The Biden regime lives in a sewer of lies, but America's decline began much earlier. I date it to the takeover of government by Anglophile president Teddy Roosevelt after McKinley's assassination. From TR it was a straight line to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when the US Money Trust allied with the Rothschilds gained control of the US monetary system. It wasn't until FDR's New Deal that progressive forces tried to regain control of the US economy. Later, it was JFK, the last New Deal president, who tried to restore that control. Since then, the big bankers working out of the Federal Reserve have run the country into the ground, leading to $33 trillion in government debt and a permanent war economy enforced on the world to buy T-bonds that keep the war machine afloat. All this must be changed. We need a president who understands what has happened and what can be done about it. See my new book for more information.


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Big thumbs up 👍

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Biden represents in all likelihood America's last brazen hurrah! The world is now multipolar, notwithstanding the anachronistic and chauvinistic "America-first" pronouncements of Biden and his acolytes. Kennedy represents a new beginning and a reformation of our diseased American system. Can he pull it off? Biden is probably the least of his worries, as he is sinking in the polls, and dragging American into another war is not going to improve his popularity. The main danger is Trump, who represents the nihilistic -- raze the government and rebuild it from the ground up -- sentiment that has infected the large portion of American who is disgusted with government and politics. While Trump represents the vision of the Jacobins -- the wish to destroy the ancien regime, there is no vision of renewal. Kennedy doesn't adequately tap into the anger of Americans, as he wants to underline the message of hope. This is a positive message and needs to be broadcast, but he needs to find a way to tap further into the anger, resentment, and disgust that most Americans have with their government. Trump offers only destruction of the old sick system. He is not able to rebuild our country along positive moral guidelines. Kennedy has the vision to do both, but he needs to resonate more with those the many cynical Americans who are sick and tired of politicians, and have long stopped believing their lofty promises and grand visions of renewal.

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Ronald Grump has his problems, but that he represents the 'vision of the Jacobins and the wish to destroy the ancien regime' only demonstrates the abject ignorance of history, much more its application to our day by the electorate. Rather the present day Dimocratic/Dementia/Drag Queen Party and current Xo Biden regime are the Jacobins of our day.

That Ronald might be controlled opposition, if not a narcissitic opportunist; that while he talked a good talk, he failed to walk the walk, a good case can be made. Yet he ran on the economy, illegal immigration and the ME overseas wars, along with generous size helpings of unfiltered politically incorrect speech. IOW a return how ever imperfect to what America used to be, however imperfectly. That is most definitely not what the progressive cabal pulling the strings in the Joe Bribem's regime are all about.

Again, granted both parties are the respective sock puppets for the More Big Government (Socialism) Party, but DT is a reactionary, not a revolutionary. The latter better describes our current progressive Dimocrats who are channeling the Bolsheviks, who channeled the Jacobins and saw the French Revolution as a blueprint and ideal for their own. That, if they weren't arguably just political gangsters, instead of true believers.


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Please please do not divide us by berating Donald Trump. By doing this, you’re making enemies instead of friends, some Republicans will vote for Kennedy but not at the expense of Donald Trump.

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Exactly what I was going to say.

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I’ll try to hold on to the big picture. But ...here is Scott Ritter’s clarification of matters important to me. Disillusioning and disappointing.


I do not see justification for kicking Dennis out if the campaign just to please Israeli hard liners. Bobby had no reason to apologize for his speech in 2022 (End the Mandates rally.) Let the cherry pickers make fools of themselves and encourage people to analyze Bobby’s words in proper context. Isn’t knee jerk simple mindedness why so many Americans accepted the shots? This Israel business is a partial failure to properly instruct the public, Bobby’s greatest strength.

On Ukraine he succeeded brilliantly. Here, he messed up as far as I am concerned.

I need to see recovery from

this state of confusion and political machinations unbecoming RFKJR. Let’s hear about land and financial reparations ... all nations kicking in big money ... and lasting peace. Or something like that. NOT wiping Palestine off the map.

Never mind. Who am I? Nobody. Just a supporter and donor.

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Thanks for the Scott Ritter link. Unfortunately it hit the mail on the head. Bobby needs to step back and have some conversations with Palestinian thought leaders and those who would wage peace between Palestine and Israel.

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I agree, it was very disappointing when RFKJR revealed his “anti-war” credentials were a con when he demonstrated a belligerence regarding Israel’s crimes and astounding lack of insight and facts on the matter, repeating widely known falsehoods and Israeli propaganda. Then he repeated the trick with his statements on Iran, China, and now even Venezuela. He’s just as much as a war-hawk as the rest of the Swamp, the only difference being Ukraine. Such a shame, he’s lost a lot of potential support.

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Was Dennis Kucinich campaign? He’s one of the reasons I had interest in Bobby Kennedy. Very sorry if RFK jr. Did it to please the rapid monsters conducting war crimes in Gaza.

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The way to lose this election is to do what Hillary Clinton did by insulting half the country by calling them deplorables.

(We won’t get into Donald Trump’s dystopian view of the country. Suffice to say that his blowhard belligerence and corrupt cronyism only made the national mood and Washington swamp much worse.)

Don't do that. Bobby Kennedy IS the best candidate, but no one has an appetite for adding to the persecution, lies and propaganda about Trump. I couldn't even read the rest of the article.

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For trying to win people over .. you should stop bashing Trumpers... many of us are/were considering Kennedy until he became hostile towards us

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Another Smashing piece Mr. Talbot.

We are a fractured broken wounded nation.

RFKjrs charge to bring us back together “one nation…” restore , hope in beauty majesty prosperity and abundance for all, is Mammoth.

“We” as a people must echo the bravery of the courageous posture he has divinely ascended to.

“We the people” must walk the walk ,on the path of integrity , compassion, justice equality , generosity , love , kindness , courtesy, with Bobby that he is fording.

His spirit is indomitable -as must ours be to overcome the illness of fear and hatred and divisiveness that is ruling our nation.

“ We”need to once again take back America to be the beacon to all that “we” once were.

So “we” may live and show others how to live again. “With liberty &Justice for all”

This is not dress rehearsal !

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The thing about Kennedy is that he doesn’t fear reevaluating his position as he puts together more information. More cans of worms can be opened once he actually is President! I think he has opened enough for now!!!! Be practical,

we have no better choice whether you are Republican or Democrat. We have gotten ourselves into the fix we are in, by believing that any one philosophy or belief system is perfect and must be forced upon all others. Is that really how Democracy works???

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I’m confused. Didn’t Rfk jr just come out for military aid to the Israeli government last week? Didn’t he make a very bellicose statement suggesting that he supports the Israeli government in their war against Hamas regardless of how they conduct that war?

It seems like he is putting out contradictory positions. He seems exactly like Biden with regard to the Israeli government: ie American citizens should pay taxes to the Israeli government to fund its wars.

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Vivid and accurate depiction. We need better for certain. #kennedy24

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Bobby Kennedy, Israel, and the hypocrisy of Peace and Diplomacy – Scott Ritter – Oct 24


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Two things: US participation in the Vietnam War was started by a Democratic administration. There has been a strong pro-war component in the Democratic Party for eons - it's nothing new. Maybe some people in the military are living high off the hog but I don't recall living in luxury when I was an enlisted man in the army. Go Kennedy!

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I liked this article and I also read the Scott zRitter piece. I have to say that Bobby’s alignment with Israel excluding real discussion of the plight of the Palestinian people does not bode well for his candidacy as a “ Peace” candidate. Dennis will be missed if he’s not already.

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Brits set the stage for today's plight in Palestine early in the 20th Century and it is not easily addressed, as is obvious to those of all positions.

Will have to see what Scott Ritter has to say...

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It was very disappointing when RFKJR revealed his “anti-war” credentials were a con when he demonstrated a belligerence regarding Israel’s crimes and astounding lack of insight and facts on the matter, repeating widely known falsehoods and Israeli propaganda. Then he repeated the trick with his statements on Iran, China, and now even Venezuela. He’s just as much as a war-hawk as the rest of the Swamp, the only difference being Ukraine. Such a shame, he’s lost a lot of potential support.

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Yes please keep your views on Trump to yourself.

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