To me, the most beautiful reminder of God's love for us is when I see a mother with her child. For over twenty years, I've seen my wife and so many other women champion their children and speak out against the forces that Bobby has now taken on. In a few days we may well see all that work turn into a real opportunity for a renaissance in the health of Americans.

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Amen. It is a beautiful thing to witness.

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Mothers and their children are the most valuable asset to society. They have been devalued and undermined for decades. They are literally responsible for all of humanity. Act accordingly. When they marginalized motherhood for a career, this was a purposeful act to gut the essential essence of the family unit and replace it with the state. None of it was an accident or organic. The "vaccine campaign' is just the latest attack since 1986.

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I’m sorry, but who can argue with moms who want nothing more than healthy children!

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Well, the drug companies are in line to feel the hurt when RFK,jr starts to reveal facts.

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God bless these moms and God bless Bobby for their relentless, noble and heroic work protecting our innocent children from the evil, criminal, profit seeking corruption of the pharmaceutical complex and the deep state forces which have caused such misery, injury and death. God has a special place in heaven for all of you.

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May God continue to guide, bless and protect you as you do the HARD things to expose the vile treatment of our children, Mothers and loved ones.

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As a grandma I would like Congratulate All the Mom's who spoke up and fought all these years along with RFK Jr!!! God Bless all of you and your families and friends!

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Always been a warrior mom but Kennedy made that acceptable and gratifying

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The term for a citizen whose allegiance is to a foreign country and acts on that is "traitor." So, folks think hard, what term shall we use for a government that has betrayed its citizens? I would tend to use the same word!

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Kennedy's telling of how he was compelled by mothers of autistic children into investigating vaccines can bring you to tears. It's too bad no sympathetic senator at the hearings prompted him to tell the story. It would have been an effective response to distraught Senator Maggie Hassan's berating him for her having a child with severe cerebral palsy.

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Great post! Sharing! Thank you for posting this. And thanks to all the brave Moms who fight for their kids!!!


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You are the heroes of our society! Thank you for your unceasing work to help these changes to come through. We still have lots to do. Let's keep going!


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We need an Amendment to the Constitution to make 'REGULATIONS' legalizing crime or SUSPENDING the CONSTITUTION illegal a 'Capital Crime' as it is TREASON/MURDER and allows any number of other criminal acts to hurt people, destroy families and empower evil...That alone should be the highest priority of the current legislature in D.C. and every State Capital.

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Note what I just posted about treason

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Thank you for this focus on moms. To MAHA we Americans will need to reinhabit our homes in new and healthy ways, and also consider the need for ROLE EQUITY:


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