Well done!

Please write a piece dedicated to how RFK would end forever wars. As we sit here helplessly watching escalation all around us, supported by US tax dollars and soaring debt...not to mention starvation. death and US standing in the world thanks to the war hawks running both parties.

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RFK is to be congratulated for running a campaign that does not constantly denigrate the intelligence of the American public.

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Better yet he educated former Dems about the evil that the party has become

while highlighting the great harm done by the Quaxcines. Whatever it takes.

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Typical of 21st Century media, taking things out of full context,

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The fake news has a long and sordid history.

Dr. do consider that the guy with the megaphone who used it was

not RFK, but DJT. Consistently.

Readers of the now exposed fake news still have latent Derangement Syndrome,

but no evidence...

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There’s enough evidence to show that biden is a threat to democracy, how many people were barred from the ballot under trump?

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do you have ANY evidence for that assertion?

If not its patently ridiculous, slanderous, and stupid

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4 peeps like that comment, all 5 of your are fools

any fool have any evidence???

Fake news does not count

I realize Beaconites recently got off the Dem plantation

Good for you. Unfortunately y'all are homeless.

When RFK suggest to y'all that y'all should vote for DJT cause

the evil RNC would kept him off the ballots, y'all can move in to

a new residence

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Robert F Kennedy JR Our NEXT President ❤️👍

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Show this interview of Stephanie Grisham (former chief of staff to Melania Trump) to tRump supporters, especially the 6 minute mark where they talk about former colleagues who served in the White House.


(she wants more of them to speak out)

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Interesting word salad, but let's just be pragmatic objective adults here. Democracy is a well defined lawful process that is SIMPLE to understand unless one is a simpleton of low IQ, or without the understanding of accurate frame-of-reference or education. Unfortunately there is too much civic ignorance among citizens in the U.S.

All Presidential candidates are a threat to the nature of Democracy by the LEGAL CHARTER of the very public, Office of the Presidency within our LAWFUL 'Nomocracy. After all the POTUS is the lawful CEO of the Republic, but is powerless within the administration of each Sovereign state. That's the Lawful charter of the office of POTUS. POTUS represents the Republic as CEO of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government - the office does not directly represent the people in any of the states in the Union.

RFK Jr in no way whatsoever is capable of transcending this condition of Public Service for the Office of President. He's just a different individual competing to occupy the Office of President of the United States of America and serve as the CEO of the Executive Branch of our Federal Government within our LAWFUL Nomocracy. Period.

RFK Jr is not a miracle worker. He is not a Messiah. He does not 'walk-on-water'. He is a flawed human being, full of subjective opinions, human ego, and a demonstrable personality. He is a human being, and as ordinary, as are each of us. RFK Jr, Trump, and Biden are three peas in a pod. Three inherently megalomaniacal humans competing for the most ridiculous job in the world. It's a choosing of the lesser of three evils no matter how each candidates campaign lickspittles spin-it.

To claim Trump, and Biden are threats to Democracy and not concede that anyone who occupy's the office of POTUS is inherently a threat to Democracy is disingenuous BS. The office of POTUS carries inherent risk to the People... The actual 'power & authority' within the United States of America lies LAWFULLY with the citizens of the United States of America, who live in 'sovereign states' where the POTUS is lawfully impotent of authority.

The office of POTUS is elected by the Electoral College because the Office of the Presidency represents the Republic of States, not the citizens of each Sovereign state, who are Lawfully represented by their elected officials in Congress. Congress came first. Congress has the legal charter to 'run' our country not the office of POTUS.

RFK Jr is just as much a threat to the Nomocracy we live in as he is to the Democratic process used to select our Public Servants.

The United States of America is LAWFULLY a Nomocracy ffs - not a Democracy, and this is inarguable! Democracy is merely the process/charter we use to fairly/lawfully 'elect' our Public Servants. Grow up and get a proper education in Civic Law. The Constitution of the United States of America is RATIFIED as the Supreme Law of all states in the Republic. It is "The Law of the Land". It is the ONLY Law establishing the legal charter for all Public Servant positions, and the Democratic processes with which they are lawfully fulfilled.

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a very very simple minded retort, Reuters is the fake news Steve

Get off the plantation Steve

linking to the fake news is not evidence, it is stupid

Snowflake judges are in the blue states, Steve.

RFK cannot even get on the ballots Steve, wake up.

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So Blake used to write for the fake news NYT's. Therefor it would seem his proclivity is to report:

on the fake news: The Guardian, The Washington Post, The New York Times, MSNBC, Axios, NBC, USA Today, Vanity Fair, New York Magazine, Fox News, CNN, The Independent, Newsweek, ABC News, Washington Times, Detroit News, The View and perhaps hundreds of other local newspapers and media outlets.

He forgot a few: The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, Politico, Salon etc

None of that matters as all are the fake news. The article is thus without merit and useless

Would not be complete without a non statement conflating Biden with Trump as if somehow they are equivalent.

Jouralism 101 Blake, secure a useful topic, and write something useful.

DJT had world respect and World peace, think about that, had the illegals under control with the "wall", had a strong unwoke military, had a decent economy, controlled inflation, and a viable economy. He ALSO had the US out of the criminal WHO, think peeps think!!

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