I like and admire RFK, Jr. I agree with 90% of his positions on issues. (That's very high for me when it comes to candidates.) I believe he would make an excellent president.

He has too much integrity and courage for the Democrat party. He's constitutionally-minded, rational, highly intelligent and independent, and can't be bought or corrupted.

Today's Democrat party HATES that kind of man. They want corrupt puppets like Biden, Harris and Newsom.

His own party falsely discredits and censors him. They will lie, cheat and do anything and everything to prevent him from winning the nomination. He could get 100 million votes in the primaries and Democrats will find a way to keep him from getting the nomination.

For these reasons, I believe RFK, Jr. will be forced to run as an Independent in order to be in the general election.

This would work in his favor. The US is ready for a strong, good independent candidate.

Biden is thoroughly corrupt, utterly demented and a puppet. The majority of Americans consider him unfit for office.

Trump is hated and despised by half the population.

RFK, Jr. fills the right niche in today's political environment.

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I'm not at 90% in agreement with RFK, Jr. on issues, but I am 100% in favor of an honest man in the office. There is no way he will get the DNC nomination--he cannot even get Secret Service protection! I do hope he runs as an Independent: a large swath of the populace is totally sick of divisive partisanship.

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yes to all of this. we need an independent president, the two party system has to go.

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I agree but he has said publicly on at least two occasions that he will not run as an independent.

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If wants to be president, he'll need to change his mind about that. No way will he be the Democrat candidate. The party won't allow it.

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Interesting you say that. He just did a recent interview on Forbes and addressed the recent change the DNC is making to the primary rules. Under the new rules no matter how many votes RFK j they simply will not count. While in the interview he did not commit to an independent run he stated that he would have to look at hos options because there are many volunteers and donors supporting him and cannot go back to them that he's in this just "to make a point"

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This is good to hear. If he really wants to be president, he'll reach the point where he sees he has no other option than to go independent.

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We all hope Dennis Kucinich has a workaround.

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RFK is too-wedded to a DNC that no longer exists for him to run 3P. Too bad.

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We'll find out how much he wants to be president. His only shot is as an Independent. If he can't change his thinking, he won't make it to the general election.

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No Trump is not "hated and despised by half the population". He is ahead of all the other combined x5. He was demonized by the same uniparty that despises RFK. He will win "hugely" and is most qualified regardless of your 90% accolades. Kennedy is a seasoned politician and knows exactly what the score is. Oddly vocal peeps seem not to notice...

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I voted for Trump twice. He was an excellent president overall.

He is ahead of only Republican candidates by 5X, not ALL candidates. He's neck and neck with Biden, a slight lead as of a week ago.

Half the population DOES hate and despise Trump. I don't, I'd be happy with him as president again. I'm simply reporting a fact that half of Americans hate him.

I would also be happy with RFK, Jr. as president.

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No, half the population does NOT hate and despite Trump. You are INCORRECT. Some people prefer a Democratic candidate because they are for gun control or are pro-choice, their family has always voted that way, they are in farmland with needs that fit better with the Democrat party,

they are poor and vote Democrat for the programs and financial help they get have always gotten from the Democrats, they are in unions that pressure them to vote Democrat, they are young with little understanding of today's Democrat party, and likewise. These people may not care for Trump, they may even dislike him, but that doesn't mean they hate or despise him.

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half of the snow flake population perhaps, not even close to half the total population.

Trump brings out huge crowd 30-60K everywhere he speaks, even now.

Suggesting that half of Americans hate him is just parroting main stream talking points... Turn off the fake news forever or take your programming...

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Trump did some great things—Operation Warp Speed, 15 days to slow the spread, 2.5% GDP growth his first 3 years, Powell at Fed, surrendered to the Taliban, didn’t repeal Obamacare, outlawed offshore drilling, bankrupted the energy industry in 2020, Wray at FBI, Rosenstein at DOJ, Mattis at Pentagon…do you want me to continue??

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yes please, thought this time try to be accurate. The energy industry was not bankrupt, he did not surrender to the Taliban, and the GDP is ridiculous.

The Warp Speed allegation does require scrutiny. The long game is exposing the deep state to the people and he set this up behind enemy lines. Wake up as you continue...

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DNC is a criminal gang masquerading as political party

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It certainly isn't what it used to be.

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We must hit the ball from where it lies. There is absolutely nothing good left in the Dem party. The same is true of the PubCons. Both must self destruct. RFK knows this x100...

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U.S. Fed gov't is a Global Crime syndicate. I.M.F./CIA/NATO

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Remember when you voted for Bush/Cheney?? Lololololololol!!! It never gets old. ;)

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Making assumptions is the mark of a fool...

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As we watch the cartel that is the DNC indict Trump and his aides for RICO violations, the irony is just too rich. The projection, gas lighting and mass manipulation through partisan propaganda is jaw-dropping to behold.

I would never believe it possible if I were not witnessing it.

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Bernie was shoved aside, silenced, and paid off with cash and houses. He took it all and never said a word until he endorsed Hillary. The Democratic Party is an organized crime cartel masquerading as a political party.

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He owns a Burlington house, works in DC and like most owns a townhouse. Wife’s step mom died so she inherited a house which she sold to buy a lake one. He is bestselling author besides Senator. I don’t like his past two years of cowtowing to Pelosi Gang or his outrageous endorsement of decrepit Biden at the onset of RFK campaign but thought this smear should be clarified. And it pains me that he is a cariature of former self. But contrasting him to well rounded RFK who takes on multitude of issues in context of history is a walk back in memory of decent Dems representing their constituents even in Seventies. Burned by Bernie but willing to jump in the bonfire for Bobby. I hope Repugs impeach Biden and tar and feather his Clinton-Bush-Obama gang and I will relish watching it just like I did Watergate Hearing summer as a teen says this rarely voted for Repugs American. Someone needs to write entire essay on the FL Court Case Bernie fans initiated as “unethical” versus “illegal” does not do this Dem Primary rigging scam justice as to the sheer evilness of elite’s control. Most Dems don’t know the Con Game we are in. Rah rah Democracy! Anne hit it out of ballpark with this article. Deny us democratic paths, reap revolution of other means...rfk warned. Chicago Deja vu Summer.

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that is not the point. The facts are that each person is dependent on the DNC, a criminal racket for sure. There is nothing good possible under its reign. RFK knows this!

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I always thought Bernie was a fraud and never understood his appeal. His state is just a bunch of white people with no black friends wake up every day, do a few bong hits then stuff their faces with Ben & Jerry's.

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Vermont on average has the healthiest residents of any state.

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I never said bong hits and ice-cream were bad. They just go together.

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Honestly, I think it was a stick and not a carrot with Bernie. They either have something on him or on someone he cares about. Just my gut.

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and that is true about all of them, including RFK. What matters more are the exposures, and no one is even close to RFK precisely because he is running as a Dem...

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and that is telling, as you said the party is an organized crime cartel and worse

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Yep. No argument here! I'm surrounded by them.

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The parties, which George Washington warned us against, have taken over and metastasized like a cancer. Anyone who runs has to contend with them and the swamp that controls DC. It's too much and will only break when the country breaks, which could be any day now.

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I am not totally in agreement on the issues, but I am 100% in favor of an honest man in the office. There is no chance that the corrupt DNC will permit RFK's nomination (he cannot even get Secret Service protection!) I do hope he runs as an Independent: there is a huge swath of the populace that is heartily sick of partisan divisiveness,

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As a non-democrat and volunteer doing what I can to get RFK j into the Whitehouse I must ask Anne Keala Kelly what exactly is the path is forward via the democratic primary process? My hope was that Robert would consider a run as an independent but has already said on at least two occasions he won't. I have nothing but disdain for the democratic club, have NO intention of making any causes to redeem them because they are irredeemable and disgusting. They destroyed my town and my state and yet I am being asked by Robert's campaign to join the likes of Debbie Wasserman Shultz and a crazy woman from the Virgen Islands to vote in a primary. But what do we get those of us that see the possibilities in RFKj and are putting our time and money in associating with some even RFKj supporters that have nothing but hate for people like me. I hope the KENNEDY BEACON will start answering those questions because reminding me about a club that should make us all sick to our stomachs is beginning to feel like a waste of time. WHAT IS THE PATH TO VICTORY??????????????????

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Shelby Steele wrote of Abraham Lincoln that flexibility was at the core of his greatness. I believe RFK is capable of changing his mind on the idea of running as an Independent, or third party candidate, depending on circumstances.

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That would be wonderful!

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I like RFK. Don't agree with him on all of his positions but after watching about a dozen interviews, he is intelligent and thoughtful man who has integrity of his beliefs...my take. I think he should run as an independent, if for no other reason than to force Democrats to bring him back in and allow the debates. If they still don't then they can pay the consequences. Maybe they do it different next time.

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RFK, Jr. is ready for the reproach, smearing and abuse. I would like to think his spiritual virtues of being honest, compassionate, in addition to his intelligence, and capacity to engage with just about anybody, will prevail on earth as it would in heaven, way beyond the corrupt and evil people against him. Plus, he will only get stronger, as his light shines brighter with each day and our support.

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Can someone please define the word, "liberal" ? It is becoming a pejorative, the word is being linked to government propaganda, (misinformation, etc.) the tearing down of our Constitution, and excessive lying about obvious facts, (covid, etc.). RFK, Jr. is a moral man, filled with logical answers to questions. He has the ability to decipher questions come to reasonable answers and even change is mind when further investigation proves the need. Is RFK, Jr a "liberal"? What is see and hear, a moral, ethical, humble leader.

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what you are asking is what a liberal (libtard) has degenerated into at this point bearing little resemblance to its origins...

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I am not and never have been registered with either party. I've always tried to vote for each candidate based upon my convictions and what I think best for the nation/state/local government. That said, I have leaned conservative my whole life. Seeing RFK's struggles within the DNC is not surprising given what both parties now do to ensure their pre-selected candidate gets the nomination. I would suggest that RFK Jr break from the D party and run independent. There are many, many millions of us who are disenfranchised by what we see as a corrupt system. I personally know many folks that would vote for RFK Jr over ANY other candidate in the race, either party. Teddy Roosevelt broke away from the Republican ticket 1911 and formed his own party, but he waited too long and didn't gain the momentum to break free from the same corrupt two-party system we have today. My recommendation is for RFK Jr to make his move now, the DNC will never allow him to win the D primary. Trying to win within either corrupt party will end up with the same result, candidate x vs. candidate y...neither of which represent or have the favor of the citizens of this nation...but we don't have any other choice. Give them that choice Bobby!

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We have to stop voting along party lines like they want us to. Every American who loves this country should vote in the democratic primary and help RFK win the popular vote by a landslide.

RFK will be the best President in the last 60 years. Not only for America, but the best thing that could happen for the world.

The biggest issues facing the country are polarization, corporate feudalism and the war machine. There's only one candidate that can heal the divisions, unravel corporate capture of government agencies and wind down the war machine.

Yes, we all disagree on some issues. But I know he doesn't look at issues with left or right political bias, instead finds common sense practical solutions, never resorts to personal attacks, instead focuses on real policy issues and shows kindness towards everybody including his detractors. He's dedicated his life to protecting the environment, our waters, fighting corruption and standing by the side of the common folk, sometimes even at the risk of his life like he did in Puerto Rico.

"Every nation, like every individual has a darker side. The easiest thing for a politician is to appeal to our bigotry, hatred and fear. What I want to do, and what my father did, is focus on the values that unite us rather than the issues that keep us apart. We should be able to disagree with each other without hating each other." - Robert Kennedy Jr

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Why should anyone have to join that disgusting club? I support Robert but will not register unless I see a clear path to victory. Right now, I don't see it.

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...what SK G says!

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Your assessment is accurate. The club is beyond saving. The same is true of the RepubliCons. Both RFK and Trump know the parties are finished...

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You don't have to if you're in open primary state, so depends what state you are in. Some states have closed primaries so you have to register.

You're not registering as a democrat. You're registering as a Kennedy democrat.

Winning the popular vote would be a path towards victory. If they screw RFK then with super delegates, he can run independent. Head to head, Trump is beating Biden and RFK is beating Trump.

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In my state the clubs determine if they want an open primary and the democrats would never do that. I would never refer to myself as Kennedy Democrat because the majority of the democrats that voted for a Kennedy are dead. It's a meaningless term. I believe if RFK j ran as independent he could win. I doubt many of the so-called Kennedy Dems would have the stomach to vote for him if he ran as an independent and would most likely pull the lever for Joe B. Many of us won't agree with every box he checks off when the media asks him 'what makes him a democrat.". For me it's simple. He his addressing with actual policy decisions the main issues that are relevant to me. Additionally, I trust the man.

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completely inaccurate assessment. RFK has zero chance against Trump and he knows this. What is really on offer is whether the election will be rigged this time as before... My strong suspicion is there are insiders who are playing the long game as the country degenerates into the CCP

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Maybe, but maybe not. If he would have kept his nose out of many of the races, Georgia would have 2 Republican Senators. His base would stick with him, but many independents and some Republicans would take a serious look at RFK j.

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Head to head in GE, RFK beats anybody in the last 50 years.

Trump looks like a buffoon next to RFK, who'd wipe the floor with him in a debate

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Tis not some type of boxing match.

It is actually the who is the most qualified person to be world leader,

at least that is what it used to be before the dotard installed in the W house

made this country a forth world laughing stock

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Who is the most qualified?

Kennedy, more than any other candidate since 1968

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Nah, suggesting that only people who would register as Dem to vote for RFK love the country is sheer madness. You are suggesting that it does not matter what the DemonRats currently have degenerated into. It really does matter. Trump will annihilate all challengers, his popularity has only increased with every instance of lawfare... RFK knows this, he is no fool. As Candace Owens says, get off the plantation...

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I had the exact same thought regarding the similarities between the 2020 Bernie situation and what what they are doing to RFK Jr. I was actually in shock when Biden got the nomination based on the fact that he was not well liked and didn't seem like the frontrunner going in. Interesting to think where all those votes for Bernie went. We have to face facts, the DNC does not care about what its voters want, its all about their agendas - big money, big military, big pharma. RFK Jr. is threatening the interests of the people who back the DNC. Most people who call themselves democrats do not hold the same values of those who lead it and its a testament to the power of propaganda and media manipulation that they can't see it.

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It's shocking that a Party that would overthrow its own internal elections, would later be considered above the fray in National elections for President. This once honorable and ethical white nation, has become a brown melange of garbage. Nowhere better represented by a Party that subsidizes and invites in, sub 70 IQ miscreants, as it vilifies and gaslights the best founding stock.

It won't be long now. Have come to despise my own Nation, and its collapse is the only thing left, to put a smile back on my face.

Hail Victory.

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Ursel, this is a brilliant analysis. Thank you so much for forwarding. Still reading through it...

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I thought it was extremely odd that there was a lot of repetitive talk by Democrats in the years-long run-up to the 2016 election about "old, angry white men" who were "the biggest obstacle to progressive reforms." Next thing we know, Bernie is the quintessential angry white man, and everyone's sold on him. Looked a lot like cultural manipulation, military grade psyops. Be was invisible until 2015.

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This is nothing new. The D party never has cared about the preferences of its voters; to think so is to ignore history.

In 1968, they nominated Humphrey, who had not even participated in a single primary. In 1948, the Alabama Sec State refused the sitting (D) president, Truman, a place on the ballot.

Parties are private corporations (SCOTUS) and can nominate whomever the leadership wants. Primary elections are just popularity contests to pretend voters have a say.

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