Another fantastic look at the unseen hands in shaping public opinion under the guise of news. Back in Bush-Cheney era Bill Moyers did an investigation that showed 65 lobbyists for every Member of Congress & revolving door spinning with insiders cashing in.. millions spent lobbying for billions in contracts, subsidies & protections the best ROI anywhere.


PhRMA ranks top tier in my dirtbag list and Covington Burling the defenders of toxic profiteers shown clearly in their advocacy for big tobacco. Fun to remember RJR tobacco bought KRAFT foods in yet another merger of toxic foods & drugs making America #1 for obesity & illness.


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Thank you for another very useful set of links for me to follow up on, Pamela! :) SourceWatch, in my opinion, is a fantastic resource for those digging into these things. It seems like an artifact of a time when it was liberals going after these corporate behemoths, with plenty of great info left over.

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Much of their work has evolved into ALEC Exposed.. pretty sure John Stauber retired but he was a favorite Twitter follow in my tweeting life pre-2020 banishment! :~)


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It is clearly evident, that The Kennedy Beacon is not only helping RFK, Jr. become President, it is doing a brilliant job investigating the criminals and their crimes, the corruption and its trails. Thank you!

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Thank you, Hillary! :)

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Back in my Bernie days I got to thinking the media was like the store's magazine in a one factory town. Still feels accurate it's just the company is pharmaceuticals in addition to private insurance companies. What's fascinating is some writers will probably concede all your points on the influence of these powerful lobbies and yet never connect the dots in a meaningful way. Like Krugman for example would agree with health care reform all day long but when it came time in the primaries to pick a candidate that may actually do something would bail out. I could imagine many a moderate news watcher nodding along to the message of Dallas Buyer's club right up until you turn around and say the FDA is probably worse today than it was in that day and is as wrong about covid vaccines, remdesivir, etc as it was about those Aids medications.

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This is the single most important thing Robert must get done. The plandemic crowd is the enemy of mankind and must be punished, publicly and permanently.

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Lots of us would like to see Bobby be more emphatically anti-vax, given the devastation their use has caused and continues to cause! We know many are bio-weapons, not only the covid one.

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Maybe it’s a case of less is more! By understating, the case against the childhood vaccine schedule, RFK, Jr can draw more people to think for themselves about the issue. Many of the Covid dissident doctors initially defended the childhood vaccine schedule. Then they started to look deeper and realised it was an house of cards. Allowing people to have their own process of discovery, and avoiding strident rhetoric, is Bobby’s style, maybe even his trademark.

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OK, I appreciate this perspective Paul.

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Thank you for this important analysis.

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The only misinformation is that misinformation exist.

"Information" of any kind is interpreted by an individual, who then comes to a conclusion.

The result can vastly vary. For example, if you write down the instructions how to drive a stick shift car, here in the US, these instructions can be seen as misinformation in the UK, since they drive on the other side of the road and would operate a stick shift car differently.

So, does that mean that these instructions are misinformation? Certainly not, since we look at the information within the context it is being applied. If we wouldn't, then one could say that all instructions, anywhere in the world, are misinformation, since there can always be a case where in a certain context these instructions would look like misinformation.

"Misinformation" for the Biden administration is, when someone looks at specific information in any other way than the Biden administration does. It translates more to non-compliance or non-obedience. It's like, I tell my dog "bad dog" for not bringing back the ball I threw, even though I wanted him to bring it back. But maybe he just didn't feel like brining it back, is he a bad dog because of that?

How much longer will people let them call a "bad dog" by the Biden administration?

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I’m totally out of my league here, but can you start referring to the Remdesivir with the brand name (e.g., “Veklury’s highly toxic Remdesivir”)? The brand name is what hospitals are now using because patients are refusing Remdesivir. But if the public does not become familiar with the name Veklury, they won’t know that Veklury and Remdesivir are one and the same. The public needs to be educated.

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Not only does PhRMA, its corporate members, and the various federal agencies it has captured bring you the news, they have bought all the researchers doing clinical trials and stand alongside Wall Street and Big Tech in buying up federal politicians, and have bribed state-level politicians to capture the boards that regulate what kind of medicine doctors can practice.

The Bayh-Dole Act incentivizes inventions derived from taxpayer-funded research (which includes federal contracts & grants to universities as well as federal agencies) to be patented and licensed to Big Pharma, thus subsidizing the costs of a portion of Big Pharma's R&D costs while compromising the integrity of the public entities that actually do the research for the sake of monopolistic royalty income and, in the case of universities, for harvesting more grants from compromised federal entities, particularly the NIH. In short, everybody who in theory is supposed to be exercising independent judgement, spending tax dollars in the general interest, and blowing the whistle on Big Pharma's misdeeds and blunders is instead getting a piece of Big Pharma's monopoly action and are serving Big Pharma's interests.

Speaking as someone who worked for a quarter of a century in the University of California's systemwide technology transfer office, and then another five years curating UC's contracts and grants database, I have seen far too much of the corrupting effects of Bayh-Dole and of Big Pharma distortion of research funding. I have been thrilled to see RFK Jr's organization, Children's Health Defense, fighting UC's vaccine mandates, and then RFK Jr. himself calling out the Bayh-Dole Act in his Presidential campaign. AFAIK, Mr. Kennedy _is_ the news, not whatever script is being read to you by the corporatist shills brought to you by Pfizer, etc.

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The two-farty system is no longer working for the American people. Kennedy is the future

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its pronounced pHARMa. 'nuf said.

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"Call Trump all the derogatory names you like. Many will be accurate. But he is the cause of the night horrors in Washington, a candidate not under control of the Two-Headed Monoparty. He might do any goddam thing, such as end the war. Do you know what that would do to share prices at Lockheed-Martin? Anyway, like I say, the best pure political mechanic the country has produced."


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No need to praise Trump while loathing Biden's policies. A (small)pox on them both. Awful vs Terrible. Go Bobby!

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If you squint at the logo, do you see HaRMA, or is it just me?

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PhRMA and the pharmaceutical companies who fund it are guilty of crimes against humanity that are punishable under international law.

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Great Exposure Mr. Sturgess! They are all a bunch of Paid Prostitutes who directly Harm and Murder the American people by their Malicious Disinformation!

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Hey Liam, not sure where to share a link with you. I'm in Australia. We recently had a referendum which was rejected (phew) for a "Aboriginal Voice to Parliament", which, similar to what is happening in Canada, sounds like a UN land-grab scenario. It has been incredibly divisive, but people are waking up slowly. I am sharing a Substack by an Indigenous writer who was an advisor to a previous prime minister. It includes a great "map of intrigue" that I know you are collecting so I figured you might like some Australian villains to insert.

Kind regards,



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