Kennedy is the only candidate in my lifetime that is actually worthy of the office. A statesman from another time, for our time.

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Clear and concise writing from the heart. Thank you Melissa. Unbiased journalism is a rare thing indeed. It doesn’t mean losing an opinion, but presenting facts and letting readers/ listeners discern the truth for themselves. I believe that discernment comes from intuitive intelligence. A skill necessary for the technological world we live in. To weed through the lies and biased rhetoric of unhealed emotions. Propaganda is a problem we can solve, but it comes from within.

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Melissa - you have perfectly captured what I wish to convey to friends, colleagues and family members.

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Thank you Melissa for sharing your political journey. I appreciated your openness & reasoning - I struggled with why people would choose Trump and the mean things he would say & felt he was against and disrespectful of our laws. I also have voted on both sides and I have not felt connected to either party & then after Trump I traveled down that Democrat rabbit hole and found I was lost - Kennedy shined the light on the real issues & spoke the things I felt! This country needs Kennedy to get us out of this mess and heal this country! May we all protect him!!

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Unfortunately Kennedy not only is supporting Israel and its genocide of the Palestinian people, but has come out addimently. for Israel. This did 2 things to dissuade my support. First it questions his anti-war position. In this case the US has been supporting Israel's military to the tune of at least $18 billlion this year alone. Second, he shows absolutely no understanding or knowledge of Israel's historic policy of ethnic cleansing going back the late 19c when the political ideology of Zionism was being created. It is a blatant racist and imperialist policy and practice. He clearly in grossly uninformed. Making the matter worse, I have to wonder how much $$$ he is getting from the Israeli lobby to shut him up. We know that AIPAC has been investing millions to destroy any politician who says even the most benign concept such as the right of the Palestinians to be treated humanely! If this is the case Kennedy could at least keep his mouth shut and say nothing as he has done with his backing off talking about vaccine safety. And third, he spoke very eloquently about being open minded on all subjects and willing to listen to all meaningful and cogent arguments on a point with a willingness to change his thinking. Many of us really responded to that idea as we have lacked such in other politicians for the most part. He now puts the lie to this idea about himself as he shows no willingness at all to hear non-propaganda facts about Israel and its racist and brutal history manifesting is the most vile genocide of a people who owned their land and resources. For a man who claims history in fighting corporate interests and control he puts the lie to this by supporting a State whose very existence is based on providing access to oil and gas rich lands coveted by both Israel and the US. Add to this its

geo-political location as a gateway betw the west and east. Think about the battles of the Suez and the Red Sea currently and Israel's desire to build a new waterway to the Mediterranean as I recall.

Kennedy needs to seriously check out his position on Israel's illegal Occupation, its blatant lies (he even out does Trump who is known as the biggest liar of a president), and it murderous genocide against millions who have lived in that region and built it up for centuries. Until then it is very hard for me to support him and can say many others have quit his campaign as well.

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As Kennedy always says, "show me where I'm wrong"

1) Hamas billionaires steal aid from Gazans

2) Gaza has received more money per capita than any people, it's all gone to Hamas billionaires, who've not won an election since 2006

3) Netanyahu may have injured the moral case of Israel, and Kennedy has condemned settlements on west bank too, but as long as Hamas controls Gaza and says they will repeat October 7 again and again, Netanyahu will point to Hamas and say Israel has a duty to protect its own people and cannot be pressured

4) Kennedy said if he were in the white house right now, he'd be working with other world leaders and Arab leaders on a collaborative effort toward diplomacy. Through his waterkeeper alliance, Kennedy united Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians to protect the river Jordan. He'll work harder than anyone to pursue diplomacy

Free Palestine from Hamas - https://youtu.be/x__g-XEdyPc

The Nazi Roots of Hamas - https://youtu.be/IoMBwBp_HJM

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I think you are the pawn of typical Israeli and US propaganda. Much of the money going to Hamas has been used to create a Movement to oppose the illegal Occupation You have no factual information to back up this propaganda attack on Hamas.

FYI, Israel intentionally created Hamas and helped engineer funds to them flowing thru Quatar

Much of the money as gone into building an amazing tunnel system to fight Israel's ethnic cleansing and genocide. Of course the cry is to keep fighting for the liberation of the people and the land.

Israel has stated over and over again they will never negotiate with Hamas--just as they would not negotiate with Arafat. There never will be anyone to negotiate with if that party represents the people and will not kowtow to Israel as Abbas has done. I think you need some serious education on liberation movements, this one in particular and how they work. Kennedy's comment about costs for rebuilding are ridiculous. How can you compare the cost of work/labor in the 1940's with costs today. Then he makes this ignorant comment about the development of the land. It was developed until Israel imposed an illegal Occupation and began destroying all the social institutions, businesses, homes, and infrastructure. The clip you sent shows him to be a very poor listener on this issue. Where was his concept of diplomacy inclusive of Hamas? It wasn't there. He dismisses Hamas which has 2 wings: a political party and a military one. The propaganda typically distorts all facts when one side controls the mass media and the narrative. How about listening to all the journalists, artists, educators, political leaders who completely disagree with the obnxious distortions Kennedy buys into and promotes.

AS for the Nazi roots of Hamas? Typical insanity of racists who cannot see people of color having independent agency and brilliance. What you sent is an old trope that deniers, mainly of the white supremacist variety promote.

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"I think you are the pawn of typical Israeli and US propaganda"

Anyone who speaks facts that is not fed to me by Hamas through tiktok is paid by Israel and the evil jews

"You have no factual information to back up this propaganda attack on Hamas"

When was the last election in Gaza?

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Do you deny that Hamas was cultivated by the Israeli government itself?

Any condemnation of Hamas logically implies a condemnation of the Israeli government for cultivating it. Yet people who currently support the actions of the Israeli government seem not to acknowledge the role the Israeli government had in the growth of Hamas. Likud and Hamas are two heads of the same monster.

The purpose of cultivating Hamas was exactly to lower the chance of a viable two state solution. It was to be able to vilify Palestinians so that the atrocities being performed now would be more accepted by people such as yourself or could be promoted by people such as yourself. There seems to be two primary groups of people supporting Likud — those ignorant of its hand in the cultivation of Hamas, and those who sympathize with the sinister plan itself. Which one are you?

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Jan 9Edited

I don't deny it, and neither does Kennedy for that matter. He has said that Netanyahu injured the moral case of Israel for his role enabling Hamas but he's looking to the future, not the past. If you keep arguing about the past, the conflict will never get resolved. Right now, Hamas is stealing all money and aid from Gazans and stealing away their childhood and prospects in life to profit from perpetuating war and terror. To pressure Israel into a two-state solution, Hamas cannot control Gaza.

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Netanyahu is leading the government now. Not just the past. The money from US tax payers is going to the Netanyahu government, not Hamas.

Kennedy is supporting the funding of the Netanyahu government today, not just the past. And that funding is enabling an atrocity today. Right now Israel is starving and wantonly bombing Palestine with US military and financial support. The behavior of Hamas, which was cultivated by Likud, doesn’t justify it. Supporting the Netanyahu government is support of atrocities toward innocent Israeli and Palestinian citizens.

Rfk is a fraud.

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So you agree with him on everything else, but think he is wrong about Israel? Perhaps it is time to check your own knowledge of history, and understand that he is on the right side of this issue too.

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Well said, Tanya. But don't hold your breath for any redemptive statements coming from RFK Junior on Iarael and Palestine. He is going full steam ahead ever more unhinged on this subject. Better to observe and learn about the extrememoral compromises and betrayals people make in career politics. It makes a ghastly joke of his poster boy platitudes of "sovereignty for all". Take the good stuff he stands for and thank him for that. But don't wait for any messianic president to miraculously appear. Work locally where we can have representative democracy and let the distracting clown show of national politics burn itself out from lack of the public's energy, money, or interest.

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Yes, I agree with you but felt the need to put this issue out there. It is quite dismal that people tend to make individuals idols and refuse to see their foibles. This issue of Israel's genocide policy and practice is no small one. It is very challenging to support RFK for his better health and environmental positions for which he has history for us to check and follow

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I don't know why my response to you was posted farther below in this section. Please scroll down to find it.

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Thank you, Tanya Marquette, for your extremely accurate description of the Israeli genocide as it relates to RFK Jr. I ask you to allow me to add some things from my perspective.

JFK, my hero of the New Frontier, was assassinated in Dallas, TX, just south of where I lived when I was a high school junior. Since that time, I have studied the fascist forces surrounding that assassination defining fascism as being where private individuals use the power of our government for their own enrichment. This led me to learn how the United States of America has become a fascist state, then has attempted to become a world fascist power. Our fascist state and institutions supporting it were developed during what Mark Twain called the Gilded Age with great success. But our new fascist state becoming a fascist world power was interrupted by the 1929 financial crash and the long presidency of FDR. To expand from a fascist state to a world fascist power, they needed a private international government financed secret enforcement arm they could control. To get that, they needed a corrupt empty-headed politician in the White House; Harry S. Truman. With Truman elected, they got the CIA enforcement arm and National Security Act to control it plus immediate recognition of Israel as a state. All it cost was 2 million dollars cash in a suitcase from the Zionist to Truman at just the right moment during his faltering campaign.

JFK’s election was also causing a lot of problems for these budding fascist forces. He was pulling the plug on their forever wars in Cuba and Vietnam plus making peace with the USSR, ending the cold war they spent so much time and trouble to get it started. JFK was starting to kill the oligarch’s huge cash war cows. There were plenty of oligarchs who wanted JFK dead but none had the organization, political connections plus access to the immense amount of money required to get away with it. Who actually did this terrible deed has become obvious over the years but the ‘why it was done’ question remained unanswered until now. New information has emerged to complete this puzzle of why JFK was assassinated and may help explain events of today.

“The biggest contention between Kennedy and the Israeli leadership was regarding their developing nuclear weapons. This issue was kept so secret that crucial documents and letters have only been released in recent years. When intelligence indicated that Israel might be trying to build a nuclear weapon at Dimona in 1962, Kennedy was determined to find out if this was true, and if so to stop it.”

In a letter from May 12, 1963 from Israel’s Prime Minister Ben Gurion to JFK; “Mr. President, my people have the right to exist … and this existence is in danger.” JFK’s answer to Ben Gurion; “We are concerned with the disturbing effects on world stability which would accompany the development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel. US commitment and support would be seriously jeopardized if the US is unable to obtain reliable information about Israel’s efforts in the nuclear field.” On June 16, the US Embassy in Israel reported that Ben Gurion resigned as Israel’s Prime Minister.

The wheels were in motion. After the Assassination of JFK on November 22, LBJ told an Israeli diplomat, “You have lost a very great friend. But you have found a better one.” The Israeli reactor went critical on December 26. The Zionists got to continue their atomic bomb project. The ‘why’ question was answered. An organization ruthless enough and with enough money to get away with it was the Zionists. They even had their man, LBJ in place to cover it up.

The Zionists now completely control members of our congress through AIPAC to the point that to criticize them in any way is political suicide. The Zionists can now openly conduct a genocide against 7.2 million Palestinian people while United States rushes to send them even more money, weapons and bombs to complete the job. Joe Biden is clearly their guy with the Zionists giving him over 10 million dollars during his political career. This is fascism on steroids.

RFK Jr is ignoring the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people because he is a Zionist.

I supported RFK Jr because he appeared to be an anti-fascist candidate. With the Zionist being the main driver of a global fascist world power, I don’t know how he does that being a Zionist.

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He also said on CSPAN that "we" were in the Ukraine for "all the right reasons"

We are not talking about the position of dog catcher for a small city. Too late to reevaluate one "position". Currently the installed joke with the reigns has made a mockery of this country on the world stage. His predecessor has and had the respect of world leaders and the overwhelming support of the American People, that has only grown...

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He meant the sympathy of American people, and his son had the same sympathy

But people were lied to

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really ? You think that putting words in his mouth is warranted? Even if you were correct, that is most definitely not ok. He is from one of the most powerful politcal families in the is country, he is not the guy next door who got it wrong...

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I'm not putting words in his mouth, you are

He CLEARLY said several times that the sympathy of American people was correct but it was created from a lie by the government. He's the only one, like on many other issues, who has exposed that the Maidan rebellion was funded by CIA and that the Trump administration stopped Zelensky from signing Minsk 2 in 2019

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I heard that too in several of his earlier speeches/interviews. He spoke out of both sides of his mouth---anti-war but his son was in Ukraine fighting Russia and how proud he was. Total contradiction. My sense is he has no clue about foreign policy and rode on his years of environmental, anti-mercury, safe drugs, get corporations out of the govt alphabet soup agencies. He did important work on these issues but it seems he is part of the worst when it comes to foreign policy and even domestic financial policy. Cornell West is probably the best candidate but he, like Marianne Williamson have no chance of even getting any coverage at all much less the massive bad coverage Kennedy gets. Cornell is very good on foreign policy, racism, capitalism, etc but have never heard him say anything about health vs the medical industry. Williamson just doesn't get taken seriously even tho she is right on target with so many of the issues. We are in real trouble in this country!

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What arrant nonsense! He was talking about American people's sympathy was in the right place but they were misled. His son did not tell him he was going, and he's an adult, his own man. He had the same sympathy for the people of Ukraine. Kennedy has exposed the US funding of Maidan rebellion a decade ago. He's achieved more in his life and has done more for America than all presidents in the last 60 years combined. You haven't got a clue what you're talking about!

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someone most definitely does not have a clue...

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Hey, you're entitled to your opinion but that does mean it is based on facts. As for Ukraine he has glowed with pride about his son going there to fight a US proxy war. He has recognized family differences of opinion but in this case he sided with his son's choice. That is the statement. I recall telling my son that he could do whatever in life except anything that would harm him or others and that specifically included any work with the military or policing agencies as they are all race based and hegemonic. In fact, he was flat out told he would be dismissed from the family if he did any of that kind of work. Kennedy made no such ethical or moral evaluation of his son's choices but raved about them. That was a red flag for me.

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"Ukraine he has glowed with pride about his son going there to fight a US proxy war. He has recognized family differences of opinion but in this case he sided with his son's choice"

Show me where he said he sided with his son's choice? You're clearly mentally ill or a pathological liar.

Kennedy exposes the truth about Ukraine war - https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/18nu72t/the_truth_about_ukraine/

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My eyes were opened when the fruits of the Obama campaign were that nothing changed.

And I was blessed to be supported by old school midwives starting in 1995 that taught me that vaccines were to be questioned. Even earlier on, I didn’t fit in conventional school learning environments so I’ve been critical of the main ideas of society nearly my whole life.

Ideas from the Bible resonate for me, here in considering Mr Kennedy for President. Those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. And where your heart lies there your treasure will also be.

The idea of a Kennedy White House inspires me to hope for a more balanced nation. This far gone, is it possible for our country to be realigned with the founders vision? Kennedy knows law, so crucial in our situation today. Let’s all contribute to keep him safe and elect him.

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Hi Tanya! I am so glad you did and I thank you. I was on this subject in these comments sections a few weeks ago, then dropped it to redirect my energies elsewhere. But I check back periodically to see if new voices are continuing to hold him accountable and keep this red flag waving to warn his potential followers. Many of his most devout supporters tell me they have never heard him say the horrible things that have curled my ears and saddened my soul r.e. his verbally assaulting Palestinians as a people and violently calling for their genocide. For me this erases his credibility in every other regard. The sheer inhumanity and hypocrisy is impossible to swallow. We don't have to join a personality cult to carry those positive ideas and initiatives forward in our own lives and ways. They don't belong to him. And they should not be intermingled with his unwholesome elements. His interviews with Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Krystall Ball, and many others are cringe worthy examples of his diligence in spouting zionist propaganda. These are readily available for anyone who wants to know the militant core of his campaign and character. I will be glad to post a dozen of them here to keep them in circulation.

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yes. we need to keep the fight for freedom and anti-racism going in every way we can. posting on blogs like these holds people like Kennedy accountable while educating many others here who do not read the material from Gaza and the rest of that area and are limited to the mass propaganda of the mainstream and even the 'alternative' media as they seem to frightened to use correct language and call out the long term planned and implemented genocide. Today the Israeli news posted Netanyahu flat out calling for ridding all Palestinians from the region. They are massacring dozens of people and dropping them in unmarked mass graves with increasing frequency.

Do you read Mondoweiss? or Global Research? of the Electronic Intifada to name just 3 good sources of information. I post this for all readers here, not just a question for you

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Thank you for your Honesty.. and a glimpse into your life.. My journey as an early environmentalist made me an RFK Jr supporter some time ago.. when he became a Presidential candidate it was a Dream Come True.. personally, I perceive a Rare and Wonderful Wisdom in his words and His Life's accomplishments.. Considering that our Nation is under a Massive assault, in Truest sense we have Corporate Criminals [a few are actually Psychotic] at the Helm.. as evidenced by the Fact there is a 4 yr running Psyop continuing against every US citizen.. President RFK Jr will Legally and Methodically expose them...

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Does rfk support the censorship pushed by his favorite Middle Eastern aircraft carrier nation?

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Free Palestine from Hamas - https://youtu.be/x__g-XEdyPc

The Nazi Roots of Hamas - https://youtu.be/IoMBwBp_HJM

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Well said! I have wrestled with many of your thoughts and ideas as well. I’ve been following Bobby since his “World Mercury Project,” days which had been recommended by a friend suffering from metal poisoning. He is not afraid and I love that. I think this conviction comes from knowing his way around these behemoths through litigation or better yet negotiation. I don’t know what is going to happen in this election. I worry for him because of the corruption but I also know there is security being so out there in the limelight. His guardian angel will need to work overtime.

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Melissa, thank you for posting your article. Alternative media is full of true journalism, like yours. Thank God. It is shocking to see how many people can be manipulated and bought off to do the bidding of the "machine". Sometimes when faced with adversity, good things happen. Long live true journalism!

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I too like RFK jr but am still on board for DJT. Obviously he is the only one that the shadow government, deepstate, are going after, that says a lot to me, and who is the $$ behind other candidates. He performed better for our nation in 4 years than any other president in my lifetime. That speaks volumes to me. So back to RFK jr... he is also being attacked by the shadow government, deeptate, again says a lot to me, he is not even allowed to have security, obviously they are scared to death of these 2 men. So I feel the best case scenario would be a DJT/RFK jr ticket...the best of both worlds. DJT 4 years, RFK moves into position of prez after that for 8 years. These 2 get rid of both establishment parties, form a pro America Freedom party and get votes from both sides take us back to sanity!! Just my 2 cents!!

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RFK, Jr. has already stated that he will not consider a partnership with Trump. He does not need to play second fiddle to Trump. I think Trump is very interested in a partnership with RFK, Jr., but Trump is in the lead in the Republican candidate polls, and RFK, Jr. is never going to join the Republican camp. RFK, Jr. can do this on his own!

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He can stay in the chorus, and you opinion on issues is not just unqualified it is based on zilch. Citing polls? brilliant

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You said: " He performed better for our nation in 4 years than any other president in my lifetime."

Can you name an accomplishment? Are you including his crimes in that "better performance"?

Kennedy doesn't have big $$ behind him, and he actually has policy plans, unlike other candidates.

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Oh Joy...can you not see the difference in previous admin and this admin? Oh well, eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear...

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There is no difference. Trump added $9 trillion debt and gave trillions to Blackrock. Biden added $6.5 trillion debt so far and has given trillions to Blackrock.

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you win the award for the poorest reasoning on this sub

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Yes, I see a difference. I don't like either of them and would prefer Kennedy.

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yes Joy, the error of equivalence

You can prefer anything you like, and its a good thing you make your reasoning public

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Yes Joy, how about World Peace? A booming economy?

There are two, easy to add as the list is long...

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Lmao. Trump blocked Minsk 2 in 2019, moved embassy to Jerusalem and rearmed Hamas. He was also complicit in the most expensive war in American history. Covid was a bio war and his CARES act, the biggest spending bill signed by any president, gave trillions to Blackrock and kicked off the runaway inflation of the next two fiscal years. No president even in two terms added more debt than Trump. In 2019, because of Trump's disastrous trade policies, China overtook the US as the leading trade partner in the world.

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what a blatherfest from the snowflake press

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Trump took money from Pfizer and Bill Gates to kill vaccine safety commission before Covid - https://youtu.be/zDoo3tXWRJI

Trump brags about CIA jab and calls himself father of vaccine - https://twitter.com/cicero_mn/status/1725576996602667519

"Take the vaccine" - https://twitter.com/EscanorReloaded/status/1709972934326890520

Trump is going to Nuremberg 2 for his crimes against the American people so he is going to be too busy to run for office

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Well, actually, I was wondering what was on that long list, as I've never seen it.

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Trump added more debt than any president in history did in two terms and he was a one-term president! He signed the biggest spending bill ever, a $5 trillion bill (CARES act), which kicked off the runaway inflation. He took money from Pfizer and Bill Gates to kill vaccine safety commission before Covid. He sealed JFK files, he indicted and tried to assassinate Assange, he called Snowden a criminal. Trump's job in the uniparty is to keep the population angry, dumb, divided and distracted from the oligarchy. He's a corporate socialist.

Trump should stand trial at Nuremberg 2.0 - https://youtu.be/zDoo3tXWRJI

Trump offered Bill Gates job at white house - https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/04/trump-offered-bill-gates-a-job-at-the-white-house

Trump seeks advice from Blackrock - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-27/trump-seeks-advice-from-fink-wall-street-as-outbreak-worsens

Blackrock hits $6 trillion in assets, helped by Trump - https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1F11WB/

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There is no half like. RFK pales in comparison to T Carlson that has been strongly suggested elsewhere. Kennedy threw the biggest monkey wrench possible into the Demoncrat wheel.

He knew exactly what he was doing...

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Yes, Tucker...but can he do as Veep what he is doing now? Not even close...would not be of his good use! IMO

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Snowflakes gloat and get everything wrong.

If one does a simple comparison, RFK does not look so good as he deliberately shoots himself in the foot. The American People have already chosen.

Oddly the DemonRats (the camp you defected from) have divorced him

as he would not be their stooge. Very very interesting. Still I am happy to echo the things he gets right... The ABC agencies were and are woefully corrupt. Some have always known...

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Lively and informative Comment section. I credit The Kennedy Beacon with honoring the First Amendment. The national stage, as always, presents old games of Good Cop / Bad Cop to capture our attention. I consider the major POTUS hopefuls to be AIPAC castrati. I find this runner, whether eligible for POTUS or not, to consistently get it right:


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Interesting. The Torch Is Passed is the title of the AP's commemorative book on its coverage of the JFK assassination, which adhered to the Warren Commission's phony narrative. Given Bobby's incongruous support of Gaza genocide, using The Torch has been Passed to Kennedy for his campaign, for those who were around in the Kennedy era, is ingenuous if not sickeningly cynical.

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I will make a digestive of my best sources these past six months on israel/Palestine and how on Earth to deal with the brainwashing and propaganda happening within the very communities of beloved truthtellers we belong to.

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