well-discussed among any candidate.

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"Financial equity" is synonymous with communism but communism never works.

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A very valid criticism. Thanks, Terry.

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Hi Terry. I know Catherine. She is an old colleague. Here she is referring to private ownership as in shares of a company or holding the deed for un-mortgaged home. It’s what drives Bobby to talk about his commitment to home ownership and the revival of the middle class. If it read “Financial equality” I would understand better where you’re coming from!

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“Spending money facilitates a robust economy, which builds wealth and provides resources to help solve general societal problems.” That is, unless you live in a fascist state. There is plenty of money in a fascist state but none of it is going “to help solve general societal problems.” That money is going into the pockets of the fascist oligarchs who run the fascist state. Some of these “10 world’s richest people, such as Tesla's Elon Musk, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Microsoft’s Bill Gates,” are proof that the fascist state economy is working. But do you think Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates got to together to create a fascist state so they could make those enormous profits? Of course not.

A fascist state is where private individuals take over the power of government for their own personal enrichment. Who would have the wealth and the organization capable of controlling almost every member of congress by the threat to remove them from office if they don’t tow the line or in any way criticize the organization? They could offer bribes to presidential candidates such as Truman, with a suitcase of two million in cash to recognize Israel as a state which he promptly did as President. Or another, to bribe John F Kennedy to gain control of our foreign policy. He took the money but only pretended to give them control. JFK did allow their guy LBJ, because of their threat to expose his womanizing, to become Vice-President. JFK told them he was going to dismantle their atomic bomb factory so they set the wheels in motion to kill him. Their guy, LBJ becomes President letting them continue with their atomic bomb factory. Today, they are so strong they can announce they’re going to commit genocide against 7.2 million people and we immediately send them the bombs and equipment to do it. We did ask if they could do it quickly.

You guessed it, the organization that is the beating heart of the American fascist state is Zionist AIPAC. Unfortunately, Robert F Kennedy Jr is the new AIPAC guy so he will be unable to provide any leadership to dismantle fascism in America. The only thing we can really do now is make AIPAC a liability to anyone running for congress.

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I believe AIPAC to be only one of many forces behind the ‘fascism’ you describe. Long before AIPAC those forces tried to recruit General Smedley Butler (“war is a racket”) to lead a coup backed by America’s industrialists. RFK Jr.’s support of Israel does not mean he is endorsing genocide or cozying up to fascism. For decades he has fought abuses of power and sought to protect and defend Americans from corporate harm and the corporate capture of regulatory agencies. By the way, Kennedy knows full well war is a racket as demonstrated through his leadership calling for an end to the Ukraine War, which I suspect fully supported by AIPAC yes?

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The forces of fascism are many going all the way back to Alexander Hamilton advocating on behalf of the oligarchs he represented to establish a national central bank to borrow money to fund a new war machine. Yes, those same forces tried get General Smedley Butler to overthrow FDR but General Butler ended that by turning them in successfully to congress (records of those proceedings remain sealed). There was no chance of an American fascist state with FDR in control and later if Henry Wallace had become President. Those same fascist forces inside the Democratic party forced FDR to accept Truman as Vice-President, getting rid of Henry Wallace. The Zionist bribed Truman early in his campaign with a suitcase of two million in cash for him to be the first to recognize Israel as a state which he did as President; this bribe has remained a secret.

AIPAC is an American political action committee founded in 1953 by Isaiah L. Kenen as the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs as a lobbying division of the American Zionist Council. AIPAC was definitely in-place by the time JFK was telling the Zionists that he was going to dismantle their atomic bomb project as part of his world peace plan. After JFK was assassinated, with the Zionist LBJ now President, the Zionist could continue building their atomic bomb factory.

A fascist state is where private individuals take over the power of government for their own enrichment. It’s been clear for a long time that these private individuals are multi-national oligarchs. While they all will have different agendas, they will have one thing in common; the need for complete or near complete fascist control over the US congress. AIPAC can and does use its organization and vast wealth to determine who gets elected and who does not get elected to the US congress. This was the last ingredient for America to become a full fascist state.

While he never uses the term fascist, RFK Jr wants to be and has always wanted to be the anti-fascist candidate; it’s the heart of his campaign, every battle he’s fought for all these years. That’s why I’m so disappointed. The Zionists, through AIPAC, turns out to be the driving force of the American fascist state. RFK Jr supports everything and I mean everything they say or do including the genocide of a 7.2-million-person indigenous nation. If he doesn’t support the Zionist genocide of the Palestinians, all he has to do say so and we’ll all be with him again. Sadly, I don’t think he’ll do it, saying more about him that all of his campaign statements put together.

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Wonderful and Beautiful. I'm a long time supporter and admirer of Catherine and as usual she Best showed the Truth here.

Unfortunately RFK Jr., like his friend Smut Peddler Rabbi Shmuley, thinks Palestinians are not humans and their children don't count and it all started October 7th.


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I'm a Catherine Austin Fitts fan, interesting to see her here.

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These are tough concepts to communicate. Well done!

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CHD and ICAN were my go-to's for the plandemic. Bobby Kennedy and Del Bigtree were my heroes. The crisis in Canaan challenged my loyalties. Bobby's support for what most of the world deems genocide ends my support for him. I'm more critical now of his persona.

Yes, we need a good lawyer in the White House:


In lieu of this dream, here's a good American lawyer speaking with a Turkish public broadcast service about Israel/Palestine:


At some point real leaders break the shackles of realpolitik and stay true north. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, running for POTUS, has my attention:


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An INCREDIBLE chant – a Palestinian-Jordan singer – in two parts @llunrmusic


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You are more than welcome.

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IMHO, the two of them almost 'get it'. As RFKJr almost got, the Constitution was written to preserve the rights of ppl who already possessed property, i.e., financial security, the means of supporting themselves & their families; their families weren't in immediate danger of starving or being killed by the other effects of dire poverty. Which is understandable, considering that about half the guys at the Constitutional Convention owned slaves. They limited voting to white men w/ a certain amount of property, about 5% of the population, so makes sense that the gov't they set up works well for--why, the top 2% of the country who currently own 90% of all U.S. wealth (though that was 9 years ago--they probably own more of it now). THAT kind of a government is what we don't want freezing our bank assets (or killing us prematurely). Though there's nothing to say that we must have a gov't of the 1%, by the 1%, and for the 1%, while 3/4 of the population is living either in poverty or right on the brink. Many (poorer) countries are doing/have done a lot better--& as RFKJr mentions in THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI, those countries had many fewer "covid" deaths than the US has. Maybe, just maybe, they have a better idea of how gov't should work.

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WTF is a "thought leader?!

Newspeak much?

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Whats the Truth Bobby? Your BS Zionist talking points are right out of the Zionist Playbook and is similar to what the paid for whores biden and trump spout. Man-up or Step-down if you don't have the Strength and Courage to call out the Zionist Mass Murderers of women and children. You could stop this. If you don't you are not fit to be the President America needs and maybe just a NWO puppet.

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