Please don't forget the seniors as being for Kennedy. We voted for JFK and to us his legacy is more than a family. Look at Kennedy's platform, which you have outlined so well here. He is the only one who has a needed and sensible platform. Every friend I have (and I am 83) is voting for Kennedy. You might try writing about this as there are a lot of Kennedy seniors.

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Hear! Hear! The Kennedy campaign needs to pay more attention to us 'old folks'. I am a generation after Nancy, growing up in 60s and 70s, but even in my house and communities EVERYONE knew who JFK was and the principles for which he stood. (My mother was alt-Right AZ Rep. -Goldwater supporter, so I did not grow up surrounded by a pro-Kennedy dialogue, and am a 'black sheep' in my family). I am horrified at present talking to kids in DC in their teens and 20s who have NO IDEA who JFK or RFK are, much less other ppl and event in American history (that dates before Beyonce)!! This country is in CRISIS!!! And Washingtonians s/b ASHAMED of themselves. The city was BUILT to house the US fed. govt. and to SERVE the American PEOPLE, not as an amusement park for party hardiers. It is the most highly educated and paid city in the country if not world. However, the ppl here are as ignorant and ill-informed than any backwater town in existence! They either are drinking the Kool-Aid of the alt-Left Woke factions, or the alt-Right factions.

The Kennedy campaign needs to tap into a constituency who remembers what the JFK and RFK stood (and died) for, instead of just another one of the political families who have come to Washington to stay and financially benefit from the increasing size and bureaucracy of the US federal govt. and all the jobs in the private sector it is producing.

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Indeed. I cringe when I hear him use the phrase "Kennedy dynasty". I'm not interested in political dynasties. I'm in favor of a Constitutional amendment to make immediate family members (spouses, children, parents) of a former President ineligible for the presidency. Under this amendment RFK Jr could run, but wouldn't have been able to if RFK Sr had been president.

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While I respect your opinion, and also cringe at the phrase of 'Kennedy dynasty' (and 'Camelot' of JFK & Jackie 'O', RFK & Ethel, Kerry Kennedy & Andrew Coumo , etc.). DC (and NYC) are so filled with 'dynastic' families, that the country has become what the Founding Fathers feared - another Empire, instead of a Democratic Republic! However, I have to disagree that just by being immediate family members of a former president should disqualify someone from running. JFK & RFK were 'black sheep' w/in the Kennedy family (w Joe & Rose, Joe Jr. sympathic to Hitler and his 'Jewish solution'). I believe that JFK, Jr. was as much his father's son, as RFK, Jr. is his father's son. And, while the question of JFK, Jr. becoming president became mute when he died, it should never have hampered (or aided) his chances.

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This is encouraging to read. But what will happen when his huge voting base of citizens under 40 learn that he supports sending 15 billion more dollars and endless weapons to Israel so they can level Gaza and drive its people into mass graves or the Sinai desert? I ask him to spell out his immediate and long term policy towards Israel & Palestine in detail for open conversation. He seems to support the ongoing Israeli theft of Palestinian gas and oil fields discovered 25 years ago in their territory. And the building of a new canal that will allow them to stop using the Suez canal. Why does he believe this is essential for our very personal (U.S.) future energy needs? Is this really who we are as a people? Can't we do better than this? If not then why not? Please ask Kennedy to give us a candid and thorough geopolitical primer of our policies in this region so we can understand what really drives the world's seemingly endless power struggles and violent conflicts. I expect no less from our once and future Peace Candidate.

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There's also a large boomer contingent that is steadfastly anti-war and pro-peace and justice in the Middle East. Further, RFK's defense of the 1st Amendment was entirely besmirched by his support for squelching student free speech regarding Gaza.

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Yes. Let us pray he will.thoroughly explain the nuances and reasoning behind these disconcerting actions.

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And he has said he will! Do you think he could enjoy his holidays and come out fighting in 2024?! I know I’m going to!! Cheers.

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sorry, one must explain prior to or simultaneously

no get out of jail free passes, none

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I don't know how anyone can enjoy their holidays more than the people he has vociferously condemned to slaughter in Bethehem.

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I wish you well in your unequivocal support for murdering rapist kidnappers.

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possibly the dumbest of the day comment

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Which particular murdering rapist kidnappers? There are so many to choose from these days, one needs to specify.

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The Hamas ones that no one in this thread feels the need to mention when decrying what they consider to be Israeli aggression. Very convenient to simply ignore that while standing on a high horse.

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and you are pretty sure you know who Hamas is? Think again

Say something intelligent soon.

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You mean the terrorist group who took over Gaza over a decade ago and then committed a brutal and heartless attack on women and children in October? No why do you go ahead and intelligently explain who they are, fuckwad.

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Naysayers, let him be! Many don’t agree on your assessment of him squelching student free speech. It’s very disappointing to see so many attack him worse than msm!!

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These are not attacks, they're criticisms from supporters that need to be addressed.

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They certainly sound like attacks to me! Just goes to show how people interpret different comments and situations. Doesn’t it?!

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not so much an attack but an assessment, that is the beauty of SubStacks

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It is a pitty, but he seems to be part of the scam. Sided with an appartheid criminal and terrorist state? Only this, in the precise moment of an ongoing genocide, “the” war crime among the war crimes, shows that the values we supose he had, are not there….

Plus his position respect the “global warming scam”…. well, again: woth which power ones is he aligned ? Another contribution to the big intentional confussion between “environmental problem” ( that is real, and he contributes to this cause) and the “grenn scam” designed to opress us, to build the smart jail system world wide.

And third: never ever he called the scamdemic for it name, to the contrary, he considers it “a real one”, and never ever the lethal jab for its classification according to science and law (Dr. Francis Boyle, here too, is a light in the darkness): a bioweapon.

The “democratic” system and elections ( for ever rigged) is a dangerous illussion and waste of pur precious creative energy.

New paths we must develop to coexist and thrive.

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"... the U.S. is now being dragged into enormous, open-ended military commitments in two major world conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza ... In this tumultuous environment, RFK Jr. has effectively positioned himself as the peace candidate ... since Kennedy’s critique of the military-industrial complex driving U.S. forever wars is much more cogent and comprehensive."


When is RFK finally going to try to "make the moral case for Israel." During an Nov 1st interview with RFK, Jack Carr mentioned "you have a paper on your policy on Israel coming out soon in the next the next few days." It's been 27 days ... @ 1:41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzTA74WMeP0&t=5048s

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that is patently false and ridiculous

On Cspan he said "we" are in the Ukraine for all the right reasons.

He has come out in support of Israel. You think you know who Hamas is??? think again

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KENNEDY 2024 !! 🇺🇸 ✨

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What will Kennedy do to combat the poison of the Israel Lobby and the JDL?

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@Richard C

Not accept food or drinks from them?

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Jeffrey Sachs Testimony at the UN Security Council Meeting - November 20, 2023


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I'm with Mags Schneider!

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Treasonous Techno-Feudal D.C. Establishment. loyal to the Demons in Switzerland and London most certainly are not hysterical or paranoid at the thouht of a Kennedy Administration. The Fraud/Cheat Machine is oiled, primed and ready to rev to rock another depraved puppet across the finish line for the Genocidal Maniacs murdering the Constitution and pushing to BUILD BACK BETTER Institutional Slavery to make the Dark, Middle Ages appear as Child's Play.

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I choose hope!

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brilliant Heidi, no one would take your choice away

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In the PA Elections; it's possible to literally watch the Tabulation ERASE votes when being counted by over 300,000 in these last Elections.


You may CHOOSE hope; but the 'Preponderance of Evidence' indicates your 'hope' to be a deception; 'FALSE HOPE'.

Best to place any 'HOPE' in Jesus Christ alone.

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I think your sentence was rendered incomprehensible, likely AI. Simply calling into question whether the SS under the current administration would be trustworthy. Plenty of reason to suggest otherwise.

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Hold on to your panties Jason. Simply asked a question. One you cannot answer.

You could benefit from more bandwidth.

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He needs to address the mass exodus of the field staff with Kucinich. Is his campaign staff in serious trouble?

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Did you actually write this: "In this tumultuous environment, RFK Jr. has effectively positioned himself as the peace candidate, even over Trump, since Kennedy’s critique of the military-industrial complex driving U.S. forever wars is much more cogent and comprehensive. Alone among the candidates, he has outlined policies to address the cost-of-living and affordable housing crises that are wrecking opportunity for Gen Z and younger Millennials. In fact, this probably helps explain his significant lead among that crucial demographic."

After he deliberately shot himself in foot regarding Israel? You are publishing fake news suggesting "polls" attempting to sway voters, not with fact, but polls. Trump would still win hugely if there were anything resembling a fair election, a topic Dems who got off the plantation gloss over. How about honesty? How about reporting the merits of each prospective candidate?

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RFK is on record CSpan supporting the Ukrainian fiasco. Now he is on record supporting Israel as it land grabs and massacres mostly young Palestinians. Not that any thinking person does not realize there are insane Palestinians. How about keep out of foreign _hit shows?

Or prevent them like DJT successfully did?

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As far as this Kennedy's various warts, bumps (and the fact he knows NOBODY gets anywhere in US national politics unless they have made the pilgrimage and kowtowed before AIPAC?) The difference between BAD and WORSE is much more noticable than the difference between GOOD and BETTER. Especially since we will NOT be offered "good".

I have a sneaking feeling that the denial of secret service protection may be to leave the same "option" available as has been employed to deal with his family at least 2X before- But the Secret Service won't be to blame THIS time, not THEIR job.

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all are entitled to their opinion, even when the reasoning is not particularly good

You are pretty sure the SS could be trusted?

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The rank & file are probably as good and conscientious officers as any government security service anywhere/any time have ever been. I would expect them to follow orders well too.

Their leadership? It would only take one.

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