Seems to me that Skyhorse needs to publish some fiction as antidote to all the COVID propaganda.

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RFK is fearless, which, as you stated, allows him to respond with a clear mind and an open heart. It is reminiscent of a child's innocent, and humorous conversation. Pure, authentic and harmless.

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This article was well written. Fantastic job.

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Great article! I refuse to be led by fear! RKF Jr all the way to the White House!

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I was just thinking about the issue of attendant to "blocked hippocampal neurogenesis." I'm glad Elsa covered it!

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Beautiful article, Elsa. Thank you for your wordsmithing and elegant analysis.

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So grateful for the humor. Thank you, RFK. Also, this is a wonderful article. I think it is so important to point out Kennedy's ingenious use of language this way. This kind of humor is an antidote to so much .

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This is a great post about Kennedy’s wise and truthful use of language. Thank you!

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Great article. Laughter is a good defense. And I think an offense targeting the specific attackers would be good too.

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The miraculous hippocampus, why I still believe Dr Christine Ford

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