A6761 proposes a new paragraph for Public Health law Section 2504,

“8. Any person, including a minor, who comprehends the need for, the nature of and the reasonably foreseeable risks and benefits involved in any contemplated medical, dental, health and/or hospital services and any alternatives thereto, may give effective consent to such services for themselves, and the consent of no other person shall be necessary. The commissioner is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to effectuate the provisions of this subdivision.”

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In NY State we are currently facing a minor consent bill which would allow minor children, without parental consent or knowledge to access medical procedures. This is the most urgent call to action we are currently facing. We will be going back to Albany in January to lobby.

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Are all pod casts approved by RFK, since you are using his name!

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Questions for Mr. Kennedy while he potentially re-thinks his views on the Israeli occupation: why is Israel burning olive trees in Lebanon, cutting them down on the West Bank, forbidding Palestinians to collect rain water? Why do Israeli soldiers arrest or even shoot Palestinian children on the West Bank? The problem with all of this silence or doubling-down on his part is that we are pained at the deaths of 6000

children in Gaza, the grieving families, the orphans languishing there without enough food or water. These sound like over-statements but they are reality.

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I am appalled that in a program on "the freedom to choose" there is no mention of choice to have an

abortion. In the light of the latest Nov. elections with this particular freedom being overwhelmingly

affirmed, it is time for RFKJr to address it clearly so we know where he stands. The same goes for his

assessment of the war in Gaza. I have been a supporter of his campaign for the presidency, but I will

not vote for him as long as he ducks these issues. Olenka Folda

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Pat B

Realizing this is off topic for this particular thread, however, I am not finding it possible to post this question elsewhere on the Beacon, and hope the campaign can supply a response. Thank you..

TO: kennedy24: Jeremy Hammond and Edward Curtin have written their expressions of deep concerns with RFK Junior's expressed stance on Israel and recent activities that have caused extreme loss of life. I would like to know what RFK Junior's current up-to-date perspective is regarding relevant Middle East policy, if he supports Israel's recent activities , so I can better decide how I may wish to align or dis-align my support with his candidacy. Thank you. Pat B. Texas

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Those of us (myself included) with these deep concerns might need to reference RFK Jr's entire approach and otherwise apparently genuine commitment to peace. (Maybe?)

Maybe we need to use our own best judgement based on what he's already told us and shown us in his own words ... to step back, look at the bigger picture, and consider reading between the lines?

Since this stance seems so uncharacteristic and out of place (to me, at least) ... maybe we need to acknowledge that something else is also at play here. (Like what?)

Dennis Kucinich was unable to continue as team player supporting this stance when he's so personally committed to speaking out and actively advocating for peace. Those constraints affect him differently than RFK Jr. perhaps?

Maybe... we oughta not throw the baby out with the bathwater ... just yet? Wait and see... taking into account all the overt and covert efforts by establishment forces to disenfranchise his candidacy. They're not so terrified of the dynamic duo we were forced to choose between last time. (Why not??)

Yet RFK Jr's courage and devotion to serving our country at extreme personal risk ... when he could just keep living a pretty comfy and easy life oughta count for something, you know? (Why is he willing to risk everything to run??)

It just doesn't add up somehow ... and just maybe ... we need to keep the faith longer? And keep supporting this campaign on some levels? What other real options do we have anyway?

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