This country needs to take on the anti-trust and other violations of the whole "private equity firm' debacle. Currently reading "Plunder" as recommended by Catherine Austin Fitts. Watch her regularly on CHD's Financial Rebellion segment. She is brilliant!

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Totally agree. Brilliant with a good dose of humor and rationality.

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This is a BRILLIANT must-read. I am sending it to everyone in my network. Thank you, Elsa! Phenomenal article.

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Elsa, thank you for doing Real Investigative Journalism.. fascinating how following the money reveals a completely different picture than that spewed by Kamala Cackle and Don the Con...

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Interesting Curt, what you consider "real" inv. Journalism

Might consider reading BlazeCloud above for a tutorial

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Hi Paul, What are you suggesting? That Elsa missed?

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Quite a Headline. With the WOKE Bimbo chosen for V.P; known as 'Chief Joy Officer of The Shloomoo Institute'...And, divorce of a TREASONOUS Silicone Valley Minon focused on experimentation on human beings lawful in the CCP Police State for the most recent 30 years and actually PART OF THE CCP POLICE STATE...


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Can you please explain your comment. To me the headline matched perfectly the body of the essay. I found this essay to be particularly informative with excellent references for the data. Very easy to read and understand-really quite exceptional. In fact I was so impressed I made it a point to look at the author and amazed to see she is an Amherst student! Gives me hope for the future with a President Kennedy.

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Agree completely! It's awesome when a young writer so fearlessly reaches into the web of financial power and manages to clearly explain it to us. Hope, indeed!

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Fearlessness is to dig deeper into history to ascertain the actual past beliefs of people as past history over time is the ONLY method possible to discern truth.

Of course, the U.S. is now a very shallow and superficial entity which will be the death of the nation leaving our progeny SLAVES of the historical Pagan Demon Worshipers.

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Perhaps the thesis is too narrow; thus the essay is very narrow and there isn't enough background to form any opinion as this person does NOT have any foundational knowledge about the family to grasp the old connections WHICH REMAIN and are purposely hidden for obvious reasons.

This essay completely lacks any background information about Joseph Kennedy, the Kennedy Family connections with the Banking Establishment out of The City of London/Basel, Switzerland, ...Which is the entity Blackrock, Vanguard which is LARGER than Blackrock, and State Street banks with; as well as the CCP. ALL BANK WITH THE CENTRAL BANK OF ENGLAND AND THE BIS. IT’S ALL A MONOPOLY WORKING OUT OF THE BIS IN SWITZERLAND AND THE CENTRAL BANK OF ENGLAND.

The Kennedy Family were LANDED GENTRY IN THE BRITISH ISLES BEFORE MIGRATING TO THE U.S. and that defines them ESTABLISHMENT connected to the Central Banker Family Cabal. If you believe the Kennedy Family is NOT aligned with The Central Banker Family Cabal, you've clearly NOT researched history of the Kennedy Family, the U.K. Establishment and the Banking System.

If you wish to really understand the connections; do some research into Grandfather, Joe in relation with the Mafia and Prohibition in conjunction to Alcohol Production in Canada used as a staging hub to transport booze into the U.S. for profit to go EXCLUSIVELY to the Establishment Uniparty IMPERIALISTS/CENTRAL BANKERS hiding behind the people of the British Islands. The Kennedy Family as LANDED GENTRY...Profited through the Central Banker Family Cabal. The Kennedy Family benefited to the extent that it provided the wealth the family has lived on and built into the empire now existing. That is where the connections are more clearly ascertained. These Establishment families have been connected for CENTURIES IF NOT THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Kennedy's actual values, as opposed to those now reported, are mirrored by his choice of a WOKESTER V.P; the 'Chief Joy Officer of the Shloomoo Institute' and divorced wife of a TREASONOUS Silicone Valley Social Media Company spending the last 30 years as a PART OF THE CCP where they conducted human experimention to perfect methods of IMPLEMENTATION OF POWER AND CONTROL OVER SLAVES. Her values mirror his past Value's System he spoke of openly before this Presidential bid. Both are Socialists which is a word used to camouflage IMPERIALISM. There are many words masking Master/Slave Totalitarianism as; 'Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, Marxism'; all of which are simply novel terms identifying the means by which DIVISION was created to bring forth the Economic/Political System of SLAVERY OVER THE PEOPLE used in different cultures. Both are Imperialist, Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Fascist…Whatever TOTALITARIAN WORD YOU WISH TO CHOOSE.

After all these years of politicians 'TALKING THE TALK' without 'WALKING THE WALK'; it's impossible to choose anybody of the Demoncrat Party and next to impossible to choose a Republican which is OPENLY DEMONIC, MENTALLY DISEASED IN DECEPTION/PROPAGANDA IN FUNDING ACTUAL ATTACKS UPON BABIES, CHILDREN, ELDERLY PEOPLE. IT'S UTTERLY EVIL.

THE DEMOCRATS ARE ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL AND PROUDLY CLAIM TO BE WOKE which is TOTALITARIANISM. Totalitarianism is that prefered by the undeveloped; the perpetual hippy-Wanna Belongs as adults requiring Govt. to be a Daddy and Mommy to take care of them through life.

History is absolutely necessary to determine the truth of any person; to know where they come from, where they've been and of WHAT THEY SUPPORT, HOW THEY IDENTIFY AND THEIR BEHAVIORS and Kennedy is Totalitarian which is very sad as I personally like him. When the election is finished; all revert to past history regardless of what they speak in campaigns.

I'm so sorry you find it necessary to seek 'HOPE' in other people. Foolish person seek HOPE through other people...When HOPE is only to be found within God and self and maybe family members and/or a spouse.



Presidents are not supposed to be wrapped up in ACTIVISM to DIVIDE the nation or MONEY LAUNDERING THROUGH FOREIGN AID OR SPECIAL INTERESTS OR THE FUNDING OF ENDLESS FOREIGN WARS already in geer for 600 years before the Western Hemisphere was even discovered, if not longer.

WOKE AND ALL ASSOCIATED WITH IT AS EQUITY, DIE, ESG…ALL IS COMPLETELY INSANE and designed to DESTROY THE CONSTITUTION, NATION OF THE UNITED STATES and THE MIDDLE CLASS. Kennedy once supported it all as well as those perpetrating it and forcing it onto the public as though normal when in fact it's evil. He supported the Obastards and Obidens, Clintons and the rest of the Uniparty Nazi's of which The Bush Crime Family is the head of in the U.S. The WOKE TOTALITARIAN INDOCTRINATED are the ignorant fools now supporting those perpetrating THE SLAVE/ILLICIT DRUG MARKET now booming at the Southern Border. Anybody supporting the EVIL of the Uniparty Nazi’s calling themselves Democrats in these last 16 years since OBastard’s Open Mic moment with the Russians indicating the U.S. Democrats to be TOTALITARIANS has no concept of anything America is.

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Rather disingenuous of Sanders to support Harris if he doesn't support the Oligarchy running the US.

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It used to be that the line to the Treasury Department ran through the Government Squid (GS), also known as Goldman, Sachs. This sordid history goes back a longer time than this article was able to focus upon, because the pattern would have taken too many megabytes to detail.

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this really needs to be available on all the social media platforms!

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Blackrock has been in real estate since 1981. Everywhere. They invest in REITs, LLCs and more.

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Elsa this is excellent work. Check out the work of David Sirota, Gretchen Morgenson, Gary Rivlin, Matt Taibbi, and Neil Weinberg. My books like Kentucky Fried Pensions etc. can be found at christobe.com

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Kennedy is captured by the Israel lobby just like the Uniparty. This stuff that supposedly distinguishes him is all just red herring. He supports apartheid and genocide by Israel. No one should vote for him. He is a fraud.

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You're throwing the baby out with the bath water by dismissing the MANY beneficial aspects of his platform because you disagree with ONE of his policy positions? C'mon. No candidate will align perfectly with anyone. But the REST of Kennedy's platform is about as perfect as it gets, which is why I can overlook his views on Israel, and cast my vote for him.

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That one policy position is genocide. Have some self respect and demand from politicians something for your vote. Your response is exactly what the establishment relies on. It can carry out genocides because people have no red lines. This shit will go on until people realize there is no lesser evil establishment candidate.

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Another assertion artile this time 'cause Elsa says so.

"Former president Trump’s relationship with Wall Street received a flurry of attention in July, when he told a Bloomberg reporter that JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon “is somebody that [he] would consider” for the position of Treasury Secretary if reelected. There were also some vague rumors involving BlackRock CEO Larry Fink as a possible pick. In a Truth Social post, Trump dismissed these possibilities, claiming that he “never discussed, or thought of, Jamie Dimon or Larry Fink for Secretary of the Treasury[.]”

Where is the evidence Elsa??? and if he dismissed, why are you crowing???

RFK has wildly spoken out both sides of his mouth on MANY issue as I have documented

at least 15x here. Seems the Beacon has dozens of "guest" authors of late. Just saying...

The Blackrock goon party that controls the world ?? Howz about a solution Elsa ??

Everyone knows about the goons...

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Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street passivity by not excercising their voting proxy power, shift the power back to the CEOs. We know about this because these are the "public" companies. I think "Private Equity" is worse Blackstone, KKR, Apollo, Carlyle, and directly buy the homes.

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As a 30 year investment veteran, this is really an excellent well reasoned article a far better take than most business articles of the top publications like the Wall Street Journal. For a young writer this is amazing and I look forward to more economic articles.

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really Chris, those 3 decades prepped ya

if at this late date you consider the WSJ anything but the fake news echo chamber

not sure what cave you have been in

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I work with the WSJ regularly, they have a few writers who break through the echo chamber. I have been quoted by Jason Zweig who does good work. Heather Gillers just did a good article on Private Equity, but these are few are far between

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I was going to read this but you mentioned Vivek Ramaswamy alongside Kennedy and I couldn't get past that

Here is Vivek Ramaswamy - https://twitter.com/FinanceLancelot/status/1696735857690939796

The guy is a snake oil salesman and should be in jail for financial crimes. His entire primary campaign was simply stealing Kennedy's talking points, which he then told Trump to do

Welcome to the Machine


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RFKs position of censorship & regulatory capture are what attracted me to him. But his position on Israel is, truthfully, holding me back. Be different than everyone else. Be Tom Massie on Israel :: Are you a foreign government? Ok, you can have my regards and affection, but you can’t have taxpayer money or guns. They are for US citizens only.

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Kennedy's no different or he wouldn't support the climate hoax and gun control.

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If you've listened to any of his recent long-form discussions with podcasters, you'd know he's changed his stance on those issues.

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well he is slightly different, having sucked former Dems off the Plantation, that is a good thing however Beaconites retain many or most of their false beliefs

That would include the "editors"

The good news is that they are crystal clear re the DNC criminals, and thus the Dem party itself, its just those "weird" beliefs

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How, exactly, do you know that?

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