How many americans are not relating their "out of the blue" symptoms to the vaccine. Our society has been tailored to believe good health is an anomaly. I see possible injuries in friends and neighbors all around me. The positive side to this is when the truth comes out, the American people will realize the corruption beyond the vaccine. You can't heal a wound you don't know is there.

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To acknowledge the out of the blue symptoms as being connected with the experimental injection leads to a broader association with our govt, our healthcare programs and “Professionals” all of whom are supposed to work for us and be on our side. It’s a huge can of worms many Americans can not touch.

Lots of people I know simply are resistant to thinking that deeply or inexperienced in it and can’t see their way forward.

What’s the expression? It’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled. Frustrating to witness.

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Look around, people do not think their illness has anything to do with the vaccine….$3600 that doesn’t even come close to how much had been put on our health system….

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I have suggested to people that have suddenly gotten immune and neurological disorders that they may possibly be vaccine injured, and provide the name of a doctor or website to learn more. I usually don't hear from them again on the subject. It's like complete denial, they can't process the possibility, it threatens their world view touch. Better to be quiet.

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My 79 y/o father has had all his shots and boosters. Prior to getting the first one, he was very healthy and fit for his age. Now, he constantly complains of this or that "mystery" and "out of the blue" ache, pain, illness (including covid), and (now) chronic condition. But, by golly, he has "no idea" what's causing them. He's such a Covidian, if I dared suggest the shots may be the cause, he would write me out of his will.

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I feel for you. Loving him is the greatest (non) medicine ♥️

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I believe that the Times reported on this ONLY so they could downplay it. period. they knew that they couldn't continue to ignore it, so here's the piss-poor 'acknowledgement', peppered with narrative affirming tropes.

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Thank you RFK Jr for calling for better safety systems and medical freedom. My friend, Brandon, was injured from his J and J shot. This pushed him to run for mayor of his hometown and pass a healthcare freedom resolution.


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That article is there for two reasons. Reason #1 is this is nothing more than the correction that the NYT can point to if they need cover for their behavior during COVID and the vaccination campaign. It’s their get out of jail card. The original smear campaign has accomplished its task now it’s time to get a cover story saying we got a few facts wrong. No one ever remembers the correction. #2 reason is that it sets the stage for a Trump win in November. The MSM will hang everything on Trump if he wins as he still is very proud of warp speed and the MRNA shots. He continues to defend them. They will use the failures of the MRNA shots to emasculate his presidency

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> “The nation’s fragmented health care system complicates detection of very rare side effects"

They are wanting to consolidate to the proposed "One Health", for surveillance and control.

I hope everyone with a vaccine injury follows Dr. Bryan Ardis. https://thedrardisshow.com/

Lots of info in this one: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8MG7eqUQbrVA/

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This is the reason, I believe, for the Times' limited hangout. To push for the "Mistakes were made, we'll do better next time" agenda, which presupposes we'll let them do it again, and the increased surveillance with centralized databases of who got what when, so they can use that to limit our freedom to say no.

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I wish Bobby would speak about the Covid vaccine injuries and increasing deaths more often. We need the leadership he provided when he was head of CHD.

Bobby speak your truth about the most important issue in America and the World.

It is your life’s work.

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God bless the doctors who didn't go along with letting patients die, rather than bow to commands from on high!

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Bailiwick News posted today:

"[]the main source of World Health Organization IHR amendments, pandemic treaty texts and worldwide fake-pandemic alarmism, simulations, active military operations and behavioral programming is the US government, including the US delegation to the World Health Assembly[]. Almost all the Senators who signed Sen. Ron Johnson’s May 1, 2024 letter to President Biden, also voted to pass the Global Health Security and International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act in December 2022. [] Those who do not work to repeal, nullify and strip funding from pandemic preparedness and response laws and programs, are refusing to do that work because they support the continuing atrocities"


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This maybe a beginning but where was the nyt in the beginning of the pandemic...They and the rest of the media could have stopped it before it began...They have been COWARDS since the start ..I am talking about protocols that many doctors had great success with (hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and more). There is no excuse for their actions or lack of action...They could have saved thousands of lives ( maybe millions). It was a crime of the century and we cannot move forward without justice!!

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I usually don't comment on my own articles, but I had to on this one. If the media had done their job and not accepted the word of the 'experts" thousands of lives would have been saved and thousands of vaccine injuries could have been avoided. Censorship kills.

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Whose side are they on? (it's definitely biased)

I don't read NYT, but apparently they regularly published a skewed election poll. See: "Results of new NYT poll being called into question"


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