Thanks to the Kennedy Beacon for keeping on this story.


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He was ideologically ready to go. All he needed was a little cash and some information. Somehow this became available. Acting alone? I think not. He was known and got just a little push.

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Routh was queried in court yesterday about his finances. His answers offered no indication of the wherewithal to support his known travel and activities, not to mention gun acquisition and SUV rental. I am trying not to arrive at a hasty conclusion. Gov. DeSantis seems to be right about a conflict of interest for the DOJ investigation of this incident, inasmuch as they are prosecuting Trump. DOJ, please prove me wrong and be forthcoming with the American people! I always enjoy your contributions, Adam Garrie!

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Thanks for the update - as I expected. I did not have this information. We need Kennedy, Trump and Vance to clean house.

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Speaking of seeking answers: have the investigators (law enforcement or congressional) of the July assassination attempt in Pennsylvania interviewed either of the two local snipers, one from Butler County and one from Beaver County, who were supposed to be stationed at one or more windows overlooking the roof from which Crooks shot at Trump? If not, why not?

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Those two were active participants. Look at Trump's head the instant he was shot. The right side of is head, with the bullet passing close and parallel, was pointed at the second story window. Not at Crooks. If Trump had been facing more toward his right to Crooks, the right front corner of his head would have caught the bullet. The two guys "guarding" upstairs (who saw Crooks but didn't report him. Hmmmm.) both went downstairs to let somebody in. And it doesn't take two guards to abandon their post to let in one person. It was just a gambit to leave alone and leave behind the Third Man, who was the shooter from that position from the shadows. He was on target, except Trump tilted his head as the round was being squeezed off. And, he probably used a silencer rifle. We also don't have a report of what kind of dope Crooks was on.

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I don’t recognize the USA anymore.

Not the country I once knew.

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And just think about what these globalists are attempting to do about free speech. They want this to be the U.K. or Europe where people can be clapped into jail for just having a certain thought - and/or expressing it. It will soon go to the former where technology will IMPOSE - unithink on us all

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CONFIRMED: Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA operative (and - was sent to Russia for spying). Hence, the immense and brazen Russia-gate hoax was NOT the first CIA coup in the US. Democracy left US on November 22, 1963…

RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death


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When are you going to learn that these assassination attempts are not

done by "lone nuts"? They are orchestrated by the national security state, L. Fletcher Prouty's "secret team." Why are you colluding with the evil establishment by talking about lone nuts? I know that RFK, Jr., has read James Douglass's book "JFK and the Unspeakable, Why he died and why it matters," along with much other such literature, so I know that he knows the entire system. And I know that Trump knows the situation, too. I should think that you would, too. So, how about addressing the source of the problem rather than continuing this collusion with the perpetrators.

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Another ‘Keystone Kops’ situation with the Secret Service - no perimeter inspection for at least 12 hours, he was able to get to his vehicle and escape, and was only apprehended because a witness got the license plate number - luck.

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Follow the money.

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All the shooter needed to know was where to hide and when. I wonder how he came about this information?

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...for those still seeking answers from "Authority Figures"....you are asking for something that will never be. Going back to JFK and the attempt on Reagan...everything traces back to GHW Bush and his buddies. Until a President has the courage to declare Martial Law...and round up all of the Neo-Con Globalists, their financiers and their minions...this criminality will continue. Until a President gets serious about the Globalist Threat...and starts imprisoning these traitors and subjecting them to the enhanced interrogations they love so much...nothing will happen. We need to Crush The Globalists. Now.

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Where is the outrage from the Democratic Party??? Just out of decency!!!

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Project Censored 2012 most under - reported stories #4

FBI Agents Responsible for Majority of Terrorist Plots in the United States

Published: October 10, 2012

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has embarked on an unusual approach to ensure that the United States is secure from future terrorist attacks. The agency has developed a network of nearly 15,000 spies to infiltrate various communities in an attempt to uncover terrorist plots. However, these moles are actually assisting and encouraging people to commit crimes. Many informants receive cash rewards of up to $100,000 per case.


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The Secret Service has previously babysat Trump around this golf course dozens of times. They long since have known where the weak spots along the fence are. To not notice Routh waiting there for twelve hours is active feigned ignorance, and at the start of any round of golf such places would have been screened ahead of beginning. What they actually did was pretend to discover at the last minute what they already knew. We are supposed to think the Secret Service is a great band of heroes because they did the equivalent of suddenly announcing the finding that water is wet. Their actions were all about generating appearances, and not about substance. Why? Because they are anticipating attack number three, When it happens, they want to have in the bank the appearance they are not total bumblers all the time. Even if Trump gets killed by attempt number three. Especially if Trump gets killed by attempt number three. The Secret Service is merely planning ahead.

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The DemonkRATS prey on the mentally unstable. The DemonkRATS themselves are unstable - trying to bring about the collapse of our country. Stop harris/walz - the commie ticket

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From 1860-1865 The Democratic party tried to ruin this country.

Their political leaders like Jefferson Davis, William Graham, Robert Hunter and many more tried to end the Revolution of 1776.

After the death of of 650,000 Americans they gave up.

That same party is now again trying to do the same. Modern day Political leaders like Pelosi, Obama, Harris and others lead this current effort.

We are once again in a Civil War. Albeit a cold one.

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Someone needs to investigate the money trail on this guy…where did he get the funds for all his traveling, etc.? I’m not hopeful this will be done, though. And, the judge should have asked him a bunch of questions about this.

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