Please make some shirts and hats with regenerative agriculture Kennedy/ Shanahan

I’d love to pass some out

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yes Toto, off to see the wizard yeah? Heard he needs a T.

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Kiss the Ground creates a common ground between voters from the left and the right... both parties are sponsored by Big Oil, Big Ag, and Big Pharma, which NO NOT want regenerative agriculture. Healthy soil means lower CO2 in the atmosphere and a healthier humanity. This is VERY non-profitable for companies that enjoy mono-cropping, profit off of agro-chemicals, and profit off of chronic and degenerative diseases caused by the accumulation of poisons in our soil, food, water and air. The profit machine will fight this with everything they've got, and neither Biden or Trump will talk about it (I wonder who their corporate sponsors are?? ;-\ )

Ryland Englehart is continuing the work of spreading this vital information seeded in this documentary with his latest film - Common Ground - helping people understand that the BEST thing we can do to secure a stable climate is to support regenerative agriculture.


I also love this short on the topic - https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/vhXLD35wzd

Oh... and BTW, guess who was the Executive Producer for both of Rylands landmark films? :)


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Give everybody a BREAK...CO2 Levels are lower now than it's ever been and it's next to impossible to grow food with the current levels.


Wouldn't vote for this 'Pretend Patriot' pushing any 'Chief Joy Officer' of any Shoomoo Institute; no doubt both hooked to the Cloud as Transhuman Digitwins and not yet exhibiting any GLITCHES as so many others of their Ilk do in D.C. and NYC.

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"Give everybody a BREAK...CO2 Levels are lower now than it's ever been and it's next to impossible to grow food with the current levels."


You are repeating lies about our present vs. historical atmospheric composition that a reasonably clever highschool chemistry student can experimentally disprove. Shouldn't you stick to the usual claims that more CO2 is always better? Is the petrochemical industry corporate booster narrative losing coherence?? Has your algorithm been hacked???

Ever wonder why plain peoples in "flyover country" can farm profitably with more horses and less glyphosate?

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Absolutely Incorrect.

The Scientific Research stating the outlandish lie about CO2 are invariably all lies made by paid bribed Scientists funded to produce a PRETENSE to justify the Power Grab by the Pagan Communitarian U.N. Uniparty Nazi's which hide The City of London with The Crown Corporation seeking to place all into Transhumanistic Frequency Slavery.

Since you declare INDOCTRINATED/BRAINWASHED High School Students so scientifically oriented; how about they return to the 'The Scientific Method' and actually do some real experiementation and valid documentation about HAARP and the Geo-Engineering of the Criminals Against All Humanity actually causing this 'Pachamama Earth Mother Crisis' now camouflaged with the definition 'CLIMATE CHANGE CULT' to begin with. Yes, IT IS AN ANCIENT PAGAN CULT.

High School or not...The Ph.d's and Scientists out of the Indoctrination/Brainwashing Centers of the west ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED; nor are their Masters hating The Constitution of the United States since it's inception.



Many of us out here are professionals in Science; actual practioners and most have done stints in the Govt. where we experienced COMMANDS TO FACILITATE LIES AS THOUGH TRUTH UNDER THE PRETEXT OF DOCUMENTATION PURPOSES and we know the actual purpose was to GASLIGHT SOCIETY, SHIELD EVIL AND CREATE A PRETENSE OF NORMALCY WHEN IT IS NOT. Am Off-Grid and will not EVER again align with the WBAN of Wireless Anything...So, algorithms are your Master; NOT MINE. As for horses; know how to farm with them and until you do it to know the actual work it is...DO NOT ADVISE OTHERS TO REGRESS TO IT.

Perhaps, it would be wise to dig a bit deaper to find the real truth because as a Pfc it's not possible to know shiest. Most Officers you now work under don't know crap about much of anything.



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Stop using stimulants. They are not treating you well.

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actually his post if full of accurate somewhat related facts

Yours is rather pathetic

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Are you a fool, a liar or both?

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Will pray you rise up to explode the BOX you're trapped in with indoctrination/brainwashing...ALL OF US ONCE WERE TRAPPED WITHIN.

Nothing but love. 🙏🏼🌹💖

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RFK JR tells the Truth and shines a big Light on corruption on many levels. THEY have done their best to censor block and sabotage him because the one thing they're most terrified of is that the people learn the TRUTH. Because once enough We the People know the TRUTH and reach the tipping point, it's game over for these villains.

RFK JR is a brilliant brave kind evolved soul, dedicated to doing the right thing to try and save our country from falling off the brink upon which we now teeter into fascism. Your anger sounds righteous and even though I don't understand half of what you said I respect it and your right to your feelings and views which is very passionate and strong . In order to heal any divide it is necessary to look for and find and embrace common ground. Congratulations on being off grid by the way!!👏👏🙌🏾.. 🥰You have my utmost admiration. My fantasy is to leave all my devices behind, get a horse and ride up into the hills...🐴🌲🪶). Most of what you have said here I don't know enough about to dispute. I just know that Robert Francis Kennedy Jr is a spectacular soul of depth, vision and integrity ~ and he is capable of leading our country out of this mess. You may not agree with everything Bobby's talking about but he would want to sit down and have a conversation with you and invite you to prove him wrong because he's open like that; he's not attached to his ego. He believes in open, fair, healthy debate on any subject under the sun.

Jesus said, "You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.."

Truth is absolute; all truth that matters anyway. If we all want "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" then we all have to get on the same page (even if we may not agree on everything)..

United we stand divided we fall. Let us be united in the truth that will set our nation free from bondage by the Dark Ones who have captured us.


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Bobby has his own history as everyone does.

He has shot himself in the foot many times.

"we" are in the Ukraine "for all the right reasons" CSpan

Climatetardia past

Support for the Palestinian Genocide

No need to get personal, but we could go there

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Do you have the Courage of Conviction in Jesus Christ to actually do a bit of your own research into the real truth of exactly what's now happening?

God Bless and Keep You!!! 🙏🏼🌹💖




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Thank you. There is much I do know about what the Dark Side is up to. More than your average bear. I don't live in Lollipopland. But I choose not to travel down those sickening rabbit holes more than is necessary to deepen my conviction to the Truth. We don't get to the Light through endless investigation of the darkness ~ except to use the contrast as a launching pad for the goodness in our world We the People need to empower ourselves to co -create and manifest. I don't give my energy to evil. I give my energy to Love. Always and Forever. ONLY LOVE CAN HEAL THIS WORLD. Unlike the majority of Americans my mind is not captured. I have been a Warrior for Truth all my life. I find the current state of our country horrifying and sickening.

I protect my sovereignty and bow to no one I do not respect. I serve LOVE.

But sometimes Love must be fierce, like the Mama Bear. when she stands up and roars. She is not angry; she is protecting goodness and innocence. Her cubs are the future of her species. She is setting her boundary by saying " NO! " to the intrusion of Homo Insanitis. And we must do the same while remaining anchored in the Truth that sets us free which is Love. ✨💖✨

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the answer to one of your question is emphatically yes

higher CO2 in the atmosphere is better for the green plants our hosts

Sequestering C in the soil is what Regen Ag is all about. Do not conflate.

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Sequestering C in the soil is part and parcel of Regen Ag. CO2 hysteria is patently stupid.

This is high school level Biology basics. Why are people so clueless??

Reddit is the land of the libtards.

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This is such an important movement and to know that Nicole is so integral to bringing awareness and backing to the hard work some farmers are doing is great news. This is the movement of true food security and a healthy society. This is a national security movement and a global gift.

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"The more Light you carry, the more rocks they throw."

- Masami

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indeed, which is why they hate DJT so much

put that in yer pipe MM, and smoke it

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DJT is and always has been a semi-legal con man & bag man for the kind of high end money launderers that capture regulators instead of hide from them. JB is essentially a "made man" in the DC outfit. Fuck 'em both.

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I was impressed to learn that Nicole produced “Kiss the Ground.”

You might say that “carbon credits” are the opposite of regenerative agricultural reform.

Carbon credits legitimize the “climate change” hoax. They were developed in that context, in lieu of solutions to issues that command genuine urgency.

CO2 elevation per se is a non-issue … CO2 definitively is NOT driving climate fluctuations. This is just another government fraud, precisely as was the pandemic. Climate fluctuations are a courtesy of Mr. Sun. I cannot say there is NO concern with emissions, but the proper context and priority has been missed completely.

Our problem is POLLUTION, not climate variations. CO2 is essential to life. The atmospheric concentration was much higher in our geological past. Is the modest increase relative to pre-Industrial Revolution concomitant with a serious problem?

The appropriate question is this: what pollution accompanies fossil fuel combustion? China is the leader in coal consumption. That is a GROTESQUE pollution issue unless the emissions are scrubbed with high efficiency. What are the chances of that? The CCP likely does not care. In the US we have much cleaner alternatives like CNG and RNG that can be deployed for energy production more extensively. Not perfect, but it remains that we cannot abandon fossil fuels anytime soon. It’s not that we should NOT strive to produce clean energy, reduce FF consumption, conserve energy and reduce impacts of NG extraction. Of course. The point is this: Blowing away the “climate change” fraud is important because the fake “crisis” it promotes is a diversion from the neglected EXISTENTIAL PROBLEMS of pharmaceuticals and chemical farming that poison the population, the soil and the environment. Carbon credits are just a concession to the fake “climate change” model. Control of the most destructive pollution sources is, to first order of relevance, not synonymous with CO2 emissions.

The government, military and entrenched elites who push “climate change” demonstrated throughout the fake pandemic NEITHER concern for public health NOR for ecological impacts, as our hospitals cranked out 1M corpses, the worthless shots produced 1000 tons of medical waste and pharmaceuticals are being ocean dumped, as fish kills have shown.

Elimination of chronic disease means elimination of poisons in our food supply by means of ROA deployed on a vast scale. ROA results in significant CO2 sequestration, a consequence that makes it all the more desirable. ROA products will produce vast and sustainable wealth and a shift in lifestyle when consumers demand them. The irony is that the average consumer has heard of “carbon credits” but knows nothing about ROA.

The film pushes the climate change issue but that is beside the point. ROA is an imperative no matter what. It should make everybody happy. Even the Trump campaign if they ever figure it out.

Climate fluctuations NOT CO2. A scam: mainly Mr. Sun


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Your assessment is accurate and well stated. Why then was RFK endorsing Climate Hysteria?

Previewed A Gore's An Inconvenient Truth with a liberal cadre of peeps, before it was released. I knew Al was lieing through his teeth, and was alone in that realization.

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A valid question. I observe that RFKJR changes his mind when he gets the latest data from

the best sources. Al Gore does not qualify as a valid source but he made a big pile of $$ money on it. Example: Bobby came to a conclusion on Ukraine after a number of interviews but finally got to the bottom of it talking to Scott Ritter and Douglass MacGregor. He came out dead contrary to the neocons, assholes that they are.

Pertaining to fossil fuels he cites ocean acidification from elevated atmospheric CO2 … a possible concern but still somewhat debatable, IMO. Oyster species cultivated in Japan have a tough time with surface water acidity … indeed attributable to CO2 as well as agricultural runoff … but native species are not so vulnerable. It’s an argument that has to be reconciled with millions of years of CO2 concentrations much higher than now. Oysters are not a new species. In any case sequestration by ROA is the right path to pursue, not a flash cut shut down of industry.

I think we have to trust Bobby to be rational. He wants to eliminate chronic disease by eliminating pollution.

The elites who push the “global warming” fraud want to do it by killing everybody. I say they should go first … get the ball rolling so to speak.

Bobby will simply have to concede that CO2 has nothing to do with climate fluctuations and take it from there.

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Yes, keep pursuing ways to keep mother nature and our precious Earth healthy. Just don't try to sell us on unscientific concepts like "global warming" and being afraid of CO2 levels.

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No Bette, you are a slanderous traitor. But also clueless.

If they actually has anything on the greatest Pres. this country has seen,

they would have shot. You have the Derangement Syndrome, long in the tooth

and allegations, but short of evidence.

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RFK knows exactly what he is doing. Punting after a conversation is (in my opinion) not much different from printing get out of jail free passes. It is anything but Presidential.

I am agreeing with your points. It would take a book to unpack ocean pH.

The idea of "shutting down chronic degenerative disease" requires understanding its salient components. The Quaxcines are front row and center. None are safe, and none are effective.

He advocates for "safe" vaxs as it they exist. May as well advocate for saving the white unicorn population.

Fossil fules 'taint from fossils. Other than that little detail...

It is rational to go with the best possible option, that guy is DJT, the most hated man on earth.

hint: there is a reason he is so hated // hint hint he is also the most loved biz now pollie on earth and just so happens to have lapped the field

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Chiro, you should have studied history. The VP pick has a sordid one.

RFK was a fool to advocate for Climate Hysteria from which he has apparently backpedaled.

Question is why??

Regenerative Agriculture is the way forward. Too bad the advocacy has such a pathetic history of

endorsement. If Cheung said that it certainly might have been better stated, though this woman is hardly a solid proponent of land stewardship. Conflation, error of equivalency. sophomoric journalism all present here.

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