Of course it was a set up to try & pin the assassination of JFK on Oswald but equally Sirhan was not a lone gun man who shot RFK. I am exactly 2 years younger than Bobby Jr and have probably read most things that have been written and will go on hoping that the truth will be revealed in our lifetime ❤️✌️

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This is an excellent piece. Thank you.

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Thank you David Talbot !!! Have ALL your great books.

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What the government DID to us during COVID has forever changed me and how I feel about our government. It is not something I will either forgive or forget. I’ll never forget the humiliating way I was shit down by a friend when I suggested masks were unnecessary. Bobby, if elected, would be my personal revenge for all of this.

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David Talbot -

I've recommended your superb BROTHERS and THE DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD to many friends over the years., and I'm extremely pleased that you're writing for the Kennedy Beacon!

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PS David Talbot -

I'm sending your piece to my Boston Globe list comprised of fifteen reporters and columnists.

Others may want to send copies of The Kennedy Beacon to their respective papers to let them know there is considerable support for Kennedy online.

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Third paragraph, last word should be Iraq (not Iran).

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Yep, worthy of Sleepy Joe that one!

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David, I really like your book 'The Devil's Chessboard' and refer to it often. However there is much more to the Kennedy assassination that struggles to see the light of day, and a New Zealander, Dean Warwick, suspiciously dropped dead on stage at the Probe International conference in Blackpool on 7 October 2006 just before he was about to reveal who was involved in Bobby Kennedy's assassination. And it bears further investigation.

I stumbled upon this interview looking for information on the Lockerbie crash, and clicked into the interview simply because Warwick was a New Zealander, and I was curious about what he could possibly know about the Lockerbie crash. He also revealed that in 1968 he was in America working for a foreign government when he was instructed to stake out Coconut Grove on the night of Bobby Kennedy's murder. This is some of what he revealed in the interview with Dave Starbuck at http://www.whale.to/b/Dave%20Starbuck%20Interviews%20Dean%20Warwick%20-%20Oct%202006.mp3%20(audio%20mpeg%20Object).mp3

The day after Bobby Kennedy's murder:

24:00 – … The phone rings at about ten to one. The voice at the other end says, “The Attorney General’s Office. Now, we’ve got a problem here. We can’t use any regulars for this, we got to use freelance. We’ve heard of you Dean, we know what you’re capable of. Are you prepared to do this for us? I said, “Of course.” He says, “Right, … at eleven o’clock… District Attorney [sic]. Pick him up. Secure him. Stay with him. Whatever he wants could you maintain him. Don’t use any main roads, any cops, lose them. You know how to do it…

25:20 – We drive in silence and about ten minutes from where I am going to secure him, and he breaks his silence and he says, “We’ve got a problem.” He said he’d been under threat for three months with Eli Lilly, the drug baron. He said that if Bobby didn't shut up… and pull back from re-opening his brother’s assassination, he’d do him the same as he’d done Jack.”

The Attorney General at the time was Ramsey Clark.

What did Eli Lilly have to do with this? Well, they worked closely with the CIA and provided LSD for their MK-Ultra mind control program.

They also provided chemicals for the development of a cancer causing bio-weapon to kill Castro that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved with in New Orleans in the summer of 1963. He was the handler for a young scientist helping out with this tricky operation that had stalled. You can read about that story here: https://by-julietbonnay.com/2022/04/the-day-a-dream-to-find-a-cure-for-cancer-died/

The bio-weapon project came about as a result of two doctors, Alton Ochsner and Mary Sherman, trying to diffuse a cancer causing simian virus (SV40) found in the Salk polio vaccines by using radiation to make it benign. Dr. Sherman believed that the contaminated vaccines were not recalled.

These vaccines created a huge scandal which was covered up by the Eisenhower administration, which President Kennedy inherited. They did not want people to become vaccine hesitant if they found out the truth. Eli Lilly had mass produced 60 percent of these polio vaccines. The question then arises that needs answering: Were these vaccines responsible for the epidemic of soft-tissue cancers that started to appear in the seventies? Just imagine the lawsuits!

Today we know that the Pfizer mRNA jabs also contain the cancer causing SV40. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for.

There is a lot more to this story and many more dots to connect, but this is enough for now.

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want to hear another BIG conspiracy? How the left has somehow managed to convince everyone that Nazism is a right-wing ideology. When the reality is that being *for* bigger government (what the left wants) puts you on the authoritarian side of the spectrum. Authoritarianism is the fringe / extreme of the left. Anarchism is the fringe / far extreme of the right, which wants smaller, more limited government... And yet, we are called Nazis!


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That they "don't see us inside our homes" audio/visual and "dont experiment with anti gravity and faster than light travel"- there is some more of the establishments conspiracies also 😁

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Great piece. It's quite obvious to me anyway, that the reason for censoring/silencing RFK Jr is that someone, or rather many someones, are afraid of what he's saying. It will force change and change isn't something that people like. They want to believe whatever reinforces their worldview, and if he's saying something that threatens that sacrosanct perception of reality, they just want it to go away. In my opinion, the best thing he can do is just keep speaking his truth and ignore the naysayers and mudslinging. The worst thing he can do is put on the victim hat and whine about being silenced. I'm sure he knows this but the triangle of dysfunction (Victim-Persecutor-Rescuer) is sticky and intransigent and super tempting to fall into.

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Genuinely like RFK Jr. and believe he's an authentically good man.

This came across Substack yesterday...

The suspicion already existed from the fact of all the💩💩forced down our throats; but now?



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Why is it taboo to say the CIA did 9/11?

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But we can say that they knew it was coming somewhere in the U.S and was coming very soon. They knew of Middle East men training on airplanes in the U.S. abd did nothing to stop it.

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controlled demolitions. check out https://www.ae911truth.org/ scroll down and click on Building Seven.

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Because they didn’t, they never did that’s why they did it. Only projects that can be denied and only intelligence are CIA footprints that the rain sweeps clean.

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I’ve read all of your books and am in the middle of your current book The Devils Chessboard. I am no longer a liberal, I left that behind after Obama, I would however vote for RFK. Since making the connection that the NIH and CDC have no interest in our health and only in wealth and power I’ve turned away from all things Democratic, especially after COVID. The media has lead this country to believe that anyone that goes against the narrative is a conspiracy theorist and must be eliminated from public discussion. My hope is that RFK gains so much popularity in 2024 that the Dems won’t be able to look away, and that the public will demand he has a seat at the table. If we have another 4 years of the Biden administration we will no longer have our country.

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It is shameful to observe the lies, propaganda and labels that media applies to Mr. Kennedy. Rather than defend against lies, why not compare him to the others campaigning for office. His deeds and words are clearly showing that Kennedy is by far the best candidate running for President. Let's elect a good leader! We need him to show the world why America belongs in the chair!

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'Conspiracy' is the most prosecuted crime in America. When two or more people commit a crime together, the conspiracy charge is in play. This happens all the time. Mafia and cartels are one on going conspiracy. So thousands of times a day in America a prosecutor or DA enters a court room with a 'conspiracy theory'. They call it a 'case'. Of a conspiracy. At no point does the jury stand up and ridicule them, nor does the judge ban them from Twitter. Everyone examines the evidence and renders judgement based on the facts. So in no way does anyone, anywhere, ever really think there aren't conspiracies. They just don't want you looking at the evidence and rendering a just judgement when 'their' people are the defendants. There is a great documentary that has been around for some time called "Everything is a Rich Man's Trick". It discusses theJFK assassination at a level of detail you've never seen and has receipts for all of it. It spends a solid hour detailing every bit from every angle. It has confessions from the very people involved. It's an open and shut case at this point. Everything is known. The whole charade of secret documents that never get released is a sham. It's just you getting p!ayed and controlled ("we have to pass the bill to see what's in it"). We all konw the facts very well and don't need anyone else's permission to believe them. RFK of all people knows the truth without needing anyone's help. Yet he plays the 'official documents' charade too. Stirring speculation while downplaying all that is known. Just like he and Del Bigtree run their sham crusade against fake medicines, while assuring us the diseases are real. Not mentioning the fact of Kennedy owned hospitals who profit greatly from them AND do much of the 'research'. Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. Obscuring the truth in lieu of the story that milks the gullible class for their money, energy and freedom, until you have complete power over them, is the rich man's primary trick. The Kennedy's have remained super rich for 100+ years. They even have an AstroTurf SubStack to praise and defend them. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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