I have read many written accounts of the current War situation between Zelensky & Putin, but you have nailed it on point. I have followed this since its start, have read a lot of Martin Armstrong. My wife is from Belarus, and we have family and friends in Ukraine & Belarus. Now all we have to accomplish is to get people to take the time to read this. I will share it on every platform i have access to and we will get the Facts out there to the world. Hate has no place in this argument, Only The Facts!!

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To understand the war, all we have to do is read and watch. So simple a solution but few grasp it. Jeffrey Sachs, Ray McGovern, Michael Hudson, Alastair Crooke, Douglas MacGregor, Larry Johnson and many others offer insight for anyone wanting to fill half their brain. They can then compare it to the other half taht's filled with CNN and Fox.

My favourite introduction is:

John Mearsheimer’s criticism, delivered to Oxford in 2015, has become the most famous warning. The YouTube video, ‘Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West’s Fault’, has gained 29 million views. He’s jumped from alternate media into the mainstream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4

His warning was stark:

“What is the implication for Ukraine. This is the most important part of my talk. People in the West think there is a deep-seated immoral dimension to my position because I’m blaming the West and not Putin. But I think that the West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path, and the end result is that Ukraine is going to get wrecked.”

A member of the audience asks him if anyone in Washington is listening to him. He answers “No.”

Consider how absurd the political system has become to not give a logical ear to Mearsheimer, a political scientist. That means that he studies how political systems originate and develop. He’s won awards and is one of the most cited in his field. He's long been a rock star in the world we don't know. If you look him up, you will be astounded.

As early as 1993, Mearsheimer's article for Foreign Affairs article argued that it was "strategically unwise" for Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons that the Soviets had left behind. The deterrent was needed to lessen the possibility of war and the rise of "excessive nationalism". They never listened. The right-wing has risen in the Ukraine and war is now. I'll detail that nationalism in the next episode.

Mearsheimer was also correct in that USA's expansion of NATO eastward, and its growing relations with Ukraine, would result in Putin's aggression to the Ukraine.

Ensuring that the USA’s lack of awareness was impossible, Russia tweeted the link to Mearsheimer’s 2014 article for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Russia never needed to create fake news because Mearsheimer, had also titled the article with 'Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault' - https://www.mearsheimer.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Why-the-Ukraine-Crisis-Is.pdf

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We’re literally watching the protocols of Zion being implemented it’s interesting to see how the globalists position there pawns.


This also taken down from the archive seems the cabal don’t want the protocols of Zion fully exposed.



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Anyone who believes this pack of tired old Kremlin lies is a sad fool.

1. Russia signed the 1999 Istanbul Charter for European Security, which confirmed the right of all signatory states to join whatever alliances they wished, and that no country could consider any part of Europe its "sphere of influence'. Just another treaty Putin has broken.

2. No one" expands Nato except the countries joining it. Which is very difficult. Ukraine has applied to join Nato since 2008 and since Putin's terrorist invasion over 80% of the Ukrainian people want to join. For protection from an insane dictator committing genocide.

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So, did we or did we not promise Russia that NATO would not expand eastward? Does or does not Russia have legitimate security concerns re a hostile military alliance advancing to their borders? NATO was created to keep Europe safe from Soviet expansion, but the Soviet Union has not existed since December 26 1991. That was 33 years ago!

We are risking a nuclear war, and nobody seems to care.

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Thank you for this factual time line. The MSM no longer is trust worthy as all they do is narrative reporting to push a political outcome.

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Great read, one thing you missed though. Yanukovych won the presidency in 2004 and after heavy US pressure the Ukrainian Supreme Court overturned it and they held a new election... Surprise, surprise...Yanukovych lost the revote... But in the very next election... He won again... Then he was overthrown again in 2014... Can't make this stuff up...

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We’re literally watching the protocols of Zion being implemented it’s interesting to see how the globalists position there pawns.


This also taken down from the archive seems the cabal don’t want the protocols of Zion fully exposed.



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In 1962 Cuba and the Soviets were installing missile bases in Cuba. As some said at the time 'Cuba has the right to decide its own security arrangements' - just as today some are saying the same thing in the Ukraine context.

When US aerial reconnaissance discovered what was going on in Cuba, the then US President, John F Kennedy, warned the Soviets that if the project continued it would lead to war - if completed the project would be an existential threat to US security and, as such, could not be tolerated. Cutting a fairly long story short, following negotiations the Soviet side, led by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev (a Ukrainian!) abandoned their missiles-in-Cuba project and WW III was averted.

I was 19 at the time and had recently begun at University in London, UK. I can attest that there was very real fear of the possibility of a nuclear war. But thankfully Khrushchev and Kennedy were real statesmen - of the kind that, apparently, do not occupy the halls of power in the US, NATO or Ukraine today. God help us all.

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One thing is for sure: Biden is no JFK!!!

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You’re omitting the crucial fact that the placement of Russian nuclear missiles in Cuba was an escalation response to the U.S. placing nuclear missiles in Turkey. Otherwise I agree with your thesis.

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That is why we so need RobertFKennedyJr as President of US ~ He is a stateman ~ He was around all this from childhood up & his elders influenced him well to take care of the folk that need it as the rich can obviously take care of themselves ~ he is for Peace & all the things that we need going forward in the world!

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We are witnessing just one of the long term plans of the elites to destroy as much as they can so as to force the New World Order. All governmments have been cohersed into destroying themselves, economies, businesses and culture and family values.

Greedy despicable politians have sealed their own and everyon elses fate as power is centralised.

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Exactly right!

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Oh dear. Understanding truth takes research, time and much effort hence it eludes the mass ignorant, complacent and lazy mind

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Lol. Say more funny shit.

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You are one off many trolls, some paid, some dumb, some disturbed individuals. Which one are you are - go figure, my last reply btw

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*of “which one are you?” #youtried

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Promise? Run out of funny things to say? #sad

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The timeline should actually include the Soviet annexations of historical Russian territory TO Ukraine, beginning with the entire eastern and southern region (commonly referred to as Donbass) given by Lenin in 1922, Crimea given by Khrushchev in 1954, (as well as the western region given by Stalin in 1939 and 1945). A way bigger factual picture will unfold, and nullify the MSM shrieking of "illegal Russian annexation".

The ethnic Russian people in Donbass and Crimea voted overwhelmingly via public referendums to return to their "motherland" after the coup d'tat of 2014. A small detail always conveniently ignored by corporate propaganda media.

Do some homework on "territories annexed to Ukraine" beginning with the Russian tsars in 1654. A few good maps are available online for visual reference.

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Yes, but recognize that the residents of Crimea would first choose independence and only second annexation to Russia. Probably the same for Donbass.

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But that is not what happened. Your opinion is irrelevant to the historical record.

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Put this in your Hunter-branded crack pipe and smoke it:

A survey conducted by the Razumkov center in 2013 showed that a majority of Crimeans saw Crimea as their homeland over Ukraine and Russia/USSR. Anyone who has visited there knows they would vote for independence if ever given the chance.

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Razumkov Center = Globalist think tank in support of the cesspool known as Ukraine. Nice try, shillster.


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Total hogwash. Lame attempt to distract from reality. Referencing some useless slanted/opinion piece (who paid for it?) from a year before the US orchestrated coup d'tat does not hold water. The already de-humanized, scorned and slighted ethnic Russian people trapped behind annexation lines for 70-100 years could clearly see what was coming next. Therefore they took the obviously wise option to return to "mother Russia" via referendum and legally came under the protection and administration of their origin country. To assert that the local population would attempt 'independence' is lunacy, given the genocidal agenda of the maniacs in Kiev, Brussels, London, DC, etc...

Did you see the body-cam videos from Russian Special Forces who seized two dozen bio-labs at the onset of the Special Military Operation? The ones of UAV drones equipped with liquid tank reservoirs and sprayer nozzles under each propeller? How about the ones of Ukrainians burning piles of documents? The Russians knew full-well what was in the works (since 2014 and before) and acted accordingly to intervene before a mass genocide could be initiated, and clearly the populations of Donbass and Crimea are grateful for their liberation from psychopathic tyranny.

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Is that different from the RFK Jr. branded one? Did Hunter's wife kill herself while Hunter was fucking around? Oh, right.

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Probably time to lay off the горілка and get with reality...


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Great summation of facts regarding this most unfortunate conflict.

IMO there’s a (not-so-invisible) elephant plodding around the margins of the article. Since so many actions by all participating parties make zero sense when viewed from a rational perspective, is it not possible that some insane, possibly demonic forces - as in GLOBALISTS - are calling the nefarious tune to exacerbate western economic destruction (pushing CBDCs), deplete US weapons stores and weaken readiness, increase immigrant chaos, further foment looming famine, possibly ignite a nuclear conflict, all while increasing digital implementations and helping achieve long sought after depopulation objectives?

Ramblings from a rabbit hole or grim reality?

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Grim reality, I suspect.

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Grim reality, I suspect.

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Yes...and that's exactly why globalist Jeffrey Sachs does not acknowledge it.

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Detailed, excellent report. I wonder when Putin (or somebody, anybody) will loudly denounce Biden as the puppet of the deep state and all his policies destroying the US as deriving from this cartel. This article sorta said so, but it needs to be louder and more strident. Biden doesn't know where he is half the time and can barely function as a puppet. It's not Barack Obama running the show either. He was as much of a craven shill and deep state whore as Biden, although more in possession of his mental faculties. We clearly see the ruthless operations of the criminal deep state cabal in the history shown in this report. It's state capture. Lies, duplicity, betrayal, blackmail, war-mongering and profiteering are the hallmarks of this cabal going back centuries. This is not a solely American phenomenon although the US has long been the standard bearer while mendaciously extolling its moral high ground. It's time we called a spade a spade and quit acting as though international cabal activity is just localized politics. No it's deep, entrenched, international and coming from one source. SAY SO!

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Noland, Sullivan, Blinken....names that reveal the puppetmasters. Always follow the money.

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Wow, I always thought Putin was a nasty dictator who sends all his political enemies to Siberia (after a trial, of course). Also I read that he sends assassins to do away with any members of his clique who turn against him, but, hey, we do the same thing, right? I guess he's really popular in Russia since he keeps getting reelected. And, of course, he has a perfect right to invade a sovereign nation, raping and shelling towns and cities into oblivion, because some native Russians living there invited him. I mean, he was just really concerned about their welfare. And, besides, Nato was threatening to make that nation a member which they had no right to do, and they were obviously going to use Ukraine as a staging ground for invading Russia, so he merely beat them to the punch. So by invading Ukraine, he enhanced Russian security, right? I wonder how we would react if Mexico invaded Texas, which, after all, once belonged to them - but they would never do that because they know we would kick the crap out of them. So I guess that Putin is the aggrieved party here and that gives him the right to destroy Ukraine. Besides, Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, right behind the United States, Russia, and China. We really want Putin to win, because it will made Biden look bad (of course he probably looks bad enough already). Oh, it's all too complicated for me, I'm glad somebody has a handle on it.

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A more appropriate hypothetical might be if ...

... Mexico were to sign a mutual defence treaty with Russia and China called the SRM Treaty, AND,

... SRM Treaty signatories agreed to Russia building a large military base and locating some of its nuclear weapons in Ensenada.

What do you believe the USA would do then?

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Yes, you're right, that's how it would happen.. But we do know what JFK did when a very similar story unfolded in Cuba a few decades ago.

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While it's absurd to ignore the salient history of US meddling in Ukraine - with its open ended invitation to "eventually" join NATO ( because this is obviously relevant to the outbreak of war) - it’s also absurd to believe Putin had only noble motives and was not using Western encroachment as leverage to control Ukrainian politics for domestic propaganda purposes and his delusional revanchist aims. It now appears both sides have their tits caught in the same wringer, each seemingly incapable of off ramping themselves. In times of war, all narratives deserve scrutiny. Sarcasm aside, your nuance is appreciated, assuming that was your intent.

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A super majority of Russians did not "vote" for Putin before they were pushed to defend their fellow citizens in the Ukraine. Now we have given the very disliked Putin majority support.

Bush barely won the 2000 election but a year later had 90+% support for war.

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The truth. This is Joey B's war. He will lose.

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Great and useful timeline!

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This article is also similar, and includes some maps and other information: https://labourheartlands.com/jacques-baud-the-military-situation-in-the-ukraine-update/

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Thanks, it is more detailed than what I read on some reliable blogs.

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I’m sharing this to every person I possibly can. While not being informed of the entire history, I have long been arguing with the brain dead who only have tribal minds. Thank you Jeffrey

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Wow. Just wow.

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The Ukraine proxy war is no anomaly. This thing called the US Government has been waging wars without justification for much of its short 250 year history. The American people have been stupefied into believing otherwise. We never controlled FedGov, despite periodic election kabuki shows meant to pacify. We're spectators with almost no control. This can only change when enough people join together and withdraw their allegiance, in their hearts and then in their actions. There is no easy fix.

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